***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Larly, that's nice and bright! Congratulations! When are you moving?
Rent is pretty reasonable. You wouldn't get a decent two bed flat under £1200 where we live, it's ridiculous!
Hmmmm, I have no idea, mayflower, as I haven't weighed myself since Xmas. I think I had put on 2-3 kilos by then.

Baby has had a huge growth spurt in the last few weeks, so I imagine I've gone heavier - by a couple of pounds haha. Not really bothered, that's why I don't monitor my weight.....

I think we are at a stage now where babies are just growing and growing! 5 pounds is nothing, don't forget all the extra blood and water etc etc etc
I was a healthy weight and so far (week 28) Ive put on 1 stone. But don't think of it as weight. I read somewhere for a 7lb baby you put on 28-30lbs because of excess fluids, placenta, the fat needed for breastfeeding etc. If I put on 1lb a week now, thatll still only take me to 26lbs and baby is on track to be 9lbs!

It'll be what it is. I'm sure I'll lose it once baby is out.

Edited to add: I walk the dog miles every day, and my diet is 90% healthy. I have the odd chocolate treat, but I don't eat crisps, cake, biscuits and other junk. So I'm assuming the weight I've gained is baby and not me.
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Hello ladies, hope you are all well.
I will be joining you here tomorrow :-) xx
Oo, exciting. More and more May mummies coming over to tri 3!

I've not been around much the past few days. Suffering alot of with pelvic pain. My pubic bone feels like it'll snap in half sometimes. Had a growth scan on Mon and baby is doing brilliantly. Still measuring a little ahead (97th percentile) but he's still in the 'normal' range. My fluid levels have gone down slightly too. Still classed as high but as least they are not any worse.

I got made redundant last week so we've had a bit of extra stress to deal with which we could have done without but just plodding on.

Hope you are all ok....can't believe how close to meeting our babies we are!
Hi ladies had my diabetic appointment yesterday got one of those little monitors to check my blood and they will review in a week.
Today I had my first growth scan baby measuring a tiny bit big but all fine otherwise
Hi ladies, joining you over here as of today. Hope you are all well xxx
Jen, sorry to hear that! What industry do you work in? It's really dire here right now. People are getting laid off right, left and centre. It's so depressing! I've been quite upset/angry all day!!!
New May mummies wait for meeeeee!!! I've not been able to get online all day :D
Urgh am having a real can't be bothered day! Just want to curl up and do nothing. Hope this is not a sign of things to come for the whole of tri 3 but my energy burst from tri 2 where I was all productive has definitely wandered off somewhere!!
Welcome everyone moving over

Sorry to hear about your redundancy jenb

Willowburn - I've found tri 3 to be a bit of a rollercoaster so far. Some days I've had loads of energy, others I've just wanted to sit on my butt all day and been close to tears.

Well with the exception of my good GTT result, the bad news has continued. Hubby is having problems at work and I'm hoping it's not a slippery slope to him losing his job. He's the earner, so we'd be in real trouble if work suddenly turned on him.
Trying to catch up after having no internet for 4 days :(

Hope everyone is well xx
Welcome back Larly!! How are you getting on with your house? Xx
Not brilliant lol! Saw a house Wednesday morning we went for but they've changed the price and what's included so we've turned it down.

Tbh I'm not upset about it as the garden wasnt ideal. Got 3 more viewings tomorrow. One of which I love from the pics & cheaper than Wednesday's one. Just wanna find somewhere & move so I can nest & feel settled before baby arrived. Don't wanna be knee deep in boxes & nappies!
Welcome back larly I hope the viewings go well tomorrow.

I have felt baby hiccups over last 2 days :) it's sooooo cute, still very faint and can't be felt on the outside they feel really deep inside me but it's like a strong but slow heartbeat, the rythem is what made me realise it was hiccups. Very sweet :D

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