***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Larly I hope you get on ok with your whooping cough. Mines not booked in yet. Didn't have an easy time with mine, it was sore for about 2 weeks.

No idea which part of baby is which, it seems to like rolling in there. At least that's what it feels like xxx
I didn't realise what a pin cushion I'd be! All the taking blood, and injections we have to have. I'm covered in needle holes and I've still got my WC to have.

But I'm 29 weeks today and feeling good at the moment. On the verge of needing to buy maternity tops and I've got the bag out the loft I'm going to slowly pack my hospital supplies in. Using our changing bag as the baby bag.
ladies I know I sound like a broken record but how do you keep calm when you can't breathe? It's not after walking updtairs or anything, i'm just sat in bed and all of a sudden I feel like i can't get enough air.
I've said it before, I don't get panic attacks or anything but I can feel that the air is circulating through me, yet I feel like im going to slowly suffocate!!
I'm wondering if baby has moved and is sitting either breech or head down and maybe thats causing the sudden breathless feeling because theres more pressure on my lungs? I can't feel where he's lying at the minute.
Any tips?
Tri hopping but as I get this(its truly awful) I get on all fours and it eases, i can't sit up on the chair without getting it, its horrible!!
Try sitting on your gym ball, I have asthma and sometimes that's the only place I get enough air in my lungs. Xx
Hello can I join in please?? I am officially going by week 28 for tri3 but as it says week 27 here I'll say hi here! How are you all doing? I am due 17th May and very excited :) Baby is currently footling breech so has just under 13 weeks to shift :) x
My advice about breathlessness would be to sit and lean forwards as far as you can (stretching out your back) - this will give your lungs as much room as possible. Take slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. And try not to panic - close your eyes if it helps you relax.

It's what the nurse has always told me regarding my asthma.

You have my sympathies ladies - it's a terrible feeling when you can't breathe or just feel like you're not getting enough air.
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Thanks everyone, il try the tips and see if it helps. I try and be logical and realise that I CAN breathe but it doesn't seem to work. Hope you're all ok and all those having appointments are going well x
Afternoon ladies, my dad called just after lunch to let me know my nana has been taken into hospital with a perforated bowel. They can't operate as she is so old/weak that she will likely die under the anesthetic :sad: I've called to cancel my shift at work and am heading to the hospital this evening. I have a horrible feeling this is the last time I will see her :cry:

I know you guys can't do anything, I just need to offload :(
Tri hopping (again) ....Oh my goodness Durham how awful :( Sending massive hugs xxxx :hugs:
Ah Durham, that's really sad news. Hope you are OK :(
Jessiecat I had this last night and I literally couldn't find anywhere that I felt I could get enough oxygen into my system! It's grim :( I find for me though it passes so maybe it is baby getting in the way of lung room for a bit?! That is what it seems to be for me anyway. I'm going to try some of the advice you girls have given too to see if it helps.
Seem to have had a busy day today and feel more productive that I have since the start of tri 3 I think! Dog walked, horses rugs changed, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom cleaned including the oven, lunch made for a few of us, some paperwork done and now to do more paperwork and make dinner for Oh and in laws for tonight. I think I'll sleep well tonight :)
Struggled with cleaning the oven today as we have a range and I have to get on the floor to get to the back of the lower oven! Anyone got any pearls of wisdom for managing this at the moment, aside from just getting someone else to do it?!
Sorry to hear that Durham, sending you hugs.

Willowburn sounds like you had a very productive day. I know what you mean about not being able to get to things probably, I can't seem to squat done, so seem to have to get on my hands and knees all the time when cleaning.

Hope everyone has a good evening and good nights sleep xx
Morning ladies, thanks for the well wishes. Nana isn't as bad as I/ my dad was lead to believe and they think her bowel is resealing itself. She'll be in hospital for a while under observation but she's a strong old bird and fingers crossed she'll be ok :good:

2years ago today I was in hospital too, stuck at 9cm right about now! Happy Birthday Blake! I've been looking at baby pictures and am leaking milk! Oh the joys of pregnancy!


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Well had my whooping cough jab yesterday. Was a stingy one & arm ached for about 20 mins then wore off. Started hurting again last night & still sore this morning :(

Got another house viewing this morning & although it's slightly out of our price range (by £25 so not a huge amount) it's everything I wanted. Safe secure garden, ipen plan front room/dining room, decent bathroom, lovely kitchen & 3 separate bedrooms. Viewing is at 9:15 so fingers crossed for me!

Glad ur nana is ok Durham xxx
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Glad your Nana is okay Durham! And what an absolute beauty Blake was!! :D

Good luck with your house viewing Larly xx
Larly - you can always put in an offer. :) we got ours down by £100 a month :)
Well we saw it & it's :love: :lol:

Viewing one more with same agent tomorrow just to make sure then we will put in our offer :) very excited :pompom:

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