***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

It sounds like a good idea elliott and a bargin at the price, even if you end up not using it for that may come in handy for use after too. My pains have come back slightly in my hips again though. So ive had another bath and it's still there slightly. Going to monitor it. On the upside im 33 weeks tomorrow! Still haven't heard back from the hospital regarding my c section date so will be ringing up Tuesday to see if anythings been booked I think. Hopefully they stay put til whatever date I get though as they need to put more weight on! Xxx
Hi all,

Will try and catch up on everyones posts, so may be a bit long, sorry ......

Flosi hope you are feeling better now after last night

Tashawink lovely story about Stephen the cat :-) Is he/she still visiting?

Elliott congrats on 32 weeks, can't believe I will be 34 weeks tomorrow!! Love the mobile, very cute.

Durhamchance hope you have a better night with Blake tonight. Sorry to hear about you not being able to see you mum now, hope she's better soon.

Caseysmummy Glad to hear the pain eased today, and hope you get a better night tonight.

Mayflower I find if I'm sitting a bit too forward it hurt in my bits, but consultant said yesterday she's very low, so I put it down to that.

Jessiecat sounds really uncomfortable having baby laying transverse

Willowburn, re book writing go for it, might not get a chance for a while once baby arrives :-)

Buttonbear hope you feel ok now, you don't moan. I feel like I am constantly moaning about back/hip pain and not sleeping.

Bigbee hope you've had chance to relax tonight :-)

My hospital bag is all packed. For me I have 2 nursing vest tops (thoguht its always hot in hospitals), 2x nursing bras, 5x big pants, pair of maternity jogging/yoga bottoms, dressing gown, maternity PJ vest top and bottoms, breast pads (probably too many bit wasn't sure how many you need), toothbrush, hairbrush, lip balm, hairbands,little shampoo, conditioner, shower get, baby wipes, deoderant and femine wash (think it might be sore and messy down there afterwards ha ha!), just need to add phone, charger, money, notes, drinks, snacks nearer the time.

Had my growth scan and consultant appointment yesterday, they are happy with babys developement and have said no need for any more scans, they will just monitor my vit d levels with blood tests. They said baby is 5.3lbs now, is she going to be huge???? Also said baby is very low and head down. Next appointment with consultant is 40 weeks, unless she has arrived by then. He said he doubted he would see me then, with how low she is already!

So tired tonight, maybe I will sleep through the back/hip pain. So glad it's a bank holiday weekend, really struggled with work today and yesterday.

Hope everyone has a good night xx
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Baby has moved position and when he moves (hand or foot) it feels like it's grinding against my pelvis! Is horrid makes me shudder everytime
Blueeyes my son was suuuuuper low(once he turned from breech) and he was born naturally early!!
Blueeyes, is that the first growth scan you've had? I had one at 28 weeks and they estimated that she was 2lbs 8oz. I'd love to know what they think she weighs now but no further growth scans planned.

I think they say baby puts on 1/2lb a week now, so if you've got 6 weeks left baby could gain 3lbs. That's 8lbs 3oz roughly, so not massive! It'll be interesting to see how accurate they are.
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I'd love a growth scan as at the min looking at the chart thing in my notes, the Middle line has me estimated as having about an 8.9lb baby which is sounding big to me! People I know seem to have between 6-7lbs babies recently.
Ollie was 9lb so I'm expecting to have a baby around that size...hoping smaller though so he won't lose so much weight when breastfeeding.

I had a 4d scan at 29weeks and they estimated 3lb3 so going by the 1/2lb rule he'll be about 8.11lb which sounds about right for me. But only time will tell. It's funny really althou I'm smaller I feel this baby is a lot heavier than what Ollie was.
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OOh Tashwink that sounds uncomfortable with babys position. Sounds like this baby may be a similer size to Ollie then

Buttonbear how early was your son?

Mayflower I had my first growth scan at 28+5 and that one said 2.8lbs. I've also heard about baby putting on 1/2lb a week now at this stage, guess we will see :-)

Elliott I have only been having the growth scans because of my vitamin D deficiency, it can mean growth problems with baby so been under the consultant for them to keep an eye on it. I'm thinking 6-7lbs sounds a much better size :-)

Hope everyone has had a good day and has a nice bank holiday weekend xx
Judging by my growth scans and measurements, if I go 2 weeks over (highly unlikely if baby stays transverse but still) I'm on track for an 11lb baby!!
10lb at 40 weeks!!! I'm a petite 8stone how am I growing a preschooler!!
He was a week early and 8lb11.5oz so big, imagine I'd gone 2 weeks over!! OUCH haha
Depends how many of us manage May babies, I can't see that this one wants to wait thy long lol
On the up side bigger babies(not massive) are easier to birth than say 6lb babies due to the face they dont rock back up the canal after each contraction, they stay where they've been pushed down due to size! Lol

I reckon we will see lots of end of april babies!!
Think I'll be joining the big baby camp. My little boy was 5 days early and 9lb 1oz and my little girl was 9lb 2oz, albeit 8 days late xxx
I had a 8lb 15.5 oz baby last time at 9 days over. These babies are nearly 4lb each but twins are smaller on average than a singleton pregnancy. My family has a history of big babies though my sister had each of hers on their due date her first was 10 lb 10 oz second was 9lb 3oz and her third was 11lb 13oz my other sister delivered at 35 weeks both times due to high BP to both 6lb babies so she coukd have had bigger babies if gone to term lol. I was definitely glad of a bigger baby as he didn't seem as delicate.

Im still having pains on and off ladies. Popped to tesco to pick up some easter eggs for family and I counted 6 braxton hicks on my way round. I don't feel like im in labour but I do feel like it's not far off. xxx
Caseysmummy they sound like some big babies! Hope you're OK now and not too uncomfortable.

Woke up with backache again, but also really hot, is that just down to hormones? Our house is really cool, so it's not that. Was wearing maternity pj's, but just taken bottoms off and now laying with no quilt on, so hopefully will cool down soon xx
Be interesting to see what all the final weigh ins are and how it compares to the predictions :)

Birth and labour class for us this morning, quite nervous as not sure what to expect and last nights googlebox proved that even just clips of OBEM I can't deal with and resulted in me turning over and bursting into tears feeling pathetic! So this morning could be interesting! I'm assuming the midwife will be presenting this in a far less dramatic way than channel 4.
Caseysmummy they sound like some big babies! Hope you're OK now and not too uncomfortable.

Woke up with backache again, but also really hot, is that just down to hormones? Our house is really cool, so it's not that. Was wearing maternity pj's, but just taken bottoms off and now laying with no quilt on, so hopefully will cool down soon xx

I am usually always cold, but I've been sleeping in juat a vest top and knickers recently, and I've been waking up with no quilt on. It must be hormones?!
Hope your class goes well Elliott

Mayflower, my pjs top is a best top one, so ended up going back to bed in just that. Think it must be hormones then.

My sister has just text saying her little girl has got chickenpox, I was only with them a few days ago, guessing I need to tell my midwife? I had it as a child, so hopefully OK xx

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