Hi all,
Will try and catch up on everyones posts, so may be a bit long, sorry ......
Flosi hope you are feeling better now after last night
Tashawink lovely story about Stephen the cat

Is he/she still visiting?
Elliott congrats on 32 weeks, can't believe I will be 34 weeks tomorrow!! Love the mobile, very cute.
Durhamchance hope you have a better night with Blake tonight. Sorry to hear about you not being able to see you mum now, hope she's better soon.
Caseysmummy Glad to hear the pain eased today, and hope you get a better night tonight.
Mayflower I find if I'm sitting a bit too forward it hurt in my bits, but consultant said yesterday she's very low, so I put it down to that.
Jessiecat sounds really uncomfortable having baby laying transverse
Willowburn, re book writing go for it, might not get a chance for a while once baby arrives
Buttonbear hope you feel ok now, you don't moan. I feel like I am constantly moaning about back/hip pain and not sleeping.
Bigbee hope you've had chance to relax tonight
My hospital bag is all packed. For me I have 2 nursing vest tops (thoguht its always hot in hospitals), 2x nursing bras, 5x big pants, pair of maternity jogging/yoga bottoms, dressing gown, maternity PJ vest top and bottoms, breast pads (probably too many bit wasn't sure how many you need), toothbrush, hairbrush, lip balm, hairbands,little shampoo, conditioner, shower get, baby wipes, deoderant and femine wash (think it might be sore and messy down there afterwards ha ha!), just need to add phone, charger, money, notes, drinks, snacks nearer the time.
Had my growth scan and consultant appointment yesterday, they are happy with babys developement and have said no need for any more scans, they will just monitor my vit d levels with blood tests. They said baby is 5.3lbs now, is she going to be huge???? Also said baby is very low and head down. Next appointment with consultant is 40 weeks, unless she has arrived by then. He said he doubted he would see me then, with how low she is already!
So tired tonight, maybe I will sleep through the back/hip pain. So glad it's a bank holiday weekend, really struggled with work today and yesterday.
Hope everyone has a good night xx