***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Well ladies I officially move over tomorrow :yay: bring on tri 3 & meeting my newest blue bundle :love:

Had a manic couple of days. We were told yesterday we have to be out of our current house by 27th April as landlord is selling up. So went round a few agents yesterday & had 2 viewings this morning. The first was lovely and definitely a possibility. The second was awful. Still looking to look round one along the same road we're on now which would be perfect in many ways. Just waiting for agent to get back to us as there's currently a tennant in the property. So fingers crossed for that one! Gonna call & chase them again on Monday as we really wanna see it before we decide.

Hope everyone else is doing well after a tough few days xx
Wow you guys are busy!! I took the dog for a walk first thing then we went to a parent craft NHS course this morning. Wasnt thinking I would learn much but we actually found it really useful and I've changed/made up my mind about a couple of things now :) another week for our poor doggy when we eventually came in and now I'm shattered!
Urg! Just found out the neighbours in the other side of our semi are moving, and the neighbours joined by driveway are building an extension. Looks like May is going to be full of noise. Feel really gutted about it. Baby is going to be coming home to a load of noise and I might not be able to nap in the day like it's suggested new mums do. Really feel like crying.
Congrats Larly! I've only got just over a week left, can't wait to join you all xx
So exciting! Wow they'll be here shortly! We are doing a breast feeding class this morning :) x
Oh I don't know why but somehow I was convinced I'm already in Tri 3 hahah but have to COMPLETE week 26... oops :P My bad ;) Must have been because that 26 week day was a little confusing haha anyway...I've got a few days left in tri 2 then :P
Ah Orion what a shame you're upset- u feeling better today? Hope everyone's OK today and having a good weekend x
Ah Orion what a shame you're upset- u feeling better today? Hope everyone's OK today and having a good weekend x

Met with the neighbours planner today and he was a real jerk. We have no objection to the building next door want to do, so long as it doesn't affect the fence or have builders on our property. I don't think that's so unreasonable. But I was made to feel like it was.

With a dog and a baby on the way, I just want to be able to carry on with our everyday life as it is.
That's totally understandable Orion. Can't believe he's been a miserable sod x
Thanks. Just hope it all works out. Legally his workmen can't trespass on our property, but I don't fancy telling them off if they do! My neighbour is usually pretty reasonable, but his planner was full on. Stress I could do without really but there's nothing I can do about it.
Oh no Orion! I understand why you're not too happy about this. As you said, by law they are not allowed to trespass onto your property so if I were you I'd make that clear to them. Don't stand for any nonsense from them! xx
To make today even more rosy I have my GTT test today. And getting blood from me is seriously like getting blood from a stone. I'll come back all bruised no doubt :(
Oh good luck with the GTT orion, Ive got mine next week and all I can think about is how hungry I'll be!
Good luck Orion- sounds like you are having a bit of a rubbish time at the moment. Things will improve soon! Can I ask about this GTT test? I haven't had one and am wondering why not- do you have to book it in?
Willow burn-not everyone has them. You get it done if you have a Bmi over 35 or have family history.
It's not a routine test Willowburn. If there was a history of diabetes in the family, you would be tested. If you've previously had a "big" baby, you would be tested! If they thought baby was measuring particularly large, you would be tested.
If your midwife hasn't discussed it with you, they don't think you need it. Xx
Bring on the big knickers then eh?! Ah Becky haven't seen you for a while- hope things are going well and you managed to kick that awful sickness :)

Yes it's much better Thank you hun :) I still get my bad days but I have it pretty much under control now xxxxx

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