***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Oh gosh jessie!! Hope LO stays put a bit longer sending hugs xx
Hope you're doing ok Jess, wasn't expecting to wake up to read that his morning. Xx
Omg jessie i hope ur ok. If its any consolation my friend had this happen to her and those injections stopped her labouring and she carried to full term. Hope use r all ok xx
I've turned in to the green eyed monster today. The next room is mums who have just had babies and they're all crying away and I feel jealous that my baby won't cry yet :(
Oh jessie I know the steroids are awful hun. Have you had 2 doses so far? I think they give them every 12 hours and they will help your babies lungs hun. My friend had her son at 29 weeks due to a water infection left untreated and it caused early labour and he's 7 now hun. That's what kept me going whilst I was in. I hope your labour stops hun. Have they give you any idea on what their plan is hun? Xxx
Hang in there jessiecat

I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks today. Not sure what's different about today but hoping to spend this evening with my feet up.
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How are you getting on Jessie? Hope baby is staying put for the time being x

I've been dealing with tantrums all day, the terrible twos are so well named! He threw himself out of his pushchair 4 times before I managed to get the straps done up to hold him in :roll:

Is anyone doing anything nice tomorrow? I'm being taken to lunch and for a wander around Kiddicare :)
Hope jessie is okay, ill perhaps text her to see if shes okay in a little while once phone has charged. Im still feeling really rough. think this flu is back, my chest hurts and i can hardly breath out my nose and feel generally rough. Ive spent the day either in bed or the sofa sleeping on and off just feeling bleugh. My little boys been unsettled since i got back from hospital so struggling to get him to do as hes told this past few days, i hope he settles soon.
Ive got nothing planned for tomorrow and the way im feeling im glad now as dont think i could face leaving the house at all. Oh treating me to a takeaway tonight so we dont have to cook.
Terrible twos are awful durham, i honestly think that was the hardest time for me as a parent, i found the baby stage easy but the terrible twos is what im dreading for theses babies and theyre not even born yet lol!

Hi ladies, internet not great I've skimmed over thread and can see well wishes so thAnk you. Hope you're all ok.
I've become quite poorly today so had a million tests done, including blood taken from an artery not a vein which needed doing twice and gas damaged some tissue in my arm so currently lost use of my hand.
Doctor talking about transferring me to labour ward for one to one care as I'm quite poorly but still waiting to see. Baby still tucked in for the moment but still having regular mild contractions. My bloods have shown irregularities but they can't find an infection so hopefully it's nothing more sinister. Due more steroids at midnight, thank you for everyone's sympathy on that it's absolute agony!
Baby has managed another day though so that's good.
Hope you're all enjoying Mother's Day weeken, it's not what I had planned lol
Getting freaked out now. So many BH in one day. It hasn't eased this evening. I'm assuming they're BH because they're just uncomfy rather than painful.

Can someone please talk me down. I'm all on edge about them.
Orion, 3 in an hour is with being checked out. Make sure you're well hydrated x
Orion take a bath if its bh then the bath will settle them x
Can't get in and out the bath alone and hubby is out. I'm going to try an early night and I've read if you can sleep through them then not to worry.

I know with actual contractions you call if they're 3 in 10 minutes. I haven't had one in 40 minutes now.

It's just scary that I've had them on and off all day when I usually have one or two a week!
Jessiecat thinking of you, you've been on my mind all day. Really hope all turns out well and baby stays put a bit longer.

Caseysmummy hope you feel better soon.

Orion, can you call your midwife for some reassurance? Hope you're ok.

Hope everyone else is ok.

I managed a fairly long walk today (just under 2 hours) but back and hips are hurting now.

Orion hope your okay, drink plenty of water as they can increase if your dehydrated hun, try to relax and rest and if its still no better ring up for some advice hun, i hope they ease off for you, i get them fairly frequently everyday, a least one an hour but sometimes i get more, usually they say as long as theyre not accompanied by pain its fine but listen to your gut xxx
Awk Orion i hope ur feeling better ... am having period type pains atm so i feel ur pain about being uncomfortable x
Thanks for the advice ladies. I'm a bit calmer now and can think straight again. I'll keep an eye on it but not had one for almost 2 hours now so hopefully today was just an odd day. None of them have been painful. I'm going to bed soon for an early night. Milk & TV in bed. It's sad how great that sounds.

Blueyes - Unfortunately in my area the only place you can call at this time of night is the hospital, and I know from a call I made early in my pregnancy, they basically tell you to go in under the logic that if you're worried enough to call then you should get checked out. Which I do and don't agree with. Obviously it's better safe than sorry, but sometimes (for small not painful things) you just need a bit of reassurance - not a stressful trip to the hospital. On that occassion it was 2am - I called because I couldn't sleep thinking about it, not worried as such - and I knew it wasn't urgent so I decided to wait til the morning to speak to my midwife - who completely reassured me over the phone.
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Like you say hopefully it's just been one of those days Orion and it will ease now.

cers hope you're ok

Hope every one gets a good restful night xx
Jessie, have been thinking about you today. Glad the baba is still in there!

Been at a wedding all day. Knackered. Screaming kids + drunk family do my head in.

Have only just had a chance to log in to PF.
Thanks Bigbee

Orion and Cers are you feeling more settled today?
Happy Mother's Day to all mummy's and soon to be mummy's.

I was taken for chest X-ray at 2am his morning as started hyperventilating, I think it's just anaemia (dropped to 80) taking a hold on me whilst I'm so run down and week but obviously they now want to rule out worst case scenerio soared checking for blood clots etc. I know it won't be.
Period pain and backache continuing today I don't know if it will come to anything or not but had all the steroids now.

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