***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Orion, I feel baby move quite a lot through the night when I've gotten up for the umpteenth time for the loo. I quite like feeling him kick and wriggle around.

Strange question to everyone - do you still get those stretching pains at this stage? I've had some dull aching at my front today so hoping it's just stretching - baby been his usual self with regards to movements so no worries there.

I had that stitch feeling the past couple of days - that's stretching pain. I'm sure we'll get it a lot now all baby really has to do is get bigger
Oh thanks Orion, set my mind at ease. Even though I should know I'd get some was wanting reassurance that it's normal.

Been on phone to midwife again today re pain in the back of my hip, which shoots down my leg when I stand up. Told me its pelvic dysfunction pain and when I'm in clinic next Monday to mention it ao they can give me leaflet on exercises and show me what support belt to purchase as they don't refer to physio no more as it makes no difference.
Yes I've had a few 'stretching' pains too- think it must be all the growth spurts! Fruity that sounds unpleasant- hope you can find something to make you more comfortable.
Thanks Willowburn for reassurance. Last night my front lower abdomen felt really heavy like when a bad period was due so went to bed early so I didn't have to move. All seems ok today tho :-/

I've been off work yesterday and today re: this pelvic pain thing. I can function ok, just when in work I'm up and down off my chair quite a lot and I also sit in meetings lasting 1 hour plus on uncomfortable chairs. I've done nothing but rest and the pain seems a little better today to point when I get up off sofa I don't get that sharp shooting pain that makes me feel my leg is going to give way. Fingers crossed it doesnt get any worse through rest of pregnancy. I spoke to my sister yesterday about it and she told me she had it on her 3rd and 4th pregnancy and was using crutches as couldn't walk without them.

Will go back in to work tomorrow tho as I feel guilty taking sick leave and see if I can have annual leave on Friday.

I Find it strange that midwife said physio can't do anything but nhs website said they can make referral to one?

I suppose it depends on the source of the pain as to whether a physio could help. It sounds like rest has been the best thing, not exercise.
Yea good point that. Though she made her assessment over the phone maybe that they do something when I'm in clinic on Monday. Will see what they say. Moored up the supports and they don't seem too bad - reminds me of the tops of maternity trousers (the ones that come up to ur breasts). She also told me to wear big knickers for some support lol.
I'm sure if you remind them they'll check you when you see them in person. But they must hear the same symptoms over and over, it's not uncommon for them to know exactly what you're talking about over the phone. But if you insist on a physio appointmebt I think they'd have to refer you.
Hello beautiful ladies. Can't wait to join you next week xxx
Bring on the big knickers then eh?! Ah Becky haven't seen you for a while- hope things are going well and you managed to kick that awful sickness :)
I'm not going to push for physio I'd rather try getting through it as best I can as I can't be bothered with yet another regular hospital appointment. Will see what support belt they show me and purchase one if pain gets any worse the bigger I get.

Willowburn I had a little chuckle when she said wear big knickers lol.
Getting frustrated at my family. I've only needed to ask for help once so far in my pregnancy and that was a lot of hassle and I was made to feel bad about it. Well I've got 2 early morning appointments coming up and it'd be a big help if someone could come round and walk the dog and sit with him whilst I'm out. But both sets of patents are making things difficult.

Feel like I could cry. I'm very independent but if I really need help I should be able to get it, especially now of all times in my life.
Orion that's the last thing you need when pregnant and let's face it, a teensy bit more emotional than normal! I'm a bit like that and very independent. I hate having to ask for help with things and am trying to do as much as I can alone but sometimes you just need that extra shoulder to lean on at the moment. Can't really offer any good advice here I don't think but I do understand where you are coming from!
On another doggy note have you decided what you are doing with him when you go into labour? I hadn't though about it until the other day and suddenly thought "what the hell are we going to do with him when I go into hospital"?! OH wanted to put him in his parents house but I would be worried about him to be honest, which is the last thing I want when my mind will be elsewhere, so we have someone who is going to come in and look after him that he knows really well.
I've just realised there that I sound like I am actually just adding to your problems when you came on venting and potentially needing some sensible suggestions- sorry! That wasn't my intention at all- my pregnancy brain is not serving me well at the moment...
It's ok willowburn. My dog stays over at the inlaws when we go away on holiday etc so he'll be going there as he's already used to it. They live 15-20 minutes away so hopefully baby will give me enough notice for hubby to drop him off once I start to feel regular contractions.

I just needed to vent I guess. It's just so disappointing and this is why generally I don't ask for help - usually it's easier and less hassle to do things myself. But I don't want to be stressing out at hospital worried about the dog if my 2-3 hour GTT appointment ends up longer/late and the dog hasn't been walked or fed....
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Ah that's good that you have the labour side of canine sitting sussed!

Yes I don't blame you being disappointed and I would feel exactly the same if our little Dal was sitting waiting. It's not what you want to be stressing about when you are sitting in your appointment. Hopefully someone will step up to the mark for you.
Omg what a crazy day!!!
So: I can officially move over to Tri 3 today!! 26 weeks! eeek! Time is flying!!

Also: As I've posted in a 2nd Trimester Thread we were told today that our little boy Milo is in fact a girl! Sooo... yup, seems like we are having two little girls! Can't believe it... what a day!
Very productive morning. Our hallway needs refreshing and sorted buying paint, new blind and carpet in under two hours. Very happy :)

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