***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I made a list for myself and a list for babies for hospital bag, packed what I already had for me in my bag and ticked them off the list and going to do the rest as I buy it, I have a couple of things such as dark towel, flip flops and maternity pads to put in my bag, haven't started babies yet, need to wash their clothes first and im unsure of how many clothes to take for them, I took far too many for my son, but will be in for a couple of days minimum this time and there's 2 to pack for? What would you ladies advise clothing wise to pack for 2 babies that will keep them going for a couple of days (anything longer ill have a bag at home ready my oh can bring in) and with them being twins and already being on the smaller size I was planning on taking tiny baby which is up to 6-7lb I think. Would you take any smaller just in case? They're weighing just under 2lb atm according to scans but I know it's not always very accurate to how much they actually weigh. Glad your hips feeling better jessie, I haven't actually done much this week bar sit on the sofa resting so im not sure why they're playing up so much again, but I don't think im going to be able to get out of going today either so im just going to hobble around as best I can I think xxx
I've got an idea of what I need to take to the hospital, but it's quantities I am struggling with! How many nappies? How many maternity pads? That kinda thing.
This is my list so far for anyone it might help, seems to be tons on there but its still a work in progress.

Hospital Bag:​
Pregnancy notes
Nighties + pjs
Dressing gown
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Toiletries – shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, flannel, hand cream
Make up + lipbalm
Hair clip and bobbles
Clothes for going home
Nursing bras
Plastic bag for dirty clothes

Sleepsuits x5
Vests x5
Scratch mitts
Cardigan x2
Cotton wool
Nappy sasks
Muslin squares
Hats x2

With my son I didn't take nearly enough baby clothes and had to keep sending my partner out for vests and things so i will by taking quuite a few.
Caseysmummy i'd be be tempted to take 8-10 sleep suits for twins? My hospital bag is based on a section so im also planning a few days in. I think it's a good idea having an extra bag packed at home for someone to bring in to you if needed though.
I've got an idea of what I need to take to the hospital, but it's quantities I am struggling with! How many nappies? How many maternity pads? That kinda thing.

Nappy wise i'm just taking a small packet with me and maternity pads I think 2 packs as I needed a lot last time.
Jessie thanks so much for posting your list- I haven't started on my hospital bag at all yet and was thinking the other day I should really start thinking about what I need!
Hello Button and Caseysmummy- tri 3 and not long left! x
I think they say 8-10 nappies per day per baby. But I'm only taking a few and if I need more my Mum can bring some in or buy more from ASDA which is just round the corner xx
Jessie thanks so much for posting your list- I haven't started on my hospital bag at all yet and was thinking the other day I should really start thinking about what I need!
Hello Button and Caseysmummy- tri 3 and not long left! x

no probs, i thought id might encourage others to do so as well and get the bnall rolling :)
Im bound to have forgotten something so if anyone wants to suggest anything please feel free :)
Im going to start packing babies bag this weekend, im probably going to have a section also if I get to 36 weeks, have seen a few bits on your list which I haven't thought of jessie which I will add to my list/bag etc so thank you jessie! I've popped 2 small packs of nappies in my bag for my 2 and will also maybe pop a box in my boot so that their available if I need them. I'm so excited ladies, I've finally found a tandem pushchair that you can use 2 car seats with and that both seats rear face as they grow into the seat units, 120 all included delivery from a local lady who sells and refurbishes pushchairs so im dead chuffed! Xxx
After my stint in hospital the other day I feel SO unprepared so going to be packing my bags this weekend/week will put my mind at rest i think.
I think I've got pretty much eveything I need for my bag, just need to do some baby washing and actually put stuff in bags. Do we need to take a towel for baby?

Is anyone else struggling to be on their feet for too long? I took the kids to the farm today, and I kept having to sit down otherwise I felt sick, my bump started to ache and just felt rubbish. As soon as I sat down for a bit I felt fine again?
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I cant stand for more than 30 mins this week but I think i may have some baldder infection causing my pains/cramps etc

But I am definitely super tired again and can barely put my socks on haha!!
I think I've got pretty much eveything I need for my bag, just need to do some baby washing and actually put stuff in bags. Do we need to take a towel for baby?

Is anyone else struggling to be on their feet for too long? I took the kids to the farm today, and I kept having to sit down otherwise I felt sick, my bump started to ache and just felt rubbish. As soon as I sat down for a bit I felt fine again?

I never took a towel for my LO Mayflower; we were only in hospital for 24 hours after he was born and he never got a bath while we were there. I'd imagine if you are in long enough to bath LO they'll be able to provide a towel for you. Xx
i also struggle to stand for too long even when my hips not playing up, tiredness is definitely creeping back in i cud actually sleep for weeks lol. im sure when i have my blood tests done a week on tuesday im going to come back that i need iron tablets again but if they give me more energy it will definitely be worth it, is anyone else finding baby moving slightly tender now, Baby a is still head down as i can feel all her kicks at the top left of my bump and shes constantly moving what im sure is either a foot or a knee up and down and its sore now, Baby b is tucked away behind my placenta again and im sure shes breech again because i feel her kicks either really low down or get huge thuds by my belly button and thats not so sore. xxx
I'm fine with thekicks but constantly have a knee or elbow pressed up against my Betty bunnon so every On my way! He moves he screamed it across me, hubby goes mad but I instinctively push him back in lol. It does make me feel very sore though as always makes me jump.
Having your bag packed is definitely a calming thing to do.

I'm not going OTT on packing though - the hospital won't let baby go without a towel or nappy if they need it, they just like you to bring your own supply so 1) it saves the hospital money, and 2) you're not bugging the midwives asking them to fetch you supplies. The same goes for maternity pads - I'm taking 20 and if I need more I'm sure the staff won't let me just sit there with nothing, making more mess for them!

There are a few tips friends have given me though - taking things like straws, lucozade, sugar-free mints, lip balm, warm socks, earplugs/headphones, slippers you can put on without bending, and plenty of change for vending machines and car park.
Also, how many nappies are you buying to start with? I don't want a huge stock of them but also don't want to be running out in the middle of the night on day 3!

I've got 1 x pack of 23 and 1 x pack of 39.
I've got 1 pack of 44 so far. Going to buy a couple more from Aldi in different sizes. They're only £3-4 a pack, so not worried if they're not right.
I've been looking at moses basket mattresses etc today and it got me thinking about the pram carrycot. Do I need to buy sheets for the pram matress? No idea what size it is as it came with the pram which is still boxed up.
I bought 2 "pram" sheets from Babies R Us. I think they're the same size as Moses basket sheets, I've not tried them on the pram yet though.

The cover on my carrycot mattress is removable and washable, but thought it might be best to have an extra layer on there in case!
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