***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

omg durham so you could have your little bundle this time next week.

girls i have to admit it i am so so jealous haha...

I want my baby here lol. My little baby is giving me pains on n off but i suppose they are probably just braxton hicks :(... boooo.

I wake up every morning feelin like my little bundle is gonna fall out and my back be's in AGONY and i have period cramps but they amount to nothing and are more constant than on n off.. I do keep getting lightening pains but my app on tuesday showed the baby was still sitting at the brim of my cervix.

Hows everyone elses symptoms spotting? lol
Congrats Jessie!

I'm in hospital at the moment, didn't get a choice in the end as baby is not happy so currently on ward having had a propess to try and move things along.
Cers I feel the same I am beyond unsettled and uncomfy, odd pains, backache, feeling like shes falling out shes that engaged! I want my baby!! Lol

Monkeynut good luck!!
Oh Durhamchance...thats unbelievable it had moved again within those couple of hours, how naughty. You really cant trust it will stay head down then if its that spinny, must be nerve wracking for u. Are u aware of it when it makes those big moves? Try to enjoy your weekend at home, baby will be here within the week at least...exciting!!x

And hello to the rest of the May mummys....looks like things are starting to get busy in here x
congrats jessie! cant wait to see some pictures of little joseph!

Mayflower i have a feeling its the start of something for you,i really dont think it will be long before your little girl is here.

what a cheeky monkey you have durham! not long now and youll be meeting your little one!
Congratulations Jessie love the babe Joseph :)

Mayflower the signs are there for you to have your baby I'm sure!

Durham chance that's so frustrating but good that you are going into hosp. Just not worth the stress at this point xxx
Jessiecat - Ahh congratulations on baby Joseph (lovely name). Hope you are both recovering well. Looking forward photos.

Durham your little one likes to keep you on your toes! Sorry o hear you are having to be admitted Sunday, must be worrying with baby constantly changing position.

Mayflower sounds like things are progressing or you.

Cers and button - same here, lots of tightenings, cramps and back pain going on too.

Monkeynut sorry to hear you are still having issues with baby's position.

Hope everyone has a good night xx
Morning ladies

Here's hoping- yes, now it's so big I can tell when it's making a move. This morning it's head is over my right hip, it was the left hip yesterday! Neither me or the doctors know why it's avoiding my pelvis, thank goodness modern medicine means I can still get it out. It's exciting to know that it should be here by this time next week :good:

Good luck Monkeynut, I hope things are progressing for you now!

It's exciting to see some of the rest if you having pains and plugs! I can't wait to see more may babies popping out. Mayflower- did you make us a thread in Baby and Toddler? Xxx
So all night ive had really bad pains waking me up etc but now its dulled to just period style pains. ARG! what is my body doing :(
I would guess it's getting ready Button ;) pre-labour can be so long and frustrating!
I never had this with my son was very spontaneous and quick. This is driving me nuts lol!
OMG had a really bad night. Up being sick and going to the toilet. Feel so sick today.

I had similar on Tuesday night and nothing happened. I hope this time it does. I don't want another night like that.

Sofa day for me unless baby has other plans...
Had such a shitty night. Pains on n off but not contractions. Woke today walked into town and had some seriously bad pain in my pelvis. Although im annoyed cos my body seems a bit crazy im so excited because i bought my first car and im getting it today lol.
I think there's gonna be a baby boom in this thread any day going by all the aches and pains :-D. Good luck ladies!!
Sounds like most have had a shitty night...

Cers, congratulations on the car! Exciting, isn't it!

I too had some period-style pains during the night. Baby was quite quiet last night, but has been happily jabbing me in the ribs this morning.

I think it's a chilling day for me too :) gonna eat some grapes and watch TV :)
I've had the 24hr propess inserted last night, been contracting since about 2.30am, but things have ramped up in the last hour or two. Just had some co codamol then will probably be examined/have my waters broken.

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