* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ooh another baby! How cool! There's no stopping them now! I've just got into bed and right on cue these low down periody cramps are happening again. Only seems to do it when I go to bed, wonder if the baby is starting to engage and it's the pressure from that I can feel? X
Wow congratulations to all the new may mummies! Lovely news, they are defo all coming at once : ) I can't keep up! Are we updating the frojt page with all the birth announcements at some point? Xxxx
Happy due date to me! Woken by the sound of my father in law talking downstairs at the top of his voice at 7am! (His choice of time!) It's great that he's come to help put plasterboard up but 8am would've done nicely thank you. This is the earliest he's been here since we started the extension in mid January! I'm beginning to loathe the sound of a drill! Best get up and plaster on a smile! Excuse the pun! X
Well here I am over bloody due I just knew it would happen grrr plenty of braxtons going on n wat not but nothing real this heat doesn't help either such a moody cow n all next week I'm gonna be getting u not had that baby yet ! No piss off idiots grrr, congrats Ashleigh well done :) wander who's next eh plz let it be me lol plzzzzzzz xx
Blimey its so difficult to catch up with all these babies popping out!
I had a major crying fit last night, locked myself in the bathroom and bawled my eyes out. Think it's just the last few weeks are actually so difficult to deal with! X
Sorry to hear that jazzy. Hugs!

Fingers crossed it won't be long for us Jojo, this heat isn't helping me either. I've had those texts already! For about two weeks! Any time now! Not long now! Any signs? Like that means anything? I knew that before I was pregnant! Why don't other people? And oh but I'm just excited for you! I feel like saying, but that doesn't mean you need to act thick!!! Also, people seem to want to know when I'm in labour? Who gets to make demands like that? Strange!
Happy due date to you Vic. Hope you you or jojo are next :-)
Well sex last night didn't happen as oh fell asleep! For once it was actually me that wanted it! Typical. I'm just laying in bed and it's soo hot think it might just have to be a day in the garden for me. The thought of going into labour in this weather really doesn't appeal to me. Lol xx
Thanks ladies, hopefully some sunshine today will brighten my mood. I can certainly see how people get depressed towards the end of their pregnancies! A mixture of being fed up and the not knowing when it's gonna end!

I have yet to get my oh to dtd with me. That's such a task itself!

Happy due date Vic! Fingers crossed things get moving for you and for Jojo!

I think,this walking has maybe engaged baby further, I feel I need a number 2 but nothing happens. And weird stabby/scratchy pains down below. Baby seems a bit quiet this morning gonna have breakfast and a shower and try and wake him up. X
Up most of the night here! Soaked through 3 pads with a blood tinged very watery discharge. Every time I moved more gushed out. Phoned midwife unit and they said it sounds like water has gone. No contractions though. Not sure what to do now really. Midwife said will have to go to hospital after 24 hrs if no progress :(. Said I could go in to midwife unit to be checked.
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And another wow they really are all making an appearance it must be this lovely weather were having :-) good luck kautostar hope things get moving for you soon. Nipple stimulation worked for me ;-) xxx
How exciting kautostar!! We have the same due date so this makes me very jealous - at least the end is in sight for you now!!

Sorry you've been feeling crappy Jazzy, I completely understand how you feel though. It's the not knowing that's the worst. I can't bear the thought of doing this for another three weeks and being harrassed by everyone I know!!

Happy due date Vic, I hope things get moving for you soon - and you jojo!! Lots more babies this weekend please!! x
Ooh kautostar - fingers crossed it's soon for you.

Thanks Cherry!

I should be appreciative of this lovely weather but I just want it to be cold! I'm too tired, weak, hot and dizzy arghhh! Moan, moan and more moan! Going out somewhere this afternoon with hubby to celebrate due date...still to decide where! Sunday lunch in a stuffy pub is a no no! I was thinking afternoon tea might be better at the hotel where we got married! Or we have a nice huge park/picnic area near us with lakes to wander round and with a lovely coffee shop. Cake is always good! Might be busy. Oh we'll see! Could go into labour instead! That's always an option!!! Lol x
Midwife came out to see me. Pad showed water has gone and baby has pooed so off to hospital now for probable induction.
Thanks for your support will update as soon as I can.
Oohh exciting news Kautostar - will be looking out for updates. Wow it's getting difficult to keep up with all these births, they're all coming at once!! Congratulations to all the ladies who have had their babies already :-) I'm hoping I go into labour in the next 2 days before I am induced on Tuesday but no sign of anything happening yet, just uncomfortable period cramps in the evenings. Xxx
Oohh, wishing you lots of luck Kautostar - hopefully not long now xxx
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