* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Congratulations chg! :)

I may have some news soon, so long as my body isn't tricking me this time lol. I've told Victoria what's happening and she may start my labour thread soon, yay!

Basically, I started having tightenings hourly from around 1am. From 5:30 to 7:30 I had contractions every 10 minutes, but they stopped when I got up, arghh. Since then I've had irregular contractions which are quite uncomfortable and just like the ones I had the morning I gave birth to my 3yr old.

Saw midwife at 11am. Baby is engaging - only 1/5th down, but normal for second+ mums to have baby drop completely right at the last minute. Uterus is measuring 40+5, so should be as big as I'm gonna get lol!

Now sitting on my birthing ball drinking pineapple juice lol. Fingers crossed these contractions develop some kind if pattern and then I'll believe it's actually happening!
Oooh exciting news Suffolk! Fingers crossed this is it!!

I've been feeling horrific all day, really nauseous, achey with a dodgy tummy. I think I overdid the gardening yesterday :( xx
Aww congrats she is gorgeous! Our little princess arrived this morning at 7.04am will put some pics up later xxx
Ooh, fingers crossed Suffolkmum, look forward to hearing news xx
Congrats to all the new May mummies! :D

Due date today - or should that not be date when you have only a 5% chance of baby arriving! I'm not holding out any hope of a punctual arrival. Baby is going to be late (like its Daddy!)
Congrats Annabelle! Think all of these May babies are going to come at once!! Exciting
Loving seeing all the new May babies! Congratulations and well done to all the May mummies!
Congratulations annabelle!

Oh good luck suffolk! Hope this is it for you!

Im sat in the sunshine, trouser legs rolled up since I managed to shave my legs this morning. I have my 15 year old brother coming to stay with me tonight so I've promised to take him out for dinner. He's requested that I don't go into labour tonight.

I don't think I have had any signs yet, apart from loose bowels for the last 4 days and th e odd cramp! X
Congrats Annabelle! Lovely news xx

Happy due date Gayle!

Keep me updated Rebecca! Eek! Xx
Congratulations annabelle!

Oh good luck suffolk! Hope this is it for you!

Im sat in the sunshine, trouser legs rolled up since I managed to shave my legs this morning. I have my 15 year old brother coming to stay with me tonight so I've promised to take him out for dinner. He's requested that I don't go into labour tonight.

I don't think I have had any signs yet, apart from loose bowels for the last 4 days and th e odd cramp! X

Enjoy the sun! I'm far too warm, dizzy and lacking energy for that - maybe later! Well, that's the opposite for me - I'm going out for tea with friends tonight whilst hubby is playing cricket. They want me to go into labour as when we were there two weeks ago, the manager shook hands on free drinks for them if I go into labour when we're there! Ahem! Lol. I shouldn't be going, I feel too poorly to be honest, and far too poorly for labour I'm sure! x
Oh I'm so excited about all these babies coming :) I had my sweep and I'm now 2cm dilated cervix is almost flat just 1/2 a cm to go and my waters are bulging :) and I'm 2/5 engaged!! So I'm hoping it's not going to be long and I won't need induction next bloody week lol time to ball bounce and walk walk walk :) xxx
Fab news Jojo! Hopefully it won't be long for you!

I've just been on a two mile walk, now got my feet up waiting for my feet to feel normal again! Lol. X
Crikey, 2 miles!! I've just had a 15 minute walk home from the garage and I'm exhausted!! I have a mountain of ironing to do but don't have any energy! Xx
A two mile what now?! I know it's meant to be good but I don't feel safe out there on my own lol. I also don't think my pubic bone will like it and I have trouble walking in a straight line. And it's too hot. Is that enough excuses to not go for a walk? Lol x
I shocked myself even! It must be the crazy pregnancy hormones making me do strange things! I did take an ice cream for company.
My neighbour did the same walk and then had her baby the next day...there was method in my madness!
It is hot I've had to strip off and sit with my feet up for a bit. Xx

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