* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Well girls iv just been to Dr's for my anti natal check and iv by of 135/90 1 plus of protein and m heart rate is 130 and baby's is 170 iv to go to he hospital now I'm just so worried... Has anyone any experience of this cx
That's what I was thinking, they don't want me there till I'm in agony, so I'm sure I won't be wanting entertainment I between!
My oh is glued to his phone 24/7 anyway so I am not packing stuff for him.

I have a feeling there are gonna be some more babies before there due date here! It all sounds good, I have like a little bit of a burning sensation down below when I'm sitting, like pressure burning/uncomfortableness. Been going for number 2's extremely often which is unusual for me. Every time he wiggles his head I nearly pee myself, changing my pants twice a day! Lol. Oh Deary me. Sorry ladies! :-) x
Well girls iv just been to Dr's for my anti natal check and iv by of 135/90 1 plus of protein and m heart rate is 130 and baby's is 170 iv to go to he hospital now I'm just so worried... Has anyone any experience of this cx

No experience but im sure they're just being cautious, you'll be in the best place, sounds like they're checking for PE. Hope everything goes ok hun. Xxx
Same here jazzy, feel like I leak more than before without even realising sometimes! Discharge wise there doesn't seem to be any change but im checking like a mad woman each time I go to the loo for signs of plug... wishful thinking I know! X
Well girls iv just been to Dr's for my anti natal check and iv by of 135/90 1 plus of protein and m heart rate is 130 and baby's is 170 iv to go to he hospital now I'm just so worried... Has anyone any experience of this cx

Try not to worry (stupid thing to say!) and let is know how you get on. I'm sure everything will be fine and it's good they're taking it seriously x
My bag has been packed for a while, just without the stuff I need in at the last minute - but I can imagine I'll forget that!!! I've bought one of those cheap strappy vest tops from George for labour - pool or otherwise! It'll be so warm in the rooms that I don't know what else to wear! I also don't know what to put in for afterwards! I've got a nursing vest but top I've bought for going home is probably still not going to fit over my tummy lol! I've put a word search book in as it's something I quite like, something to concentrate on and can take a while to do lol. But I also can't imagine wanting to look for words when I'm in pain! I like to fidget and move about. Perhaps I should invest in a stress ball?!!! X
Thanx cornish and Vic... I know ul right at least they're being cautious just hope all OK.. The admissions are so busy it's a nitemare... X
I went out today and bought a large tshirt nightie and a tweetie pie crop top (incase I manage water birth) some massive pants and a couple of nursing bras. Just gotta assemble it all in a bag now!!

Hope all is ok angel, as the others have said, you're in the best place :)
Are any May mommas getting impatient like me yet ??!?
I can't stop cleaning , I'm struggling to rest grrrrr
Just want to meet my baby girl NOW !! Lol xx
Yup I've had enough now, as have quite a few of us I think! Convinced I'm going to go two weeks over.. It's the not knowing I hate the most! We shall see :) xx
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I'm fed up too lol, but I don't want baby to come until Monday now. My sister-in-law is meant to be looking after my older son, but she's off on a work do in Brighton from tomorrow morning until late Sunday. The lady who is doing my placenta encapsulation is also on holiday as is my midwife. Daft, eh?

So I need to get to 39wks and then this little fella is welcome to come out as soon as he likes! Hoping the increased BH aren't signs birth is imminent!
Yes deffo fed up.
Hopefully just not on Saturday as the oh is uncontactable! X
Angelone fingers crossed everything is ok, please keep us updated x
Yes I'm fed up, but would like baby to wait til next week still (like I have a choice haha) though we now have our new boiler so can live in our house as of tomorrow! Yay! And parents back from Spain on Sat. Stay in there for a bit please baby!!! Xx
Well they've admitted me coz they can't find a reason for the high heart rate... Just hope it sorts itself by tomoro x
Glad they are at least keeping a close eye on you Angel, your in the best place xxxxxx
Thanx rachaell... That's true... Doesn't seem lik hey can find a reason for it but thankfully it seems to hav settled over nite so fingers crossed I go out today x
Ur in the right place lovely hope they can figure out what's wrong , well I know this means jack all but I've had a sign!! I'm losing my plug accompanied by bowel cramps woohooo for jelly in my pants and finally a sign haha 39 weeks tomoro and a sweep booked for Monday so the plug coming away is gd ahead of my sweep means things are getting ready hehe I was so excited when I seen the jelly stuff lol , baby movements are also realy painfull in my bum and cervix area , come on baby I'm ready for you you can come any time now :) , hope ur all well and have a fab weekend well best we can wen fed up hey xx
Ooh that's super exciting jo! Yay! !! I'm constantly checking my undies in the hope of seeing some plug but not a sausage yet. Does it always come away before labour or can it be lost when labour starts? Xx

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