* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

this is gonna be sooooo much worse than the 2ww!
start clutching at straws! x

Lol jazzy!! baby fizzle will b here b4 u know it and the labour will b a distant (ish) memory !
Getting soooooo excited 4 u guys !! X
Congratulations Hayley :) and happy 'ding day' to all you ladies who have reached 37 weeks :) I'll be dinging in a couple if days lol!
Had my midwife appt today, all well, baby heartbeat nice and steady, head down - still free, hoping I will start to engage soon - can first babies engage just before labour starts? Have been having mild period pains the last few days.
Been busy packing bags (finally!!) just need to make a note of what I still need to put in, and then make sure it's all organised, then baby can come :) xx
just checking in.... 37+4weeks today. Baby was 2/5ths 2 weeks ago at last midwife appointment. Got another appointment with her tomorrow, hopefully we have some progress. The back ache and cramps are getting old now, just want my little girl here. im too impatient for my own good :D x
Congratulations Hayley, Heidi is adorable :-)
Happy 37 weeks to everyone - I was 37 weeks yesterday but apart from stronger braxton hicks & period cramping nothing else yet. My mw appt went ok today and she has discharged me as I will be having my baby on 20th! She has never mentioned the position of my baby's head, just said it is engaged - I'll have to look through my notes to see what she has written :-) xxx
2nd official day of maternity leave and.....I'm bored!
It's rainy and grey outside, so really can't be bothered to go out, and I have no urge to nest/do housework.
How are you guys filling your days? X
I've been off for 3 weeks today ... The first week was holidays and the last two have been may leave ... The first few days are v boring ... But it gets easier , try to sleep .. Pack your bag , go shopping , go out for coffee , do a little house work , watch tv whilst bouncing on your ball ... Sort baby clothes out into size order , buy Nappy's & wipes and take long baths and have a pamper xxxx my days are going much faster the more I cram in xx
I did amuse myself yesterday trying on my bikini tops to pack in my hospital bag, I think I would actually get arrested if I wore any of them in a public place other than hospital, nearly took my eye out when one pinged off me! Settled for the least offensive one and a long vest top to go over the top! Painted my nails 3 times!

When's the best time to get fitted for a nursing bra? I have a feeling my chest will explode after baby is here, and I'm already wearing 32ff bras! M&s and some other stores don't go that big. X
I'm on holiday this week and my mat leave officially starts on Monday. Finding it all surreal at the moment, can't quite get it in my head that I'm not going back to work for months! Yesterday I packed far too much in - shopping with mum in the morning, lunch with a friend and then dinner with my dad and I was exhausted! Today I have nothing to do except meet a man off freecycle who's picking up my old fridge freezer! I need to organise my days better!

I also keep wondering when I go to bed if it'll all kick off in the night, had constant labour dreams last night - all very weird!!

Oh and re nursing bras, I've been wondering the same thing! My boobs went up a cup size in the first tri but then just stopped. I was only a b cup before and am now about a c - not sure if they'll go up again when my milk comes in??? X
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Someone give me a kick up the backside to pack my hospital bag please! Am hopeless and can't be bothered!

Good point about bikini tops there Jazzyfizzle, must look one out for myself incase I'm lucky enough to get the pool.

Off out to lunch with some ladies from my NCT course today, 6 heavily pregnant women in one cafe!!!
Lol I also need to finish my hospital bag!! Did a mini one for when we went away to blackpool a few weeks ago but nothing since!! Do you reckon you can wear a nightie in a birth pool? Don't really fancy a bikini! X
Oh and re nursing bras, I've been wondering the same thing! My boobs went up a cup size in the first tri but then just stopped. I was only a b cup before and am now about a c - not sure if they'll go up again when my milk comes in??? X

I'm wondering too, my boobs haven't changed much at all, infact they are only just starting to increase gradually... I am still in pre pregnancy bras!!
Lol I also need to finish my hospital bag!! Did a mini one for when we went away to blackpool a few weeks ago but nothing since!! Do you reckon you can wear a nightie in a birth pool? Don't really fancy a bikini! X

I haven't got a bikini or tankini top, so am just going to get a dark vest top from asda, that'll do the job :) x
I only started packing bags yesterday, baby one is pretty much done, and I have a few bits to wash to put in mine,apart from that am ready and impatiently waiting for baba to arrive!!
6 heavily pregnant women in one cafe? is there gonna be any food left for anyone else? lol.

I have 1 more load of baby washing to do, need to buy a pack of newborn sleepsuits and another cellular blanket, I seem prepared for a biggun! I think ive just got last minute things to put in my hospital bag.

I think I need to plan my days better too, I think I done a whole weeks worth of activities on Tuesday. I feel like im being so lazy!

I might try and go to mothercare after baby is here for the bras, rather than guessing and buying online! x
Think my bags are as packed as they can be, only things left to put in are things I/we might use before then - phone, charger, camera, pillow, gym ball etc. Also not packed anything to keep us amused if we're hanging around for ages but will probably jusy chuck in the book I'm reading at the time and maybe a pack of cards or something. I can't see us wanting to read/play anything unless I have to be induced as they're not gonna have me at the hospital or birth centre until I'm in too much pain to do any of those things anyway! ;) Has anyone else packed anything like that? I can't picture having the attention span for reading or playing games during labour!
Last night I had a few more periody cramps, but no sign again this morning. Dunno why they only happen at night! I'll have to start getting excited at each little cramp as it looks like this could go on for some time ;) I'm sure I feel more squashed and uncomfortable down below and when I get fanny daggers they're much more painful, so hoping that means the head is engaging. X
Raaaa my free cycler is messing me around! Now saying they're not sure what time they can come but it will be today!! I've told them if it's not today, I'll offer it to someone else as I've had 15 replies!! I hate being messed about! I was going to have a productive day, finish off my bag and buy some blinds lol but now it's all on hold!

My fanny daggers are def worse, feels like baby is going to fall out sometimes!! X
Oh and yes I think I'll def pack something to entertain us when I'm in labour, if not my oh will be on his tablet and it'll really wind me up lol... Cards is a good idea... Not sure what else though?? X
Ha ha!! Yeah that's true, no doubt my hubby will take his psp and insist on telling me what's happening in his game ; ) No idea what to pack for myself though, I just can't imagine anything I'll want to be doing apart from bouncing on a ball or crawling around the floor! ;) x
No. I can't imagine what I'll want to do except chat incessantly and scream lol.. I could take the ds but computer games make me cross at the best of times so prob not a great idea.. I'm hoping there will be a tv I can watch to distract me :)

Here's hoping none of us are in there for too long!! X

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