* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Had physio this afternoon. As expected, my pelvis was stiff and tilted on one side. Got it all put back into place again, just need to keep up my exercises and avoid sitting in awkward positions to keep things in place. I hope I sleep better tonight and not have the horrible shooting pains in my groin now.

Now I just feel like I'm in limbo waiting for baby to arrive. No more appts until Friday week, which is just three days before my due date. Really hoping he'll be here by then.
Awww congratulations hope, they are gorgeous! :)

Oh and Jazzy...in my dream last night you posted that you'd gone into labour at exactly 38 weeks! Premonition!?? Xxx
Fab bumps!
Here's mine, my mum reckons I've only got 2 weeks left.
Does it look like itis dropped at all? Useless midwife told me nothing at my appointment!
37 weeks tomorrow!

Ohhh I like the sound of that Dooeyona! X


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Feels a bit further away when I'm stood up! Have to sit with my legs open coz otherwise I push my bump up with my thighs!
Yup it looks like he's dropped Jazzy. Mine's dropped a lot in the past week or so, my mw wrote 'at brim' for position on my notes at 37w and when I walk I get terrible pressure down there and fanny daggers. Hopefully, not long to go :) xx
Happy ding day cherry!
I don't see the midwife again till 38 weeks, so i have no idea if baby is engaging! Getting fanny daggers and feels like his head controls my bladder! Lol.

Suffolk was it you who told me about pram liner? So baby can lie flat in the pram? I can't find the post!

Appointment went ok. Measuring 38 weeks, took measurement with me practically sitting up though! Head still engaged but only saw that she has written 2/5 afterwards. She also said that I was "well with no signs of labour yet" - without asking if I was well or had any signs! She admitted that she forgot to do bloods last time do I had them done too. Be interesting to see what my iron levels are now. Had to remind her that I'd had presentation scan! She really was on top form today!

I'm still getting lots of movement from baby - going crazy! Very tired now and bump finally dropping and feeling heavy! Hoping baby arrives next week sometime! :) x
Lol I love how they write things without even asking you the question - mine does that all the time!! In my above post I meant to say 36w appointment oops. My mw is so fully booked I don't have another appointment until 39w.. hoping I won't need it! I thought most FTM's had their babies late but from looking online tonight apparently majority have them at 39w so there's hope for us all yet lol xx
Happy ding day cherry!
I don't see the midwife again till 38 weeks, so i have no idea if baby is engaging! Getting fanny daggers and feels like his head controls my bladder! Lol.

Suffolk was it you who told me about pram liner? So baby can lie flat in the pram? I can't find the post!


If you mean this one, then yup it was me. :)


I'm using it in my Baby Jogger and it fits perfectly.
Appointment went ok. Measuring 38 weeks, took measurement with me practically sitting up though! Head still engaged but only saw that she has written 2/5 afterwards. She also said that I was "well with no signs of labour yet" - without asking if I was well or had any signs! She admitted that she forgot to do bloods last time do I had them done too. Be interesting to see what my iron levels are now. Had to remind her that I'd had presentation scan! She really was on top form today!

I'm still getting lots of movement from baby - going crazy! Very tired now and bump finally dropping and feeling heavy! Hoping baby arrives next week sometime! :) x

2/5ths is brilliant hun, baby is nearly fully engaged! It sounds odd, but the lower the number, the more engaged they are. The week before I had my son, I was 3/5ths, so hopefully not long for you now.

I've been having BH off and on all evening. Dared to google and see if it was a good sign, but seems labour could still be a while off yet. I really want him to come out soon, but on the other hand I'd like him to stay in longer as both my hubby and my son have a nasty cold at the moment. Really don't want a poorly newborn.
Hey everyone. My 3rd may baby arrived on the 4th and she is just amazing. Contractions started sat night at 7pm out of nowhere and quickly progressed to 5 mins apart, very painful, so went to hospital midnight but was only 2cm dilated. Went back 2:30 Sunday as pain was so horrific and I was 6cm dilated, had gas n air and some diamorphine and baby safely arrived at 6:05pm 7lb 12oz. Got home last night and time is just flying over she is adorable xx
Well done Hayley, congratulations hunny :-) get some pickys up :-) good weight too x x
Congratulations Hayley May!

Wahoo! I'm fully cooked! Anytime your ready baby, sooner rather than later please! X
Huge congratulations Hayley! That's lovely news xxx

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