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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Good luck iLove. let us know how you get on. I know you didn't sleep well so hope you get some rest.

I had a bad night, no real reason other than getting hungry and then not being able to get comfy. Mind in overdrive. Think I got a few hours of broken sleep. This morning I'm feeling hormonal again and baby is moving about loads which is really quite sore at times.

Just don't want to get out of bed yet I can hear my toddler shouting!

Feel like it's gonna be a long day!

Hope you ladies had a better night. X
Sorry to hear you had a bad night Tiggy, hopefully you can get a nap with your LO later :)
I actually feel less fed up today with being pregnant, I think knowing that even if he's not on time, he'll be here really soon anyway has finally sunk in. Just wish I didn't have so much to do lol xxx
Sorry to hear you didn't sleep well Tiggy! Maybe you can grab a nap later? X
Aww tiggy sorry u had crap night..

Im still in my pjs.. watch tiny pop with caoimhe.. did anybof uz manage see anything of the eclipse. We did eventually. Cleared up for a few minutes before cloud covered it again..

Off to read I love thread see if theres update :)
So today for some reason I'm all panicky as well. Just rang antenatal assessment for some reassurance, firstly about my discharge which is really really copious, heavy and snot like and a tiny bit greenish. Midwife said it sounds like bits of plug coming away so isn't concerned. I was worried about infection but she thinks not.

Secondly I was concerned as midwife yesterday measured me at 37.5 weeks yesterday, and she said she wasn't concerned as baby well engaged and baby felt a good size. I was happy with that yesterday but then started worrying about the fact that my waters could be leaking as I'm wearing a pad constantly due to above issue with my discharge. This midwive said the fact I had a growth scan at 36 weeks and all was ok and combined with baby being so low and it was a different midwife measuring that she wasn't concerned. So I feel more reassured. Not sure what bought this panick on. I've been so relaxed the whole pregnnacy!

Feeling a bit sicky and weak today. Trying to eat lunch but not feeling like it. Hope you ladies are all well,xxxxx
Im comtastly wearing panty liners whole way through this pg. I went docs at beginning she did a swab got results back everything all fine apsrt from group strep b. Still concerned couple weeks ago swabbed again as still having awful discharge. All fine again. Even clear from the group strep b this time. Try not to worry I knw we all have an increase in it during pg.. we think though as Im having alot of it all day everyday mine is due to cervical erosion and will be gettn mine looked into.

U are over due now too so maybe urs in down to losing plug..
Thanks ttc, I think it is bits of plug, it's just so different from my first labour as that was really like a massive string of jelly just before I went into labour, this time I'm not in labour but I would say about a tablespoon every hour when awake....Apparently midwvife thinks it's probably that my cervix is already open so it's just falling out! Lol! Lovely!
Just wanted to say that I hope you ladies are having a nice day, maybe even getting closer to meeting your babies x

Hope you are all moving in the direction of your perfect labour. I'm rather gutted I'm being induced, but hey that's life x
But ul have ur lovely buba soon I knw its not how u wanted but..
Hope the induction goes as best as it can for u.. just keep positive.

I think im coming down with the cold. My nose is going and ive a sore throat.. :(
And thanks. I'm trying to keep positive, just this ctg is making me grumpy :)
Aww iLove I know it's not what you wanted but it sounds like you will be fine, keep positive.

Yes nonabean been very quiet.

I'm even more glum about being overdue now as just found out that hubby looses two days leave from bank holiday -good Friday and Easter Monday as they only allow two weeks paternity leave and won't give him the two days holiday back! If it happens before Monday then at best he will just loose a day.
Spin sugar congratulations :)

I hope everyone is ok and plodding along these last days xxx

I'm still trying to find organisation amongst the chaos lol, but so so in love with my little man :)
That's rubbish TTC :( hopefully it's just a small sniffle.
Tiggy that's rubbish! I don't understand why they won't give him two extra days if he has easter off anyway?! That's ridiculous :(
I'm so pissed off with my FIL and in particular MIL. Long story short is that we live in a house that they own which we rent from them so they're always doing something up. My FIL rang me earlier to ask if he could come round and I said that he could but I was going out and need to use the washing machine (which he wanted to move). He said okay and would come over Sunday which is better for me. Anyway I met OH at work and he rang his mum to talk to her briefly. I was sat next to him on the car (which she didn't know) and I heard her being shitty about me. She said "oh we won't see you this weekend because Lanny said Sunday was inconvenient for her and your dad tried to come over earlier and she said no". It doesn't sound that bad but it really irked me the way she said it plus she obviously wanted to get her side in first and make out that I was being unreasonable. I was getting annoyed at them anyway because they want to move away even though they know their first grandchild is on his way and said that they wouldn't. Plus the fact that every time MIL comes over she says either something derogatory about me or only asks how the baby is. I almost feel like I'm just the carrier and my feelings don't matter :( urgh sorry for the rant ladies, I just can't speak to my OH about it because he'll tell me to forget about it and I can't talk to my mum because she's not keen on her anyway. Just needed to vent a bit xxx
Aww cakey...
Were is she gettn it from when u said to FIL sunday was better day.. seems alot people have problems with their inlaws. I feel lucky.. OH parents are long time separated ive always got on with his mum. At the beginning it seemed me and his dad clashed but weve over come that. .
It isnt nice how she doesn't ask how ur doing though but id try ur best to ignore her. Let her get on with it..
Demaris how are u gettn on now baba is home. Im sure ur other kiddies just adore him. :)
I love how is things progressing. ..

Defo nona bean has had baby I have a feeling. . Were due another march baby update.. :)

Tiggy that is crap re hubbies holidays
Aww nonabean just seen u posted on ilove thread earlier so no baby yet.. really thought ud had baba.. :(
Hi ladies! No baby yet :( have spent the day out and about trying to distract myself. Treated my LO to some new converse and went for lunch with a friend.
Had another sweep at the midwife first thing and things are the exact same as on Wednesday, so my induction is booked for Wednesday morning. Although she did say she reckons they'll go straight for 6 hour gel as opposed to the pessary which is a positive thing I suppose.

Cakey: that's rotten about your in laws. :/ try not to let them stress you out or out a dampener on the last wee bit of your pregnancy. Soon you'll have a beautiful baby and that's the best thing in the world. Xxx

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