March 2012 Babies?

im taking about 7 months off on mat leave, not anything to do with wanting to go back lol just need the cash
My new due date is now march 29th :) was going to be an april baby but i got put forward 8 days, march sounds so much nearer than april :) xxx
Oooh thats great clare, another march baby :)

We have decided i will stay at home for the first year at least maybe more. before i got pregnant i was only doing a few agency shifts here and there, i quit my perminant post to move for hubbys work anyway and we may have to move again in 6-8 months.

Really miss my job as a nurse but happy to stay at home once baby is born :) will prob just look for part time work after that.

I'm going to have a serious chat with OH tonight and see what he thinks about my work situation! I've come in to work today and i just don't want to be here anymore! i Seriously think i might just take maternity and then come back for 4months then quit...
Whether i'll find another job will be another topic!

Welcome claire23! I have updated you on the first post!
how are we feeling today ladies?
i'm feeling...fat! But as the OH said "its all good fat because its baby!" :) and my face keeps breaking out at morning i look lovely and radiant but come night time i look like a teenager-whats that about? :)

How are you been BevG?

Has everyone started feeling movements? I felt LO twice now its really cool-once was like a purr/vibration sorta thing and the second felt like LO flipped! :) I can feel LO but still cannot find a heartbeat! I know as soon as i put the doppler there it moves coz i hear a thump! i catch little bits of a whoop whoop then nothing but a thump! haha
im ok, bit crampy and was constipated etc lol.
lacking in sleep at the moment as i cant get comfy, i get too hot or achey or need to pee.

i can find baby's hb quite easily now but it likes to boot the doppler when i do and swims away. i think i can feel it moving sometimes bit like a swishy feeling in my tum but cant be too sure lol, its never still when im listening tho. felt a bit like a washing machine last night but i think i upset babs cos i tried to go the loo too hard lol.
i felt great this morning ans did lots of housework but now am shattered and probably did too much cos bump is aching now.. :s

but at least it is done now xx
lol i think i just scared babs. shouted at the dogs to shut up really loud and suddenly and there was a weird lurch in my stomach lol.

glad you managed to get some stuff done samsgirl, i cba cos the place is that much of a tip due to the work being done
Rather amusing story that i thought i'd share--

My Auntie told my Grandad that i am pregnant and due around 10th March my grandad says "aw, thats really good (long pause) hey thats my birthday...thats even better!"

really made me giggle! Whats even funnier because he is/was 1 of 13 his mum decided that all her children would share a birthday (march 10th) so its not his actual birthday! I'm pretty sure his birthday is around the 13th not much difference! :)
Hi all!! Had my scan today and everything was fine! Little bubs looked lovely! Gutted as I have been put back a 4 days so am now due on 4th april :( NOT a march baby anymore! Hoping I can still be an honorary member of this club!! Feels rubbish that I now have to leave and go to april thread :( xxx
aww we wont make you leave, bubs could still come a lil early (not too much) and make it into march, why not just be in both threads lol
Of course you're an honorary member!! I'm in both March & April as I just know this bubs will be late!!! Congrats on scan xxx
Yay! I am so glad I can stay - felt like a fraud! Lol. There is def still a chance this babe could come in March :) plus I love all you girls too much to leave :)

Pushca - can't find the april thread anywhere?? How do I find it? xx
:) yea we couldn't kick anyone out! :) and who knows some of those in april might have theirs early and have March babies too! :)
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Thanks Bev! You star! Was pretty gutted I got put back by 4 days - was so looking forward to joining you all in tri 2 on saturday! Will just have to wait till weds now :) x
Had official 12 wk scan today (even though I'm 13+3!!) & all is very well. Our gorgeous wee boy is healthy & extremely active & has lovely long legs!! He kept waving at us! So cute. Plus, bleeding has cleared up. So so pleased & relieved! Xxx


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Aw pushca so cute! Hoe did you find out you're having a boy so early?
He's a show off! :D
My husband thought he saw boys bits on the scan last week & I said it must be the umbilical cord, but the sonographer agreed with him & said it's 70% a boy. The sonographer today confirmed that too :)

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