March 2012 Babies?

Ooh people have said they think they can see boy bits on our 12 week scan but I thought it was way too early and must be something else. Maybe it is a boy though... We will keep guessing til the birth xD
I'm also too impatient!! Will find out in two weeks:) I've finally put on some weight as well. That's a relief as I'm a small girl I was worried I wouldn't have enough to keep my baby healthy.

About feeling the baby, I Think I've felt it a couple of times but nothing regular yet. It will come I guess!!;)

How is everyone today?
im not too bad, got the retching out the way this morning and just finished work so now its time to chill and think what to have for tea.
i have yet another headache.....:( not had one since wednesday so sholdnt complain really but im going to :(

and i was sick again this morning and yesterday morning.....not been sick for about a week and a half....grrr
aww hun, hope it goes better tomorrow for ya. i think id hate it more if i felt fine for a week and then was sick again
i've been feeling sick today too...but i can never tell if i'm hungry or what! :)

On a better note...someone asked if i wanted to sit down...YAY-i look pregnant and not just fat!
Today i tried Prunes....and they were yummy! :) Hopefully soften everything up...tomorrow-dates!
oh my i am crampy at the moment.......i wonder if it is boo boo having a stretch and digging his feet into they dont last very long, just come and then go...

also think he has been dancing on my bladder all day....:D x
oh my i am crampy at the moment.......i wonder if it is boo boo having a stretch and digging his feet into they dont last very long, just come and then go...

also think he has been dancing on my bladder all day....:D x

I think my LO is dancing on my bladder too - I have to pee ALL DAY LONG! The other day my pupils had oral presentations for me and we had so little time that I couldn't go to the toilet for 3 hours...I thought I was going to die!!!

How are you ladies feeling today? I'm feeling really hungry!!! I've just eaten, but I guess I have to buy some fruit or something:)
I am due 25th March 2012. I am hoping for a c section due to some complications during my labour 4 years ago. However, baby should still be born in March.
hello ladies...feel ok today but just tired, so no change there!!!

also feel like i have trapped wind.......bump a bit achy xx
Congratulations to Esperanza84 on her little pink bundle!

Our 1st girl For March! :)
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yay, cant wait til i find out. 2 weeks 3 days to go!

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