March 2012 Babies?

Wanted to wait till my scan to do this, EDD 24th march thanks girls xxxxx
Hi girls! hope everyone is good! Just wondering will you be finding out the sex? I think we will but not tell anyone! I know this will be hard but i'd like it to at least be a surprise for everyone! I already know how i'm doing the room which is all neutrals so that doesn't matter!
I think the other thing persuading me to find out is that our scan is a day before OH's Birthday so it'll be a nice birthday pressie for him!

so undecided!

might just ask them to have a look but don't tell us. (well not straight away) :)
hey can i change mine from the tenth to the 26th please! thanks
i will be finding out as long as LO cooperates with me lol, then i can buy lots of nice colourful things
Im a looong way from findin out lol but me and my partner have said that we wouldnt wanna find out until its born :) xx
Im Expected March too..... So far March 20th, but getting Scan Tuesday so should have more deffinitive answer..... :):)... so exciting...
I still get evening sickness, and my BBs are sore with itchy nips!! love taking the bra off at the end of the day.... had a few headaches and hartburn but nothing too concerning, jus glad to be out of the 6-10 week AWFUL feeling stage!!
Hopefully start blooming now!! :) x
hi ladies can't sleep! i am covered in spots today-on my chest and my face! My skin hasn't been this bad since i was 13! i don't look good--where is this glow people talk about? :/ but on a plus side pretty sure i felt something today-was strange! Kinda felt like a purr/vibration but inside!
And then tonight was lying in bed and one side of my belly went really tight (i assume this is LO moving around) and i got OH to feel it-he thought it was strange but cool...he's getting more excited now but he can't wait to start feeling movements (makes it all that much more real)

So OH told his mum on Monday and today he said she's started getting excited-she's obviously over the shock of it now! She asked us to go over next weekend-which is really nice...i'm glad she's happy-makes things so much easier!
i felt like bubbles, pop rocks sorta feeling once that i assume is LO wiggling away but cant help about the glow, im crampy, retching and still have manky greasy hair and uber tiredness. didnt drag myself outta bed til noon today lol
Cant sleep either!! =( got major heartburn and sickness not cool!! =( by the way guys is it normal to get random outbursts of emotional breakdown?? earlier was weird i had like a 15 minute period where i could nothing but cry and i have no idea why xx
Auntie2mummy, how far gone are you now?
I'm having some crazy dreams at moment! Really vivid!! Other than that, nausea seems to be easing up & has been replaced by feeling LO move. Seems to like 1130 at night when I'm laying still and felt movement at 5am today too - which were same times my son used to like to have a party in my stomach too!! Can't wait for the movements to become stronger & more consistent!!
Hope all you mummies are well xxxxx
PS Chellie19 - yeah sounds normal :) My emotional outbursts seemed to get worse as pregnancy went on with my son! Enjoy xxx
i am sick without fail every morning, but usually before i eat or drink so there nothing to come up...just a lot of wretching...ewwwww.......but the all day sickness feeling has gone. thank god. still get the odd day of cramping and uncomfortable feeling and lately been getting little sharper pains that last about 5 seconds....could be baby digging its foot into me or dunno

have been feeling the little flutterings now and again....and weird popping feelings...its lovely, but then worry if i don't feel it for a bit. i know everything must be ok with boo boo or wouldnt be still getting stretchy pains and sickness...

skin is awful too....never had bad skin or spots but have about 7 on my face at the also still very tired in the evenings

I have spotty face too, haven't been this bad since teenager. Also bubbly belly, suffering heartburn with certain foods and trouble sleeping... find it best to sleep from 7am- 12, when i should be thinking about getting up!... I blame the weird dreams and having to get up at 3:33am every night without fail, to go to pee.....!!!....
All-day sickness has gone though YAAAAAY!!... jus get evening sickness from 7:30pm till i sleep which is becoming earlier than normal.. x
yeah i cant sleep properly either, cant settle, then wake up constantly thru the night due to being too hot, too cold or needing to pee.
i have just started being unsettled at nights......i must have been up for a pee every hour last night...i am shattered today xx
Moved this into Pregnancy chat, as requested :) x
bought my first baby related item yesterday! Tommee Tippee electric Breast Bump only £50 - half price in Mothercare. Love it already! :)

Think we've decided on the Oyster Travel system.

Anyone else started their shopping!

I had a rubbish nights sleep-mainly coz OH had to get up at 4:30 so been awake since then!
i saw those in home bargains for 35 quid but i dont have enough money til payday lol

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