xx Tri 2 Rollcall xx


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Jul 7, 2010
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Let me know when your little one is due, what team you are on, if you have a name for bubba yet and any scan dates and I will add them to the rollcall :D

:stork: November 2012 Babies
lisaloo due 2nd November :yellow: for now but if :pink: Jessica Rose if :blue: Dylan Thomas (maybe!) :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
CARNAT22 due 5th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
skyy82 due 6th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
kedi376 due 7th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
katey123 due 8th November :blue: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
charliebear due 9th November :pink: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
jen9984 due 9th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
Robyn_mcl due 12th November :yellow: finding out team on 29th June! :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
siouxie due 12th November :pink: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
Ceebump due 15th November :blue: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
tinks88 due 15th November :blue: Tyler Jay :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
Wilson28 due 17th November :blue: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
1stBump12 due 18th November :yellow: finding out team on 2nd July! :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
Cyprus08 due 20th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
islandmum due 20th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
Cbear1982 due 21st November :blue: Malachi or Cathal :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
ChloeNat due 21st November :yellow: but if :pink: Lilah Marie if :blue: Jack Joseph :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
BabyWestwood due 23th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!
missyeovil due 28th November :yellow: :pompom: Good luck in tri 3!

:stork: December 2012 Babies
Noor due 2nd December :yellow:
kayuki123 due 5th December :pink:
sholou_uk due 11th December :pink:
Aimee lou due 13th December :blue:
daniph1 due 15th December :yellow: but if :pink: Gracie Maielle Busby if :blue: Jack Michael Busby
klferrin due 15th December :yellow: but if :pink: Mya Hanna if :blue: Carter Michael
newbie1984 due 18th December :blue:
Mrsfrancis due 20th December :yellow:
Doob due 22nd December :pink:
Sosie due 22nd December :yellow:
sophs85 due 25th December :pink:
Kate1985 due 27th December :yellow:
Sweetpeaplus1 due 27th December :yellow:
jodied due 30th December :yellow:
christyleigh due 30th December :yellow:
JustUs due 31st December :yellow:
Quartz due 31st December :yellow:

:stork: January 2013 Babies
gracia due 3rd January :yellow: but thinking :pink:!
flopsybunny due 4th January :yellow:
Mellymoomin06 due 4th Janury :yellow:
inky due 13th January :yellow:
natashateale due 14th January :yellow:
Zal88 due 16th January :yellow:
daisyduke76 due 17th January :yellow:
Amber8 due 18th January :yellow:
Sarah85 due 19th January :yellow:
PyscoFalcon due 20th January :yellow:
tiggy85 due 24th January :yellow:
Jem1 due 25th January :yellow:
Charlotte_1989 due 26th January :yellow:
sarah1990 due 28th January :yellow: but if :pink:Sophie if :blue: Oliver
precious_cargo due 30th January :pink:
mumsy4 due 31st January :yellow:

:stork: February 2013 Babies
jennilisanne due 3rd February :yellow:
Durhamchance due 4th February :yellow:
joanne1983 due 4th February :yellow:
flinty84 due 10th February :yellow:but thinking :blue:!
claire23 due 12th February :yellow:
Seb due 14th February :yellow:

:yay: Scan dates: :yay:

Sweetpeaplus1 - 10th August
Sarah7 - 11th August
Kate1985 - 12th August
gracia - 15th August
jodied - 16th August
Quartz - 21st August
natashateale - 23rd August
inky - 29th August
daisyduke76 - 30th August

Amber8 - 3rd September
Sarah85 - 3rd September
PyscoFalcon - 5th September
tiggy85 - 5th September
Charlotte_1989 - 11th September
Jem1 - 13th September
claire23 - 25th September
flinty84 - 25th September

Tri 2 Angels
Lynette :hug: RIP Stephen/Scarlett :angel2:
BigBump :hug: RIP Angel Ryan :angel2:

:stork: :stork: :stork: :stork: :stork: :stork: :stork:
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Great idea
I am due 31st dec am team blue abd have a 36 week scan booked for 7th dec to check placenta has moved up! His name is Orlando Ronald McGlinchey x x :love:
Good plan :) our LO is due on 12th Dec and we're team yellow. All scans done :-( names at the moment are Finley James for a boy and Amelie Elizabeth for a girl xxxx
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Good idea. Due 16 Jan. Team yellow for now. Scan is 29 aug :)


good idea!
We are due 24th January, don't know if we are blue or pink but we have decided on Jessica Amelia for a girl or Harry (not sure on middle name yet!) for a boy. We find out at the beginning of Sept.
all updated ladies.

Little - what date is ur scan so i can add it? xx
25th jan and we are team yellow. 20 week scan an 5th September :) x
Good idea! Due on the 7th Feb team yellow at the moment but will hopefully find out if blue or pink on the next scan which is 28th Sept :) x
Please add me, just found my way over to tri 2.

Due 16th Feb and currently team yellow and really hoping will stay that way.

Have names picked but still not 100% yet.
What a lovely idea. Well I'm due on 18th January and it's twins. Next scan (20 weeks one) is on 31st August, when we are due to meet the consultant too. We are team yellow and hope we don't accidently get a peak on 31st as that would spoil it. We're not sure on names as yet, but have three possibles for girls and one, maybe two for boys............xxx
Can I join! Due date 17th jan but as they are twinnies they've said around 35/36 weeks! Team blue identicals! Xx
Hey hun
Im team yellow, due 14th dec. Had my scan today tho!
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Great idea Larlybelle!!!! we had a rool call on another forum I went on.

Im due 15th February and im having a private scan on 1st September to find out what baby boo is.

Excited much? :dance::dance::dance:
Great idea!!

LO is due Jan 4th 2012. Team Yellow, havn't narrowed the names down yet but will let you know when i have em picked. my next scan is 12th of september
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