March 2012 Babies?

Tasha - we have decided on oyster travel system too - fell in love with it!! What colour you going for? I've decided on dolphin grey - won't be buying it just yet though :) xxx
I haven't started shopping hasn't really felt real to me yet, that I'm really having a baby...

I guess I will by something after my 18 weeks scan when I'll find out if LO is a boy or a girl...

I too have these strechy pains, but I guess it's just LO growing...hope so! Nice to have this thread up again, I kind of lost it for a while!

Hope you're all okay!

Btw, autie2mummy, could you change my due date to March 8th (The International Womans day)y? That's what the doctor said on my 12 weeks scan:)
Wannabmummy: We've decided on the grey too--it was either grey or black but OH said grey so i'm cool with that! Didn't want a colourful one-just like the plain colours! Can't wait to buy it! Not too sure if we'll put it on the babyplan don't really need to but its nice to have it paid for and they just hold it til we need it! :)

Esperanza: Done! :)
i found babby's heartbeat last night, it kept moving and making me lose it tho lol so i had to find it all over again. was funny
so jealous! I'm not patient enough to find LO's HB...i keep trying every week but nothing i might have to wait til LO is bigger! i find mine perfectly fine! :)
lol ive been trying for weeks but never for more than 5 mins at a time. i just started in the middle and wiggled it around slowly and then all of a sudden there was this lil hb, really fast and clear, then it vanished, then i found it again lol. there is no mistaking it for your own for sure. im sure you will find it soon, it does take a good few mins to locate if you got a wriggle babs lol
Hey all, after a horrible scare last night, we found out baby is healthy & well this morning. Just mummy who needs to rest up. So relieved & happy. Also found out... Baby is a boy!! :)
Hope you other March mummies are well xxxxx


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Woo-hoo...our first boy has been discovered! :) Congrats to you and sorry for the scare-glad all is well!
wow theyre good, thought they couldnt tell til after 16 weeks!!!!!!!! congrats hun
congrats again hun, glad everything is well and team blue, just lovely :)

Does anyone feel like time is dragging now, its only been a week since 12 week scan but seems to have been a long one....
Yea i think its dragging but that coz i'm back at work and already counting down til next half term...which happens to be the same time as my next scan! and thats only 5 weeks...which is nothing! :)
People keep telling me, "just you wait, time will fly past" but i wish it would hurry up now :)

also wish the sickness would go away, still gettinf some every couple of days.
i still have the odd vomiting moment!!! 16 weeks today :D it is dragging but i dont mind cos i am not emotionally ready boo boo can stay there for as long as it like. ha ha xx
aw--i have been very lucky through this pregnancy i haven't been sick once! :) I just want it to be March Already...but then saying that once i can't start feeling LO more i might enjoy it! :)

Everyones been saying to me that i wont go back to work...and its really starting to bug me! I know its going to be hard to leave LO i'm not stupid but i like the people i work with and i think its just wrong to take the maternity then not go back-i couldn't leave them in the lurch like that! Who knows with me have 6 months off they might realise i need another pay rise! :)
i dont want to have to go back...but i need to cos we need my money :( xx
auntie2mummy: when are you going back to work than? I think it's your choice and that you should go back when you feel like it.

I will probably go back to work in March 2013.

I'm so tired and I do agree Nurse, time is really dragging! I really want October to come so I can find out the sex of my baby:)

Hope you're all okay:)

going to go back September Next thats 6months off. ideally i'd like to get another job where i'm working but i doubt they'll do that! I work in a secondary school and i do ALOT of work! I'd feel bad if i took that long off!

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