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Cycle Buddies - hoping for a BFP in March!


tested this morning and got a BFP! Good news for Good Friday!

Good luck for Monday Momof2_trynfor3

Baby dust all round
Ok im really sad and big time jealous, now almost every one in this group who has psoted have gotten BFP
Hayley--where are you are you doing ok?...
Congrats rose bay, indeed that is good news, and your lucky, i cant wait til monday.. Im only taking a test monday because on the 18th i bleed for 1 1/2 days... its been over 2 weeks since my last test, doc said every time you BD test every 14 days, hcg strips detect 20 so thats real low, except im out of tests, just bought some more yesterday at ebay-40 for 9.99, and 15 O for 5.99, but i still hope that there is HOPE for monday..
Hayley come post.. let us know how you are doing..
Ovulated this month on the 13th 14th i think, mighta been the 12th, cant remaber top of my head, so im hopeing blood test will be acurate, i will get hose results back on tuesday... :D
Hi Rachel,

sorry you're sad, it must be really difficult right now especially when you're not sure what's going on. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday and keeping my fingers crossed...

Congrats on your BFP!!

I too am really really jealous - wish I could get a BFP.

I am going to test using my OK next Friday in the mean time am just trying very hard (every other day!!!!!!)

Sending baby dust to everyone else in the same boat as me :) :
Hi Rachel

How did you get on at hospital? Did you get your BFP? I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Girls

CONGRATULATIONS agnesd76 and rosebay on your BFP... Wishing you both healthy next 9 months. When are you both due? Ley us know your dates.... Congrat's again...have you told your family and friends yet?

Racheal.. how did you get on at the doctors? any news on that blood test? fingers crossed for you

Did you all have a good Easter? My ovulation period is near.. started testing yesterday. We've been baby dancing all over the holiday.. just practicing for the right time! As soon as i get those 2 lines we'll be dancing non stop!. I'm testing twice a day in case it sneaks up on me.

Back to work tomorrow.. not looking forward to that.. really enjoyed the short break. Sending lots of baby dust.. let's hope we can all get a BFP end of March/begining of April.
Hi ladies, Im not doing to good, im sorda depressed, i did get a BFN, but im ok with that wait to Ovulate now, any day now..
but when i went to the doctor she told me my estrogen level is way to high, and that it may be causeing my AF to bounce around, and make me think im preggy, so she suggested i go on a 30 day diabetic diet, IM NOT DIABETIC, but she said the food they eat can lower the estrogen, and says it could help loose the 15-20 pounds that she feels is causeing the "to much estrogen", she said that some fat cells that women carry can cause estrogen, and as well as on top of our ovarys putting out estrogen, so its also causeing me the bad pains, as well as the cysts..
SHe said in no way it will NOT make any difference in trying to concieve, and the diet will not hurt either..
so we did an OPK in the office it was -, so ill test in a few days again with OPK, i get lower pelvic pain when i Ovulate..
so everything seems to be ok.. im just now waiting for my ultrasound results agin to see the new size of the cysts, if they have grown, praying they dont..
gosh i want a BFP, so i dont have to think about it all the time.. im patiently waitng and trying not to stress off of it to much..
my doctor said 10-20 pounds is not much to loose but its a big deal when it take some of the estrogen away, i didnt even know anyhting about any of that stuff untill today.. im gonna surf the net, do a google or something, and read into it some more..

Hayley- nice to see you back up, i hope we all O soon, it would be cool to all get PG around the same time.. good luck.. keep OPK testing until 2 pinks, then BD like crazy..lol the other day 3 days ago my temp was 99.6 i dont no if i O that day but i dammed sure made sure we BD (lol), so i will see in the next few days what my temps and OPK says.. considering im marking that 2 day bleed on march 18th as an AF..
ok i gotta an arm cramp, ny son is sitting on me so im typeing very slowly while holding his little tired butt..
OK good night ladies im tired, going to bed to night, and will be BD every 36 hours--says the doc we should...
Oh my ultra sound results should be here thursday or friday, and hope the cysts are smaller, but i got some bad pain, so i dont no, i hope maybe its nerves..
Hi Rachel

Am sorry you are feeling down at the mo - please don't be too sad!

A girl who I work with was told she had to loose weight and that her estrogen levels were high - she lost the weight and then got pregnant and has now had a healthy baby girl.

It's just really hard I know, all I can think about is being pregnant and how great it will be, I get my hopes up and then BANG I get another BFN and it really upsets me. I too have been BD every other day since my AF finished, I should be O soon so it is now constantly on my mind again!!!

It will be so so good if we could all get a BFP at similar times.

Hayley - good for you girl, just keep that baby dancing up!!!!!!!

Take care everyone am sending you all lots of baby dust :D
Hi all

CONGRATULATIONS again to all who got BFP this month. I've been feeling really funny today, really faint and off my food. Also have slight cramping down my left side. Hoping it's a good sign, although I'm probably just imagining it because I want it to be a pregnancy symptom. Most likely is I'm off my food for some other reason and the faintness and cramping are because I'm hungry. Someone at work has announced she is pregnant and she wasn't even trying, it was a nice shock for her. It's so unfair, I want to be the one sending an e mail round announcing it, phoning in sick with morning sickness etc. But I guess I will have to wait my turn. When I do get BFP it will be so much better because it will be long awaited and VERY wanted!! I just find myself dreaming of the day when I can visit all my friends and make my announcement. It would take me about a week to let everyone know, everyone has their fingers crossed for me every month. And that's just the ones I've decided to tell!!!

Sorry to ramble on, but we all have those days don't we.

Baby dust to all and keep chatting, I feel like I'm going insane!

Hey Kim

Don't be apologising about rambling on - it's just good to be able to get things off your chest - I totally know what you mean about going insane, I annoy myself at times thinking about it constantly - I just want it so much.

So when are you next due your AF? Is it soon for you to be feeling signs?!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. My last cycle was 35 days but tend to still be irregular, so never really know when to expect my AF. Am at day 15 today so I guess it's still a way off - more time for baby dancing tho :wink:

I read an article in a mag today that men have most sperm between 6am - 8am but that it is at it's quickest between 2pm - 5pm, shall have to have a few early finishes from work I think particularly around O time!!!
Hi Lindsay

My cycle was regular 30 days up to last month when it decided to be 25 days!! So I am due AF any time around 9 - 15 apr. Far too early to have symptoms I know, but there's always hope!! As for the sperm thing, please don't give me something else to obsess over!!! I can see it now what I'll be like soon, we will only be BDing between 6-8 and 2-5, 3 days a month ha ha!! I don't know if it's true, but anyway, how many babies are conceived after getting back from a nightclub at 1, 2am? So I would take an afternoon off just yet!!

Sending lots of Baby Dust ***

Thats intresting, about the hours to BD, well gives an exuse for more BDing, and a variety of times to BD...
:wink: :wink: :) :)
The mag also said that the best time to conceive is 5 days before O and the day of O itself as the sperm survive for up to 7 days, I have been on so many different websites and read so many different things - am sure if we keep BDing all the time we should be ok!

I went to the doctors for my smear test and mentioned that we were trying but nothing is happening - the nurse vertually told me that i had to be patient and the doctor wouldn't do anything until 12 - 15 months of trying !! :x charming I thought!!!!
Hi Lindsay

I agree the more you read the more confused you get!! I told my doctor when I started trying, as I thought I may need to have tests or something, or at least give him the opportunity to give me advice. But he just looked at me as if to say 'why do I care?' so I felt a right idiot.

on monday when i talked to my doctor i basicly was trying to get some advice or at least an ease at my mind of options if i wasnt able to concieve in the next 3-6 months, about what tests there are to make sure nothings wrong, considering i have a few things differ about me this 3rd time around such as the cysts, AF a bit off, to much estrogen... and so she looked as if i just asked her to run every test in the book, all i wanted was my mind eased, and to know that there are things out there to see if there is anything wrong in the TTC area...
But i just let it go, i felt retarted...she was laughing a bit, good thing she was a temp there..or ida been angry and transferred gyno's...
anyhow talk to you all later..

Hayley....?? how are you doing? hope everythings going good...
hello ladies

Every thing is going fine with me. I agree the more I read the more confussed I get. I read some where that we can even baby dance too much! I'd like the chance... I was testing for my O which i calculated to be around 1st. But then I detected the LH surge on 29th. Just as the DH was about to go out the night. I stoppped him by the front door just in time.. He wont go forgetting that evening baby or no baby.... he he he

Hi Kim.. I know how you feel about the girl at work announcing her pregnancy. The minute we decided to start trying. It seemed like everyone started announcing that they are expecting. My best friend, a few people at work. I try to sound really happy and excited for them but inside I'm fumming/boiling over with jelousy. I'm am truelly excited for all those people who get a BFP, for all I know they may have been trying for ages but I do feel a little upset it's not me...

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that where ever you look there is a reminder that we are trying? For some reason my clock in the dash board of my car has started flashing AF (i don't know it's something to do with the traffic and travel system in my car) then every other car reg I see is either BD, TTC. I even saw a BFN.. (just my luck it wasn't a BFP)

Rachel - it'll happen to us all one day... we'll all be on here typing I GOT MY BFP... and it can't be much longer for us all. Keep smilling...

Lindsey - I told my doc the other day, expecting her to give me loads of information and encouragement. She looked at me like I was an hysterical woman. She just said yep keep trying.... I suppose it means there are loads of woman like us who don't get pregnant just by looking at their partners...

Good luck in getting a BFP in April.. We'll be having christmas babies
Hey everyone---, hows everyones weekend going , mine is going good..
Just hopeing that my AF dont come on the 18th when im assumeing thats when its due, only cuz march 18th was that 2 day bleed so im counting that as feb-AF, so i wont throw my self off..
Although in late march OPK +, so im assumeing that it was AF..
Is anyone testing soon? if so let me no..
Ok off to watch a movie talk to you all later..
Fingers crossed on those BFP...!!!
Hey Rachel

My weekend is going good too - have been using Ovulation sticks since Thursday n this morning (my mum's birthday!) I detected my O!!! I managed to grab my husband before he went off to play football n we baby danced - he wasn't as happy when he came home as his team got beat!!!!!!!!!! but he is going off to work nights tonight n tomorrow so we are going to BD again very shortly (in the hope that the mag is right and they are quick little buggers this afternoon!!!)

I can now work out that my next AF should be about 14th April. Please let it be a BFP this time.

It was strange tho because Friday and Saturday I was getting pains in my left lower side n I thought I must have not detected my O with the sticks but perhaps the pains meant that it was coming - I don't know it's too confusing.

Do you know if you can still get pregnant after O?

am sending you lots of baby dust for the rest of the weekend

Me and my partner have been trying after a miscarriage My last period was 15th March and i have a 28 day cycle so my next one is due 12th April i worked it out that the best time to catch would have been 27th through to 30th - which DF and I did.

It's really hard for me as my DF is in the army and based in Northern Ireland at the mo so he won't be home on leave for another 6 weeks and when your trying for a baby it hard. This is out first month out of 3 he's been home when af wasn't here and now I think I may have ovulated late.

Well hoping for AF doesn't come 12th and I get a BFP

My af has been very irregular since coming off the pill, this cycle seems to be pretty much the same as the last cycle so I am hoping that they are starting to settle back down.

It's really strange tho because I had the cervical mucus on Friday which is a sign that you are ovulating but the sticks didn't detect the surge till sunday - so we baby danced most of the weekend in the hope of catching the right time. I really feel for you having your partner working away, my hubby works 2 nights out of 8 and I thought that was bad enough, poor you! :cry:

I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your BFP .......and also that Rachel, Hayley and Kim do too...not forgetting me either! Oh please let us all be lucky this month !!!!!!

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