Cycle Buddies - hoping for a BFP in March!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Hi ladies ...

Are you hoping to get a BFP (Big Fat Positive pregnancy test!) some time during March? If so, then let me know what date AF is due to arrive and I'll add you to the list, and will also update your entry when you know the result, whether it's a BFN (Big Fat Negative) or a BFP!


Mar 1 ...... momof2_trynfor3
Mar 4 ...... hayley
Mar 5 ...... JenniferT
Mar 12 .... Honey
Mar 16 .... Lindsay
Mar 26 .... agnesd76 ..... BFP!!! Congratulations!!!

Good luck to you all!

Best wishes,
Laura B
Site Administrator
I'm hopingfor a BFP March 4th... well that's when my next AF is due. Fingers crossed and goodluck to anyone else hoping for a BFP March.
Hey , yeah i am looking for a bfp in march, i see u alot on these boards, its good to know people are actually posting in more then one circle..
Yet it be nice to have a group of people in a circle so we dont get
Whats ur cycyle days?, mines are usually around 28-32, and i O about 2-5 days after Af, and Im testing monday cuz i feel funny. i hubby hopes were not yet cuz he wants xmas baby, but i dont care i just want to be PG.
I will post monday night here to let ya know if my test is a BFP- or a BFN
SEE ya.. Rachel
Hi Rachel

Good luck Monday. My cycle is between 26 and 29 days. Only been off the pill 4 months so my cyce hasn't settled down into a steady pattern yet. Although my pattern isn't too wide. I was told the pill can take upto 6 months to get out of your system. You said you O between 2 and 5 days after AF! now that has really threw me.... I thought everyone Ovulation right in the middle of the cycle. I also read that some woman can feel Ovulation happening. It's similar to period pains. Well i've always wondered why I got period pains in the middle of my cycle. I didn't think anything about it until we started trying for a baby. So... i've been looking out for the pains and this month they came only 6 days after AF. could be wrong but maybe this is my ovulation period. I've got an ovulation kit but i'm not supposed to start the testing till this wednesday. I've decided to wait another 2 months before i really start trying and taking my temperature etc. That way the pill should be right out of my BFP this March.

Thanks for replying to my posts. It's nice to chat to someone who is also trying. So you've already got 2 children (boys/girls/or one of each?) what would you like your next to be (apart from healthly with ten toes and ten fingers) Is the labour as bad as people say? and what's all this tiredness about??? My bestfriend is pregnantat the moment (3 months) her 3rd. She is so tired and worn out. More so than with the first 2.

Let me know now how you get on Monday. Nice to talk
sorry typing mistake..

ment to say.... will start trying in 2 months time because that's when the pill should be right out of my system. I'd still love a BFP this March thou.

Just noticed your from California. I've just got back from San Francisco Is that far from where you are? My first time in America. Loved it. We did the Alcatraz tour and Monteray, the 12 mile drive along the coast and pebble beach. I'm from England so the 11 hour flight was a killer.
Hello hayley- yeah i didnt think at first that you can O a few days after AF, but indeed doctor said its possible but not normal. (lol), Any how yeah im from California and Sanfransisco is about an hour away from me, im in Sacramento.
To be hones i really have no idea how labor pains feel, i had 2 sections.
I did feel the braxton hicks they talk about, thats is supposed to be worser then the actuall contractions, but they weren't that bad, it sorda knocks the breath out of you, that why you have to breathe very slow and carfully and its dont get to bad.
I wasn't tired during my pregnancys until about the 9th months, only from excitement and wanting the baby out so badly, my lower back hurted when the baby dropped in my first pregnancy.
i have a girl she turned 5 january 29th, and my son (terrible 2's they dont lie), he will be 3 july 3rd.
My daughter was breech she was a unplanned c-section i planned on going into labor and was scared shitless.. (lol), but about 3 days before she was born i was haveing those braxton hicks and went to the hospital and they told me no im not in labor go home, but they first wanted to see where the baby was how she was positioned, and they noticed her feet were in my pelvic, and her head sorda wrenched under or around my ribs, which had been giving me alot on pain. so they told me to go home positon myslef into the (doggy style) position and have Hubby massage stomache and try and push the baby around with hands and sorda give the baby a boost, so 3 nights we did that.
If the baby moved my labor be induced, if she didnt move c-section- and of course she didnt move cuz she was stuck, and the 29th january at 9am they realized the unbillacalcord was wrapped around her neck 2 times, so her oxygen day by day was getting cut shorter and shorter, so they immediatley operated.
She was very healty 7lbs,9oz.
Was scary.with my son i had the choice, i chose repeat c-section i was afraid to do a vbac, slthough during the procedure his lungs filled with fluid and they ruched him to ICU unit and he was ok after a little work, he weighed 8lbs,5oz.
i was very mad i wanted to breast feed so bad and they said he couldnt cuz he wsasnt doing good, his airways wernt developed that good although i went to term 42 weeks. he went from 8lbs to 6lbs in 2 days.
Babies are very scarey to have, and i try not to worry cuz these days most babies have minor things wrong and are able to pull trhough fast, which is good.
yeah tommorow i test im so scared, i have been getting headaches really bad and dizzyness which could be the stress of waiting to test, if it comes back BFN im going to test again on the 24th cuz it might be to soon but i doubt it.
ok my arms cramped (lol) talk to you tommorow im going to bed so i can get up early .. Cross your fingers and throw me babydust..(lol
Bye.... Rachel----------babydust and prayers for those TTC!!!
Hi Rachel

You must be glutten for punishment.... your 2 births sound so scarry... glad both your little ones are fine now. You must have been in a terrible state. Think you've just put me off for life.. only joking.. but i'm only havin' the one! I was gonna ask for C section instead of giving birth naturally. But i was told it's harder to get over.. stitches and all that. Hopfully i've got a high pain barrier.. Why is it that us woman have to go thru all the crap..

Good luck with the test. Sending you loads of baby dust ********************************************************

We're 8 hours in front of you. So i'll check tomorrow ofr your reply.. fingers crossed all day for you.
Hey hayley, Yeah went to the obgyn today, and BFN :cry: , i was so sure, i was almost certain i was pg.
Well guess i will be trying again and testing again next month.
My doctor put me on folic acid+ calcium.
When i the doctor came in there i was so happy, she had my chart i thought because she had to right some stuff down about me being prgnant, but nope she was giving me perscriptions.
So how are you, are you trying right know? or waiting to test?
I'm off to bed, my temps went way down, but that dont mean i cant get pregnant when not ovulating, its just less likely to happen, but we are going to keep on it. (lol).. .. :) Af is due around end of the month (yuk!!)
Well i will talk to you later bye.bye
Rachel. ..
Hi Rachel

I'm sorry.... try not to be too down. I think sometime we confince ourselves we're pregnant because we want to be so badly. It'll happen.... Sending you some HAPPY DUST~~~~~~~~~~~ to cheer you up.

I don't think i'm going to try this month. We'll still have a bit of passion but i'm not going to do my Ovulation kit because I'm getting myself too excited every month then i'm let down when my AF comes. This month will be my 6th AF since coming off the pill. I've been told the pill can stay in your system for upto 6 months. Next month i'm making it my mission.... My next AF is due 4th March so i'll start testing for my O around 13th.

You never know we might get our BFP together. Anyway have a good day. I'm back in work. The evening's go so quickly, feels like i've only just left the office and now i'm back in. I work in the fashion industry. My day starts at 6.45am when I get up. I eave the ghouse around 7.30am to drive to work. It takes me around an hour and 15 minutes each way.

Bye for now
How come you hear about people missing one pill and becoming pregnant, yet when you are trying to conceive, you have to wait 6 months for the damn thing to leave your system, its so unfair!! how do people get pregnant by accident and we find it so hard??!!
hayley, Hey how ya doing?, im ok here, yeah im not to down, just gonna keep on trying, and hope that i get preggy before march 25th, i want a christmas baby so bad, so does hubby.
My af is due around end of the month, i hope it done come. (lol).
if it dont show up when its the 5th of march, then ill test again on the 20th of march.
Untlll then Will be busy. :D , How are you doing, you testing anytime soon?
My daughter is 5 yrs old, and she keeps telling me "mommy i want a baby like i no, i no. and she already has a brother so fingers crossed for that to he he..

Kim- yeah dont you just hate that, women who arnt TTC, just get preggy's are there on, that drives me nuts, and 6 month wait thing after birth control is insane, Are you TTC, or are you preggy's, and welcome to the thread :D
hi rachel

yes i am trying for my first. my partner had a vasectomy reversal 3 years ago and we have been trying for just 2 months but i was so convinced i would fall pregnant straight away i was really disappointed when i didnt. my af is due tomorrow but i have been getting the usual pmt so i reckon i'm not pregnant. just have to keep trying!!

i'll keep you posted on what happens tomorrow!
Hi Rachel/Kim

I got bleeding in between cycles. I first thought it was another period (might still be) but then i read another post on here about implantation bleeds. I've never heard about it before. My last AF was 5th Feb but on 18th I got more bleeding (but not enough to say another AF) Todays the 20th and i've still got a little spotting. Don't know if my mind is playing games on me but i feel different. This might be wishfull thinking. I'll have to wait for another 2 weeks tosee if I get another AF.

Now this is where i'm really confussed. If in 2 weeks I do a test and i'm not pregnant. When do I start my Ovulation kit? If I don't get another AF in 2 weeks and the test is a BFN then i'll have to pressume the bleed on 18th was a real AF (but it will be too late to start my Ovulation kit - because i should start that 11 days after my AF which will be 29th) or should i just wait for another AF...... this is so confussing... i just hope I get a BFP in 2 weeks and then i wnt have to both woith the bloody ovulation kit!
Hayley-, hey i was just about to post with the latest on me, well im am currently in ur same shoe, ok i tested monday the 14th, which was 2 weeks 3 days after me and the hubby ( Did it ), and so that test was BFN, so i was convinced that it was true, but no today im spotting, not alot just a bit, and omg im so dizzy and light headed, (maybe stress), but im not due for Af until way end of the month the first of march.
So Hayley this is what im gonna do, im gonna test again in 2 weeks, cuz it might have been a tad bit early, cuz the implantation bleeding is true yes ive hurd about that, and so im going to test in 2 weeks, and then if its BFN then ofcourse i'll no im not preggy's cuz id be a month by then.
Also if im/we, dont have BFP in 2 weeks, since our AF's around the same time, i would do the ovulation kit about 5 days after your last day of Af, so say your AF ends on the 6th of march, well do it 5 days after that, thats what i usually do.
I called my obgyn she did say it could of been a bit early for that test, and wait 2 more weeks, then those results will be real.
Hope that helped a bit, if not post again . and i will help as much as i can.
Keep me posted on ur bleeding and symptoms, as i will to.

Kim, how are you doing?
Hi Hayley/Rachel

Bad news, I got my AF in the night last night. I woke up and felt it and was so gutted. To make it worse I must have felt the cramps in my sleep and was dreaming that I was in labour and having labour pains!! Oh well, theres always next month. I have bought an ovulation kit and loads of pregancy tests so will make good use of the ovulation kit next month.

Hi Kim

Sorry to hear your AF came... It's really upsetting when your convienced you are pregnant this time and then those bloody cramps start, followed by the dreaded AF! I think i'm buiding my hopes up this month. I try not too but it's hard. My mind starts wondering and I start planning what pram i'd like etc. I bet if we stopped worrying and hoping we'd find ourselves pregnant. Anyway as you say.. another month...another try.. Good luck

Hi Rachel

Isn't it mad! I've never heard of these implantation bleeds before. I was only just saying that i wasn't bothering this month. I was gonna get Feb out the way then start my ovulation kit March and go at it like bunnies. I don't know what the bleed was. It started fri afternoon just a little, then stopped fri night but sat morning it started again. Not loads... mainly when i wiped. Although enough to make me wear a linner (sorry if i'm going into too much info!) sunday night it stopped again and today still nothing. I didn't get cramps at all. I did feel bloated thou all day sat and sun. But then this morning my bellies flat again. The crap we have to go through... I'm coming back as a man. I think it was a light AF. (i'm wishing it's not) I went on holiday in Jan to america which was an 11 hour flight. people say this can mess up your cycle. So i expected to have an early Af. I did.... it came 2 or 3 days before it was due. So maybe this is another little one! I don't know. I'm due another AF around 3rd or 4th march. If I don't get it then i'll do a test if i get a BFN i'll start my ovulation kit around 10th but i'll do another pregnant test on the 10th as well (in case the first one was too early)

They say sperm lives for up to 2 days. We did the BD wednesday and the spotting happened on Friday (what do you think? coud I have a chance) it was also the middle of my cycle when I was spotting.

Good luck to you - don't forget to come back on and let me know how you get on.
hey hayley, Yes i think that you have a chance, and im praying for you.
Hmm?, i didn't no air teaveling can mess your cycle up, thats intresting to know.
it's about 530am monday right now, and yesterday sunday, i was feeling so sick.
To be honest, i think that I/we might be worrying to much and hope for BFP to much, its driveing me nuts though, cuz my mind keeps hopeing that i am, and then here comes the sypmathy symptoms from my body (lol), which are possible signs of pregnany.
I think i read somewhere that implantation signs are a little cramping, spotting tempature rise., grrr. why does AF,Preggo,implantation<ovulation all gotta have the same signs (lol)
well i do no that i monitor my temps, its good to so you will no when your ovulating, i have been monitoring my temps about 2 months now, and when i ovulated my temp was high, then it went low real low, and then about 35 days later, a big dip , then low again so there is a chance , but my anxious as* took the first test to soon.
Hayley- my AF is due around the 29-30th, but seeing how it is febuary and there is only a #28 at the end of the month i guess i'll be do around 2-3rd, so if Af dont come ill test around the 5-8th, and hope for the best.
I think that you have a good chance hayley, it would be cool to find out were pregnant at the same time.
OK well keep me posted..
Error on previous message---"and then about 35 days later, a big dip , then low again "
And then about 3-5 days later, a big dip, then low again
Hi Everyone -

I'm new here. I had a miscarriage last year - and I've managed to pick myself up, and now dh and myself are TTC.

...and yes - I am hoping for a BFP - is that what you call it?? - for March.

I have been feeling faint - and simular to how I felt when I found out I was PG last year. But - I'm worried that it's all in my head. I took a test - and it was negative.

I'm pretty regular - 28 - 32 days or so. I haven't started charting yet - I plan to start tomorrow actually.

My last AF was 2/1 - so early March I should know - I will test on the 5th if I still haven't gotten AF.
Jenniefer T welcome :D , Do you have kids already or are you TTC# 1, yeah BFP is what we are all hopeing for, you can read previous post's to catch up... (lol), im TTC#3, and hopeing for a BFP in march , as well as hayley, were here to talk chat whatever you need, motavation, courage anything.
I will be testing again in early march, only because i been feeling funny, and i went to the doc's a bit ealry, i think it was like 9 DPO, so i was to early for the test to be BFP, and it ended up being BFN :( , so im hopein this is it.
WOW, seems like all of us in this circle have just about the same AF cycles length/, and a few days apart of AF being due..
Well happy testing, good luck, keep us posted , feel free to post every day, gives us all something to do to keep time flying..
And welcome to the circle.

Hayley--, i hope you still hanging in there, im finding my self walking past the preggy test sitting on my shelf often.. (lol), but i gotta wait to make sure comes out right
On Febuary 14th, i went to my Obgyn and had my yearly exam done, (pap smear), and the doc called today and said it was fine., then about 3 hours later called back and said the test was inacurate, she said that means they need more cervical cells, and that not to worry, man am i worring tho, but i no nothing is wrong, im to healthy (except maybe these 10 pounds that got to
Oh, i wanted to tell you ladies that i read in a few magazines, 1 newspaper, and i hurd from to psycoligysts, that talked on the subject of "having sex to much will decrease chances of getting preggy's", well guess what ladies, there was a study done at a unviversity, cant remeber off hand which one, but there was a study done on wonem who had sex 3-4 times a week unprotected, and on women who had sex unprotected during ovulation time, and the rest of the time; protected (condoms), and so the chances were very equal.
So i thought that was intresting, cuz i had hurd from people on other forums talk about how its not good and lessens your chance of concieveing, so since there was an actual study done, im a little more confadent in doing "it" more often then not.
Ok well im off to bed (lol), will post tommorow...
Baby dust to all TTC ***, Rachel

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