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Cycle Buddies - hoping for a BFP in March!

Yes good luck :

Lindsay, momof2_trynfor3, hayley, kim and rachael

Baby dust to us all ***************************

From what my gyno has told me, i believe that u can still get pregnant after O, i mean you can get pregnant anytime, it just depends on how long your little eggy's can last.
But you have a more GREATER chance when you O,
During AF your ovary releases an egg and normal one would O about 14-16 days after AF so then your eggy obviously lasts that long, then after you O and the spermy didnt catch that egg, there is stil possibliitys to get preggy..
I usualy take my temps but i got tired of doing that , so i just OPK it when i think its getting close, i believe i O some days ago, about 5-7 days ago, and so im waiting to test, yeah my Next AF is due around the 15th according to the last time i bleed..
I'm completely stocked on OPK's and HPT's, so if hubby's at work and im anxious to pee on a stick (lol), the i'll have em..
I never new how cheap HPT and OPK were on the ebay site, shoot i had been paying almost 40$us, for 4 hpt's, i just bought 48HPT's for 5.00$ and 25OPK's for 3.81$.. so i got plenty..

so sorry to hear about your M/C thats an awfull thing to go threw, i wish you luck TTC again.
Do you have kids already, or will this be your first?

how are you today? hope everythings going good and have you tested yet or are you going to wait until AF due date passes? good luck hope you get a BFP..

how are you, still BD'ing..lol arn't we all.. i swear when i get ready for bed at night and put the kids to bed and come back to my room, i lay down look at hubby he looks at me and we both giggle, in our minds and i no this has to be true, were thinking "shit, here we go again lets get this over with, sometimes its difficult to get in the mood, lately i feel that im just laying there, and i feel bad, because before we started TTC #3 are sex life was great, and passionate and wonderful and long lasting (LOL), and now its like wham bam goodnight..
any body have anyideas or advice to try and make things better..
Durig AF we dont bd that much, just at the first day, and the last day, so he get a good 2-4 days off, which he truly appriciates to..lol
and i dont no at the begining he seemed to be so excited and want to BD all the time, now he has NO problem getting up if you no what i mean, WE just have a problem making it meaning ful, i mena feel bad just laying there like im using him for his sperm.lol
but i think alot of ladies feel that way sometimes..
any how im off to pick hubby up fromo work..i'll post later..

No this would be my first!

I was due to go in for a Laparoscopy 2moz but it's been cancelled until Tuesday now.

How many children do you have?

Hi ladies

Hope all is going well?

Rachel, I know exactly what you mean about the BDing!!! I am still really enjoying it but it sometimes feels like we are set to a schedule!! I think my DH thought that he could have a couple of days off cos I have O, but from what you say we will be BDing again tonight!!!!!

We are both due about the same day eh? We haven't told anybody apart from family that we are trying which takes some of the heat off - my mum keeps asking me everyday if I feel different, but everyday I tell her no! I really don't think that it will be my month again - I am feeling no different at all! If I think hard enough I could probably imagine all kinds of symptoms but they aren't there really. I couldn't be trying any bloody harder though that's the most unfair thing - my DH says we could be trying too hard!

Have you heard anything about your cysts? Isn't it any day now you get your results? I really hope that they haven't grown.

Keep BDing !!!
Hi momof2_trynfor3

Thanks for asking after me. I'm doing ok. AF due between 10th & 15th April (due to messed up cycle grrr). I know it's FAR too early but I tested twice this week. Of course I got BFP but at least I can think that's because I tested too early. Waiting till 16th before I test again as that is when I reckon AF will be late. Is it just me or does reading this site make you want to test? I read all of the posts and make myself believe I'm going to test BFP, am I mad?

I have been feeling really funny this week. I don't know if it would be too early to get symptoms but I have had cramping in my left side and really bad wind. I also had breast tenderness last week for about 2 days and have a really swollen stomach. It doesn't feel like my normal PMT symptoms, so I don't know what is happening. I'm probably just imagining it cos I want to be PG sooooooo much. Me and my partner have been BDing regularly, but he has gone away for a couple of days so no more for me now til at least Saturday.

Well fingers crossed for everyone trying this month.

Baby dust to all *************************

Love Kim x
Hello how are you, yes i got my results back today.. and left one had dissolved, the right one is 2 mm bigger..the dodtor made me mad when she said no biggy, i was like what is that suppose to mean, im here in pain from day to day sometimes, and she says no biggy..huh? she should have used some different words then uh no biggy, that ticked me off..
so any way now its basicly just another waiting game, thats what i hate about PCOS/cysts ovarian.. is waiting to see if it goes away or if it grows, so she wants me back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound on the right side, gosh im tired of it cuz they stick this probe thing up your uno what (sorry TMI), and its not comfortable..lol
anyhow other than that im ok.. pap came back negative.. so releaved on that 2 years ago i had my cervical cells froze from an abnormal pap smear, and hopeing to dissolve the start of cervical cancer..whew that was scary, i fainted when i got up, it was horrible..
any how looks like our cycle days are bout the same this month, mine has been changeing lately sice TTC..
i think that i will test if my AF dont come by the 20th..
if i feel weired at all, i might test on the 17th...
Hiya Rachel

I would have been angry too - I would have been tempted to say 'and what do you mean about that!' how cheeky - it's something to you and she was extremely insensitive!!!!

I too had an abnormal smear test and had to have colposcopy treatment which also wasn't very nice - I asked the nurse the last time I went for a test if this would be affecting not conceiving but she said not, aswell as telling me to be patient!!!!!

I was thinking of testing next friday(15th!!) I know I should wait but it's so hard - if you are going to wait then I will too - I hope my AF doesn't show up before hand.

It was funny I started to feel sick this afternoon at work and got excited but then realised that it was indigestion from eating an apple - was gutted!

Anyhow take care of yourself and will chat again soon

Hey lindsay,
yeah i think I'll test on the 17th.. Hopefully i can wait that long..
I had some minor cramping today after lunch, only ate a p&j sandwhich, and got a little dizzy on the way home from picking daughter up from pre school..
WAY to early for AF signs.. so i got fingers crossed..
My daughter was eating a cup pf noodles today (top ramen brand), and usually i like thoose alot myself, i opend it for her and felt sick to my stomache, which i found very strange, i hope im not getting sick ..
hubby said whats wrong i said i feel weired, but like you said before, i can probably come up with 1,000's of symptoms...lol and be dissapointed with BFN..
any how take care and i'll post later..night everyone..
Hi Rachel

It certainly sounds like you could possibly be PG - Oh I do hope so!!!! I still haven't had any signs so doesn't look too good for me. I will certainly let you know if I do though!!

Have a good day - sending you baby dust!
hello ladies

It seems like we're all due for testing around the same time. My AF is due 15th and if i get a no show i'm gonna test on 16th.. Can't wait till the 17th (your much braver than me Racheal) I've had pains in the overies area for a week now and my AF isn't due for another week. I know i'm not imagining the pains because they are quite painful. What could they be? It's not a shooting pain more of a lingering pain that i feel i have to rub.

oh i wish we all get our BFP at the same time. I feel like we've become friends whilst mailing on here. It would be fun to go though the next 9 months together. If one of us gets a BFP will we promise to still keep coming on this topic. I think it would be nice to give the others something to look forward to...

Baby dust to all******* have a good weekend
That's so weired that all our Af's are due around the same time, I am defanently going to be staying at this group, even if i do or dont get a BFP, i dont really fancy groups with like 20 or even 15 ladies, its to hard to keep track of everyone one, and whats going on with everyone, i like our little group here, its cozy (lol), and I'm comfortable..
OH man it would be so crazy if we all got our BFP this month, thats would be great!!!, gosh Im excited now..
and can't wait...
Hmm, about your pain, that's sorda sounds like a mild cramping maybe uterus adjusting to PREGGY'S..i hope thats all it is..
Oh i read some where in a book, that i really never knew.
Im not sure if i told you ladies or not, but during my 2nd preggy with my son, whos now 2, i was bleeding for the first 3-4 months, went to the hospital like 2 times a week, each time the Dr. would send me home saying that it was a threantend miscarriage, well i read that if its a 2nd or even 3rd, etc, that you can bleed like that , its your uterus stretching back out again and shapeing its self, i mean i new the uterus does that, i hope thats the right word "uterus", lol. but any way, i new it done that but i didnt no it caused bleeding so majorly.. well at least i no now for next time if it happens..
i dont currently have any more "female" appointments to go to anytime soon, except i go back to my doctor in about 4 weeks for check up on the old cysts again..
I'm trying not to think about anything "baby" related, cuz if i do I'll drive my self crazy..
Me and hubby and kids was dowtown at the mall eating dinner at this chineese resaraunt, and i seen this couple walk by with a stroller, and 2 faternal twins no more then 6-8 months old, and the mother was pregnant, i was like aww man, why cant that be me, then we leave to go home, here comes to ladies down the escalator both like 6-9 months pregy's, hay by this point, im takein that as a sign.. lol, 3 pregnant women in 10 minutes..lol
ok im thinking about it to much, its 5:14am, i gotta go start saturday cleaning..whoo hoo how fun..
Talk to you ladies laster, have a great weekend...
Hi ladies

How's everyone weekend going? Went out for a meal last night with DH and Rachel, I know exactly what you mean - I felt as though I was surrounded by pregnant ladies. My DH must have known what I was thinking because he gave me 'the look' and smiled!!! I didn't say a word!!

I wish that I would get some symptoms or something, not had anything at all, it may still be too early to get Af symptoms, they will no doubt come next week Lol! I am trying to think positive, if AF does come which I very much believe it will, I can continue to have mega amounts of bedroom action for another month and that isn't such a bad thing :wink:

Maybe you guys could help me - I had CM on the Friday, but didn't detect a surge with OPK till Sunday, which do you wreckon was the day I was suposedly O?

I bumped into my friend in town on when I was on my luch break at work and she was with her 1 year old daughter - I kept thinking if you mention anything about babies and when am I going to have one I will go mad!!! Lol - she didn't!!!

Oh well am going to go and get myself showered and dressed - going to do the weekly shop this morning while DH is playing footy! We are going to his parents for lunch today so at least I don't have to cook, yippee!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend
Speak again soon
Hi Ladies

I have a question which is bugging me. I thought i'd run it past you lot. I've been on a pregnancy due date calculator to work out if I got a BFP this month, when the baby would be due, some sites also give you the date when you ovulated. This is the cause of my confusion. My last AF was 18th march, my cycle is every 28 days which makes my next AF due 15th April. I tested for ovulation 27th March (10 days from my last AF) I got a double line on 29th march so we BD 29th and 30th. But the calculator states if my last AF was 18th March I should have ovulated 1st April which is 3 days after I got a positive result on my ovulation kit. I hope I haven't lost you all with dates... Do you think the calculator on the net is just a rough estimate. Do we have to ovulate 14 days before our next AF? Because i think i ovulated 17 days before. I hope i haven't messed up this month. This is my 8 month off the pill. I was told by the doctor not to get stressed over ttc in the first 6 months because of the pill (could still be in my system) last month was a waste as my AF was 2 weeks late for some unknown reason. So i'm really wishing and hoping (as we all are) that this month is the one!

Is anyone else thinking about testing every minute of the day? I'm forcing myself to wait until 16th (i've told DH to hide the test's)

Let's hope this week fly's by for all of us... Good luck
Hey Hayley

Don't take too much notice of those calendar things, they are a rough estimate for the 'average' woman. We do not all ovulate 14 days before AF, every woman is different and every month is different. I would go by your OKP, that is unique to you. Even so, it will only happen when it happens, even if we hit it spot on.

I am also due 15th and I feel the urge to test every minute of the day but I'm down to 4 tests now, and if I can hang on I lessen the chance of getting a BFN merely because I tested too early. I might do one Wed and one Sat.

I'll let you know how I go and you do the same

Tons of baby dust

Kim xx
Hi Ladies

Having a bit of a down day today - woke up in the night and when I went to the loo I had brown discharge on the tissue which was then on my mind so lay awake for hours. In the morning the same thing happened so I put a panty liner in, but every time I went to the loo today the panty liner was clean but brown spotting was on the tissue - not every time (sorry for the detail lol!) am almost certain that my Af is on it's way cos a similar thing happened last month. I too have been off the pill for 9 months and really don't know what I am doing wrong other than putting massive amounts of pressure on myself every month.

Oh well I really really hope that you guys have more luck than me ..... I will be so excited if you get BFPs just don't leave me in this part of the forum all on my own :cry:
Hi ladies, how's everyone doing?, how was your weekends?..
mine was good, some very weired weather out here tho..
Hayley im with ya girl, when you say testing everyday or minute, gosh i find my self sometimes just sitting there starring at the tests, knowing darn good and well its way too soon..my supposed last AF was march 18th lasted 2 days, i have about a 28-30 day cycle, i O on cycled day 17 according to FF (fertility firend chart) , so im hopeing not to get AF april 15th, 16th, etc..
and hopeing we all get our BFP!!

Lindsay-- dont give up yet, not until you see full blown AF, i dont want to get a BFP without you guys.. i have cramps right now, my schedule is usually moody, cramping, headache a week beofre AF comes, tho my breast are a bit sore sorry TMI, they are a bit sensitive.. oh ive lost 7lbs, so i guess thats gonna make my inconciderate doctor happy.lol
ok ladies im off to bed, im so tired tonight.. with mild dizzyness..
im not sure when im testing, i'll test when you guys do, so let me no.. then we will all post at the same time...
Hi all

Got AF this morning. :(

Not taking it very well.

Kim xx
oh no kim, I really thought you were going to be lucky, I am so so sorry.

I have still got the brown stuff, I just wish it would hurry up and get here now, I am just waiting for it.

I had to go into see my boss about something today and I could so tell she thought i was going to tell her I was pregnant, the relief on her face when I didn't say what she thought, that made me feel quite down too because I really wished that I was saying that. God I am sorry I depress myself at times, don't want to do it to you guys too!

Hayley and Rachel - It's all on you 2 .........

Hi Lindsay

Thanks for your support, it's just what I need right now. I was so convinced this was going to be 'it' that I even told my mum (never normally discuss this type of stuff with her). I had to phone her today and tell her she wasnt going tobe a grandma yet. I felt awful cos I felt I was disappointing her too, but she made me feel better by saying it took her 5 months trying for me (i've been trying 4 months) but also felt worse cos she said she was 15 months trying for my older brother. I would of cracked up by 15 months!!

It just shows though that every time is different. I have vowed to stop smoking and drinking, and have bought some 'pregnacare' tablets, but I can't stop trying, how on earth do you do that???

I'm going to make next month my best go yet, I will drag my partner into that bedroom every day even if it kills me, and I'm going to break it to him tonight that he should stop smoking too.

Mother nature is mean and nasty, not only does she give you AF when you don't want it, she also makes it bloody painful, I feel like I have been kicked in the stomach and back repeatedly grrrr

Anyway, rant over, how's eveyone else?

Kim x
Hi Kim

I know it's hard, I really do - I have been trying since July - we didn't 'try' for the few couple of months I was quite blazee about the whole think thinking that it would just happen....but it didn't, then over Christmas we didn't try because of my DH shift patterns and also because of all the boozing (although if I am honest I still hoped it might just happen, so I don't believe in 'stop trying and it will happen')

So in the new year, I really started to try. I don't drink now unless there is a real reason too. I have joined a slimming club with my mum to get rid of any excess weight, I am now down to 9 stone 6 and eating really healthy and I have also started to use OPK. So I have done everything in my power to get my body ready for a baby!!

At first I didn't detect a surge with the sticks which made me think I was infertile, but then when I waited to test (rather than rushing into it way too early!) I detected a surge, which I have done for the last 2 months, but still no joy!! So if you think about it I have been trying for 9 months and nothing. How depressing is that :( All I can say is when I finally get my BFP, it will be the most precious thing to happen to me and will be so wanted.

If I get my BFP next month, my baby may be born on my birthday which would be a good thing! I just wish I could understand what is going on at the minute with the brown stuff - it's all so strange.

Anyhow keep smiling, we will get our wish one day!

Hayley / Rachel - have you guys tested yet? Please give me something to be excited about!!

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