***June Mummies***

Bubbles the rain is ridiculous isn't it?! Thankfully I've got my car so didnt get too wet. I only passed last year though so I've done numerous school runs in rain, wind and snow... I don't miss that lol.

Abi, yay for nearly being 10 weeks, hopefully you can wave goodbye to the sickness.

Hope everyone is OK?

I feel normal, like I'm finding hard to believe I'm pregnant. It's odd. I threw up last night, but still no nausea just instant sickness then its over. I've woken up this morning feeling great, done the school run, been shopping, put a stew in the slow cooker, tidied round and about to fill my face with toast and jam! Going into town with my sister soon, going to do some Xmas shopping! And maybe I'll treat myself to a cuppa and a mince pie! Lol xxx

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Me too bubbles with tiredness, I don’t really have any nausea or sore boobs any more which worries me, but a lot of you ladies seem to have had this on and off so I’m just waiting it out for the dreadful return! Scan on Wednesday which I’m looking forward to! Collecting little one from nursery after work and done a dash round Tesco! All I can say is PORK PIES yummy! I didn’t fancy them until I saw them, then sat and ate 3.
Has anyone else had any scans the last couple of days or got one coming? X
How exciting another scan on the way! Mine's a week Thursday so 11 days now. Nausea came back with a vengeance this evening which is not fun. Orange juice ice lollies have been saving me though. My boobs have been sore but my bloating has subsided which is kind of nice. So just the usual fluctuating symptoms!
I've woken up in a foul mood! Everything and everyone is annoying me. Spent most of last night tossing and turning because I couldn't get comfy. Had shooting pains up my pubic bone yesterday and it hurt to walk :( I suffered with pelvic girdle pain when pregnancy with no2 and it was horrific, ended up on crutches. I'm trying to remember back to how it started and I'm sure it all began with shooting pains in the pubic bone area that just became more frequent and intense. I was at least 19-20 weeks before it even started last time. So if it is PGP it's starting a whole lot earlier :(

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Also, I'm really looking forward to see the next lot of scan pics! Then should start rolling in nice and steadily now shouldn't they? I think we're all evenly spaced out in terms of how many weeks we are :)

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Ohh baby that doesn’t sound nice! I had mild pgp with my daughter and apart from a few episodes at work not being able to walk at all I went off on mat leave at 29 weeks!
Has any of you ladies been finding it hard to drink enough? I really struggle first thing in the morning and can’t drink more than a few sips until we’ll after lunch x
Am I one of the only ones on their first baby? I'm so nervous about actually getting past 12 weeks because I won't know what to do next. It will be the furthest I have ever gone.

My second pregnancy but hopefully first baby too @SmithyBaby and feeling the same...I got to 11 weeks last time (missed miscarriage but baby didn't actually get past 5 weeks). Had a private scan at 9w4d and saw the heartbeat and they said everything looked as it should which was a relief but still can't wait for the 12 wk scan, mine's on Dec 3rd so not long. When is yours?

In terms of symptoms I'm feeling the best I have in the last few months, no nausea for a week and a half now. Still tired and massively bloated but I'll take that over nausea/sickness any day!

We were planning on revealing to our friends and family on Christmas Eve with the 12 week scan pic in crackers but now getting tempted to tell them next week after the scan as it's getting so hard to hide the bloat. So weird as there's no bump at all in the mornings but then I look about 6months by the eve!

Is anyone else waiting until Christmas to tell family?
Ohh baby that doesn’t sound nice! I had mild pgp with my daughter and apart from a few episodes at work not being able to walk at all I went off on mat leave at 29 weeks!
Has any of you ladies been finding it hard to drink enough? I really struggle first thing in the morning and can’t drink more than a few sips until we’ll after lunch x

I've been finding it hard to drink enough too. Ribena has helped because water seems to taste disgusting to me now. The only time I actually feel like drinking is after about 7pm then every cup I drink is an extra trip to the loo in the night so I can't be bothered.

I'm planning a Christmas reveal for family too. I live abroad so I'm visiting the in laws first and will let them know then on to my family on Christmas eve and will tell them then. I'm feeling slightly guilty as both families will stock up on wine and nice cheese and I don't want to waste it. I'm sure DH be won't object to eating my share!

Anyone know if cooked cheese is OK? Deep fried brie and baked camembert? Does it work like meat and its OK if its cooked? My doctor said to ignore that advice and eat cheese anyway but I would still feel to scared to unless I thought it was safe. But as a veggie cheese is one of my only vices left? Also Xmas pudding? I'm assuming the tiny amount of alcohol and the fact it's cooked off makes it safe right? Fingers crossed someone knows!
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Baby- oooh not nice- I had crutches with it with my first but was lot better with my second. I went to physio at first signs and actually followed her advice and exercises religiously and it really made a difference. I have a weird pelvis so I am expecting it again this time. My physio also told me to put ice blocks down your trousers over your knickers for 10 mins, three times a day and that really helped as kept the inflammation down.

Abi- I am also veggie and I eat cooked soft cheese. On NHS website it says cooked cheese like Goats and Brie is fine, I still stay off the stilton and blue cheeses.

Only 2 days to go, one more at work! So excited for Thursday but also very nervous at same time! xx
I'm kinda planning a Xmas reveal but for my little boy. He's wanted a sibling for so long but I told him it wouldn't happen as my tummy is broken. He made a wish to farther Xmas last year, then I found out I was pregnant in the January. I'm glad I didn't tell him as it would have been so hard to explain. I think come Xmas day I'll be at least 17 weeks so it's as safe a time as any to tell him, plus I'll be able to tell him if it's a girl or boy.

Everyone else already knows, well apart from OHs family but he's not overly close to them. So they'll find out when ever he decides to tell them lol.

I thought soft cheeses was find to eat as long as they are pasteurised? But mould cheeses are a no go? Which is no problem as I don't like them.

So I was hoping my pubic bone issue would have settled today...but it hasn't. Its still a solid aching with the odd sharp shooting pain and hurts more if I shift my weight to one leg. I honestly think this is the start of SPD, I'm so sad it's kicking in already. I'm going to mention it to my midwife at 16 week appointment. See if she'll refer me to physio, if not i'll go private. I can't afford to be laid up with an energetic 5year old to run around after.

D3bbie, is it your scan tomorrow? I hope you get to see more than last time. Will be thinking of you, please check in and let us know how you get on. Xxx

I've just seen the time!! This is the longest I've been awake in ages, what a rebel! Lol


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I haven’t seen midnight in months!!

I have my midwife booking in appointment this morning. I hope she’ll be able to give me a scan date today rather than wait for a letter. I want a date to countdown to!
Lol d3bbie got you confused with chrissi. Lol, too much to keep up on this thread.

Good luck with your booking in appointment today. When I had mine it took nearly 2 hours! Answered loads of questions, filled in all the paperwork, they took bloods and booked me my scan. Gave me the date there and then. So fingers crossed you'll know when your will be by the end of today :)

Chrissi, good luck for your scan today hun. Keep us posted, can't wait to see pictures!!


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Hi Ladies, can I join the June Mummies please? :) First time Mummy, slightly scared but massively excited!

Had our 12wk scan 2wks ago based on my last period dates but was only measuring 11wks 1day so going back tomorrow when I’ll be 13wks based on the date given at last scan. This will hopefully be confirmed tomorrow, and we’ll finally have our due date - think it’ll be 6th June or similar.

I’m so excited, but feel so absolutely clueless!
Hi Rach, nice to have a new face so to speak! I'm a first time mum too (although third pregnancy so have everything crossed this will end well!) I'm nervous and excited and terrified and happy all at once. Crazy hormones!
My scan is a week tomorrow. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and will be 13 weeks exactly on the day of my scan. It feels like it's taken an age to get here but not long now.
I will be doing a Christmas (and hopefully gender reveal) too as that's the next time all my family will be getting together.
Good luck Chrissi for the scan, let us know how you get on. Xxx
Hi Rach! You have the same due date as me at the moment and I also have my scan tomorrow! Exciting times :)

Smithy I did find the last week has actually gone really quickly, was a lot easier when I was days I was counting down instead of weeks!! Xx
Hi Rach, welcome to the group :)

My booking in appointment went okay today, same midwife as last time which was nice. I forgot they take blood and I was not emotionally prepared! I hate needles. No scan date yet though, they send a letter with a date. They’re cutting it fine as I’m 10 weeks and they need to fit it in before Christmas! Hopefully I’ll hear this week rather than next.
They didn't take my bloods at my booking in, is that normal? I just had the whole list of questions and information but that was it. I have to take a urine sample to my scan but will they take my bloods then? Seems odd that they didn't bother x
I didn’t have my bloods done at my booking in appointment either. Here they do all the paperwork and then you have 12 week scan, urine sample and bloods done all at the same appointment. It’s was the same when I had my daughter (who turned 6 on Monday.) I think maybe different health trusts do things slightly differently. Also I’m in Wales not sure if that makes a difference. I have my scan next Friday - 7th December.
They must all do it differently. I had to take a urine sample today but they don’t send it off anymore (they did last time) unless there’s any worries. I get more bloods taken at the scan for the screening tests. I think the bloods today were to check for aneamia and to see if I’ve had slapped cheek before incase my daughter picks it up. They must check for something else as she took 4 vials.
Ah yes I'm in Wales too Bumbles. And I think your neck of the woods near Newport so probably same health board x

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