I really need to find my motivation to do a deep clean, the house so needs it! I think I'll start this week while the kids are at school, tackle a room at a time.
I've not got my tree up yet, we get a real one each year and it's still a bit early. Don't want it dying before the big day lol. I'll be getting it on the 1st Dec. While it settles overnight I'll get the kids to help me put up the other decorations and window lights. Then on the 2nd we'll decorate the tree and pray it survives lol.
Have you started/finished Xmas shopping yet? Did anyone get any black Friday deals? I totally forgot it was black Friday, not that I buy into all that anyway. But you can get some decent bargains if you are, or so I've heard.
Just about to jump in the bath. Is anyone else missing their steaming hot baths? I love mine as hot as can be, normally get out looking like a cooked lobster. Now I'm enduring lukewarm baths, apparently heat hot enough to raise core temps is not good for baby

makes sense, but I do miss a hot bubble bath lol
Not long and we'll all be heading into tri 2!
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