***June Mummies***

Evening ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well? I managed to get a fair bit of Xmas shopping done today. The shopping centre was crazy though, Xmas shopping brings out the worse I people I think or it just brings out all the rude people at once lol.

I happened to have a quick glance at the baby clothes as I strolled round sainsbury's too, something which I've purposefully avoid up until now. Beginning to let myself believe that this is actually happening :)

Thought I'd got lucky and sickness had gone. Had 2 days of being vomit free, only for it to return last night. Can't complain though as there is no nausea, just sudden urge to throw up lol

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Its very quiet on here still. I'm guessing it'll liven up once we all hit tri 2 and feel a little more reassured xxx

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I try not to post too much because I feel like I post all the time haha. But you're right, I think people are waiting for the all okay at 12 weeks.

I did a little bit of shopping and cleaned my house top to bottom. Literally can't believe the difference in my energy levels today!
People are super rude though, I find I go shopping first thing about 8am and try to get out of there by lunch otherwise it's carnage here. Anyone putting their tree up soon? I'm trying to convince OH to get the deccies up on the last day of November but he's having none of it. Such a grinch.
I’ve been to local town for the light switch on. Five year old thought she saw the real Father Christmas! :)

I’ve got a countdown app till my scan! It’s taking too long! Be so happy once it’s done and hopefully everything is ok and I can tell others.

Don’t worry about posting smithy! Post away!! :) love to read posts! Xx
I really need to find my motivation to do a deep clean, the house so needs it! I think I'll start this week while the kids are at school, tackle a room at a time.

I've not got my tree up yet, we get a real one each year and it's still a bit early. Don't want it dying before the big day lol. I'll be getting it on the 1st Dec. While it settles overnight I'll get the kids to help me put up the other decorations and window lights. Then on the 2nd we'll decorate the tree and pray it survives lol.

Have you started/finished Xmas shopping yet? Did anyone get any black Friday deals? I totally forgot it was black Friday, not that I buy into all that anyway. But you can get some decent bargains if you are, or so I've heard.

Just about to jump in the bath. Is anyone else missing their steaming hot baths? I love mine as hot as can be, normally get out looking like a cooked lobster. Now I'm enduring lukewarm baths, apparently heat hot enough to raise core temps is not good for baby :( makes sense, but I do miss a hot bubble bath lol

Not long and we'll all be heading into tri 2!

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Aww bubbles that so cute that she thinks she saw santa. I love this age, the magic of Christmas and santa and the run up to the big day is so exciting for them.

How long do you have left til your scan? I'm sure your scan will be absolutely fine, but I totally get the anxiety leading up to it. I actually cried at my scan from relieve, poor sonographer had to stop to get me tissue lol xx

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If you’re on Instagram then the Organised Mum method for cleaning is really useful to actually get into a routine.

We’ve had a really lazy day. Popped to town with my toddler in the carrier facing me as she just wants cuddles now like a baby. Not sure why! She’s getting too heavy for it.

I didn’t do any Black Friday shopping either. I haven’t bought many presents yet but I’m going quite minimal this year.

I try not to come on here that much until I’ve had my scan. I’m trying not to think about it all even though it’s so hard. I don’t even have my midwife appointment until Wednesday. I even did a pregnancy test this morning and it came up within seconds.
I've been on the countdown to my scan too. It's just 12 days away maybe I should get an app too!
Am I one of the only ones on their first baby? I'm so nervous about actually getting past 12 weeks because I won't know what to do next. It will be the furthest I have ever gone.
On instagram I love MrsHinch (I posted another thread about hinching) she motivates me so much and is hilarious. Great ideas.
I just love Christmas, such a happy time but I don't break up from school/work til 22nd. Seems like an age away.
Smithy after 12 weeks you just relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy :) You'll have midwife appointments that they'll arrange at your 12 week scan. Just attend when you need to, have a look for local mum-to-be groups they can offer good advice/support to first time mums. And remember to ask/vent/moan on here, 1st baby or 3rd baby it's all the same and still as daunting.

D3bbie I was the same, not really wanting to post/think about pregnancy until my 12 week scan. I feel a little more at ease with it now. Will feel even better when I hit 16 and half weeks and find out the sex. Only 3 more weeks to go!

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Well that sounds less scary when you put it that way :) I think I can relax and enjoy eventually lol.

Oh my gosh how exciting! Just thinking about gender makes it seem so real. I have had the overwhelming feeling it will be a boy but all my vivid dreams have been about a blonde baby girl. I will definitely be going for a private 16 week scan I think x
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Evening ladies, we also braved some shopping today! With a kicking and screaming two year old! I’m that parent that is blazè about it and just gives people a long hard stare when they dare look at my child throwing a wobbly over the fact that she can’t eat ketchup!
Morning sickness has disappeared for the last two days which makes me anxious again! Hopefully it returns slightly tomorrow. Still exhausted, especially with little ones rash behaviour switches when she returns from her fathers house!

We are putting our tree up tomorrow! It was going to be yesterday then today, but keep putting it back due to little madams performances! The rate we’re going it won’t be up at all haha xx
Haha chrisi, the terrible twos I remember it well. My little one once had full on, throw himself on the floor, melt down because I wouldn't let him eat a dog turd off the pavement. He was adamant it was a lump of chocolate lmao the joys!

I'm sure the sickness will return before you know it. I thought I was on the homerun, then it returned just to keep me on my toys. So glad I have a downstairs loo, comes on so sudden I don't think I'd make it upstairs lol

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Smithy, I wonder if your growing a little girl. Is it terrible that I've not dreamt about this baby once :(

I'd love a little girl, Chinese calender suggests girl, a few ladies on my gender post have suggested girl and my sonographer said she had a inkling that it was a girl. But I've decided it's a boy, purely becasue I already have to so chances are I'll have another lol

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4 days and 13 hours till scan! I think it’s just scary cause it was such a shock and surprise pregnancy and I haven’t had many symptoms, it feels so unreal! I did have a early scan at 6 weeks and saw heartbeat but it was just a grain of rice so didn’t really sink in.

We just watched new ep of new girl... does anyone watch it? They were talking about how angry and moody CeeCee was when she was pregnant and why would they do it again? My oh was giggling away... I haven’t been the most happiest of pregnant women with all of my pregnancies haha.

We have a real tree too baby so going to wait till 7th so it will still hopefully be alive at xmas!

I actually brought a gro egg thermometer from amazon in Black Friday sales. Ours broke and it was such a deal and useful when they are little and my sis in law is due new year day so if anything does happen bad with this pregnancy at scan I can give it to her for a present.

Smithy, tri 2 is def the best! Time to enjoy pregnancy, start showing and feel comfortable! Start to feel baby kick, it’s a wonderful time Xx
Oh not long bubbles, I'll be wishing the time away for you (and me as I'll officially be 14 weeks on Thursday so will be starting tri 2!).

I'm looking forward to the buying stage. Won't be going crazy though, babies can be so expensive. With my first I was really young, only just 18, so still lived at home and most things were gifted by relatives. With my second I was older and able to do it all 'properly' bought new, did up the nursery etc. This time I'll accept whatever the sister inlaw throws at me and the rest will be bought new but at a reasonable price. I've learnt my lesson that they don't stay babies long and some items sooo aren't worth the money! Lol.

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Oh and I've not watched new girl, but can definitely relate to the mood swings and generally feeling irritable. And my OH would agree too haha

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Baby, twos are definitely the most wearing! Haha chocolate poo bless him.

Bubbles, I too have been very short with my oh. Spent an hour folding washing the other day for him to put his pile on the floor?! I started throwing item by item out the window. He got the jysk and put them away! It’s so easy to switch from happy to irrational/crying. I’m usually a very chilled person and will breathe it out when I’m pissed, now I’m like the hulk xx
I nearly spat out my drink laughing at the idea of a child wanting to eat a turd. Seen things just as bad in my classrooms though haha.
My mood swings are pretty vicious. I nearly bit his head off for cuddling me when I was too hot. I'm very irrational but I do own up to it and apologise too. Ah well joys of pregnancy.
Otherwise I feel pretty good surprisingly. The nausea is there but nowhere near what it was.
Hey how is everyone? Just done the school run in the pouring rain..... great fun! Suddenly suffering from extreme tiredness again. But with no nausea this time around I should count myself very lucky :) xx
You girls have made me laugh! I haven't had the irrational anger with this pregnancy but I did get very upset early on and I still can't watch sad adverts on TV without crying. The nausea seems to be getting a little better too. It was bad around lunch time and I was nearly sick twice on my way home but had a cheese sandwich when I got home and I'm feeling much better again. Hopefully it will keep getting better. I will hit 10 weeks on Wednesday so I'm ready for the sickness to end. I also need to phone up and confirm my scan for the start of December. They want to do it at 11 weeks and I think they will push for cell free dna testing as the risk of cvs and amnio are slightly greater if there is any rhesus incompatability (I'm negative but DH doesn't know what he is and will need to be tested) so hopefully I'll have all the results before I go visit the family at Christmas and I'll find out if I'm having a boy or a girl by them too.

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