August Babies update

I think evajo is team yellow???
What team is kiwi on???
These girls deserve top of the list but i think Rosie's Mummy might just do a bit of queue jumping!!!!
bouncing? Aparently walking sideways up and down the stairs, or walking with one foot on the curb and one off. Youd look like a complete mental case in public doing that tho...

Awkward question but does anyone know....does :bd: actually make any difference if you dont get the semen on your cervix?!

tiny :bd: worked for me last time!!!
The grand event occurred about 11pm and by 11.30 i was contracting like mad, went to hospital at 5am and baby was born at 7,29am!!! Great stuff :dance: don't know if its the semen or the jiggery pokery???
I laso remeber thinking oh shit the midwife is going to be able to tell we were at it a few short hours before but by the time i was examined I couldn't have cared less and anyway thats why we're there in the 1st place and they have jobs!!! :lol::lol::lol:
I think the title of this thread needs changing to something not so innocent... we have hit semen and wenches on pg 1 :rofl:
bouncing? Aparently walking sideways up and down the stairs, or walking with one foot on the curb and one off. Youd look like a complete mental case in public doing that tho...

Awkward question but does anyone know....does :bd: actually make any difference if you dont get the semen on your cervix?!

tiny :bd: worked for me last time!!!
The grand event occurred about 11pm and by 11.30 i was contracting like mad, went to hospital at 5am and baby was born at 7,29am!!! Great stuff :dance: don't know if its the semen or the jiggery pokery???
I laso remeber thinking oh shit the midwife is going to be able to tell we were at it a few short hours before but by the time i was examined I couldn't have cared less and anyway thats why we're there in the 1st place and they have jobs!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Now you have said that it had reminded me of a conversation I 'had' (I was obviously traumatised) with my BIL where he recommended :BD: and a walk in evicting my nephew..... hey, maybe we could combine the 2 to spice things up.....

well, I am off for me bath... am already looking forward to reading what I have missed :wave:
The consultant I saw on Fri told me to get jiggy with OH - lol! She swore by it "It's been scientifically proven!" she says! Hmmmm, we'll see...
not a lot... :( I thought I would have missed a bit....

I have delegated leg shaving to DH from now on
yep, leg shaving is a real task these days! But i feel more than ever that I have to keep on top of it cos Im gonna be on display fairly soon!
Could you add me for 23rd August as well on team blue.

Oo, the thought of BD is not my favourite thing, and god, going to hospital straight after so they can tell!! Crikes!
Well, saw mw and no frigging closer, pip is 2-3/5th palpable. So 3/5 really as I think she was just trying to make me feel better... She was also very non commital when DH asked how much longer she thought it would take, so am thinking I will definately be seeing the back end of august. On the plus she has said that if things look favourable next week she will do a sweep... Did try to get her to do it today... I got told I was pushing my luck!

How is everyone else getting on?
^^^ Pushing your luck? Haha! We're like a bunch of kids demanding 'just 10 more mins'! lol!

I'm good - had a HUGE bunch of BH's yesterday eve and about 2 mild painful ones. Had to wait for one to finish before I could get out of OH's car! lol! Nothing to report today though :-(
Well, saw mw and no frigging closer, pip is 2-3/5th palpable. So 3/5 really as I think she was just trying to make me feel better... She was also very non commital when DH asked how much longer she thought it would take, so am thinking I will definately be seeing the back end of august. On the plus she has said that if things look favourable next week she will do a sweep... Did try to get her to do it today... I got told I was pushing my luck!

How is everyone else getting on?

My little man was 3/5ths palpable last week, but im not too fussed about that :) My midwife last week said "have you got your hospital bag ready?" and "he can come anytime from now and he wont be preterm" She sounded as though hes ready to come now but im not so sure she did also say that my daughter was early and i had to correct her as she was a week late. She hasnt said anything about a sweep either so it dont look like ill be getting one even if i get to 40 weeks, not that im bothered as id rather not have one lol x
Could you add me for 23rd August as well on team blue.

Oo, the thought of BD is not my favourite thing, and god, going to hospital straight after so they can tell!! Crikes!

Yeah i know what you mean about :bd: in this state but I thought it was preferable to induction and endless internals. Our hypnobirthing midwife advises it and says "whatever got it in there will get it out" :dance::dance: she also advised lots of nipple stimulation for regulating contractions should they weaken once in labour! OH will prove his bravery if he tries that without warning :lol:
hi Ladies
Just updating the august due dates and arrivals :dance:
Hope theres a few more soon :)
I hope so too! Getting way too impatient now! Haha! X
Tell me about it, being almost a week overdue is no fun at all!!
! week under with a false start ain't much fun either :cry: come on babies :dust:
I think my babys waiting till its his turn, so hurry up other babys that are before us in the list lol I think iv scared my OH way too much to carry on like this, 1 odd painful contraction and a day full of rib and back pain that wont go isnt good :/ x
I am due aug 21st. Not a very regular poster but may be the next few weeks as am feeling impatient!!!

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