***June Mummies***

Just read it back and want to clarify a pint of water haha :lol: because sounded like I was gonna have alcohol for my lunch!

I know baby.3 so want to be in second tri and technically I am because I'm 13 weeks tomorrow soooo fx at the moment x
Haha smithybaby, i suppose a pint would help with the nerves! lol Not long now and you get to see your little bubs, I'm so excited for you :D
Just dropping in. How are you ladies doing? Hopefully won't be long before where all in tri 2.

When are peoples scan dates? Xxx
Had my scan this morning. Due date is the 17th June. Everything is looking good and measuring at 12 weeks 4 days. :D
Bumbles there's a new thread in tri 2, jump over. I'll add you to the front page :) xxx
How was your scan smithy?

TMI question, but does anyone else gag after sex?!

Plus this new layout is awful, it’s been the same layout for years. X
Smithy has update in tri 2, her scan went well and there's a bavy pic if you want to take a peek!

Can't say I've gagged after sex. Too be honest there's bit much sex going in at the min, much to OH frustration lol.

I wasn't keen on the layout either, but it's not too bad once you've had a play about with it.

I was same, new layout confused me! Why change it?! But it isn’t too bad once you get used to it. Good way to mess with pregnant women’s emotions though.

No I haven’t gagged after sex but pregnancy does do strange things to us all. I’m off to a hen do tonight and wearing heels... hoping I don’t fall over with a change in centre of gravity! Xx
It’s awful OH can’t help but laugh but it’s not cool.
I think I’m going to be on my own here my actual 12 week scan is on 17th when I’ll be 12+3
I’m 11+1 now. I’m glad Xmas is coming to pass some time. I’m relaxing a bit now, and sometimes forget to check in here.

Hope everyone is starting to enjoy being pregnant now with a bit less sickness x
I have finally been able to get back on here. I keep getting IP issues whether I try on my phone or laptop and have no idea what that means other than I can't get on to hear from you ladies!

I'm currently at the hospital waiting for my scan. Fingers crossed it all goes well!
So the scan went OK. Baby is there, measuring 11w exactly so a few days behind but they put me ahead last scan so I'm back to about where I thought I should be.

They couldn't tell much more than that as the baby was dancing all over the place. I have to go back for another scan as they couldn't get any nuchal translucency measurements at all as the baby wouldn't stay still. They also want me to book in for a gender scan before I travel to the UK at Christmas. It will be quite early, not quite 13 weeks by new measurement but the doctor is fairly sure that they will be able to spot a willy by that time. I'm having very 'boy' feelings at the moment and the doctor agrees with my hunch.

I can't get the cell free dna test though because unless the downs test indicates a problem my insurance won't cover it. So there goes my sneaky plan to find out the sex sooner!

I'm feeling slightly disappointed I couldn't calm my fears as much as I wanted and my scan pictures aren't as good as I had hoped. I can't even see a skull shape like some of the other ladies here, just a slightly more baby shaped blob. I just need to keep reminding myself that everything is looking OK so far and I'll get better pictures in a week or so.
Also I did get an official diagnosis of HG. I made it through an hour and a half of work today before throwing up and getting sent home. I also had a hot sweat and felt very light headed and panicky but I'm not sure if that's because I was so embarrassed thinking I would scare my class. I have been given zofran to help but I'm still too scared to take it and with only 3 days left until the end of term (thank goodness for private school term times) I hope I can just cope through it and hope I'm feeling better by the time we go back in January.

I'm still posting here because without the confirmation everything is OK from my scan I'm still too scared to move over to tri2, especially as I'm still a couple of weeks away from officially being there.
Hi everyone I’m new! I’m pregnant with my 2nd baby, thought I was due on 1st July but had an early scan and they have dated me as due 26th June! I have my 12 week scan next week so I’m hoping they keep the date the same this time.

I never used any kind of forums etc with my first but I am feeling completely different this time round and struggling a lot more, so it’s been so helpful to read through all of your comments and see that others have had similar struggles at this stage! X
Hi, we might have very nearly swapped dates! I went from 25or28th June to 30th at my last scan but they may change it again when they rescan as my last scan was so useless! There is a June thread in the 2nd trimester that seems more active but like me you're a late June date and it's scary thinking about moving over too soon isn't it! Still, not long now, roll on 2nd trimester!
I’m still in here. I have my scan this week so don’t want to move over to tri 2 thread until I’ve had it. I’m so nervous as all symptoms have gone.

Been to primark today to get some bigger jeans as my maternity jeans are too big at the moment.
Wow Debbie, my first pair of maternity jeans are already getting tight! I knew I should have sized up!

I have finally got booked in for my 12 week scan on Monday and they have sent me to a sonographer rather than my obgyn as the baby was so active they couldnt measure this week. It's been so stressful, the hospital kept forgetting to get approval from my insurance so I couldn't book in and the days were ticking down until I can't take the scan anymore. So stressful. I don't know what I would have done without this forum as I had to be the one to chase up things like the blood test too since they didn't seem to realise there were 2 parts to the down syndrome screen. Honestly I feel like I deserve a medical degree all the research and chasing up I've had to do! Finally my husband had to call them and get it sorted out because I was getting so stressed my morning sickness was getting terrible. I've already thrown up 3 times today, once on the street so I probably look like a crazy drunk! Joys!

Tomorrow is the last day of term and my class have their Christmas party. Hopefully when we go back in January the morning sickness will have passed.

Good luck to anyone else getting scanned soon, I can't wait to see even more cute pictures on here.
Hey ladies just checking and making sure your ok. Not long now for both of your scan dates. Totally get why you haven't moved over yet, I was the same. Not wanting to jump the gun just in case the scan doesn't go as expected. I'm sure you'll both be fine and skipping over to tri2 before the end of next week :) xxx
Abi that sounds so stressful and complicated for you! I hope your last day of term goes well.

I’ve hardly slept I’m so nervous about my scan. It’s in a few hours. I wish I didn’t have to go in to work after it. I told my line manager I’d tell everyone else after the scan but I can’t face it just yet. Part of me wants to wait until the new year as my main manager will only worry over Christmas about how she’s going to fill my part time hours on mat leave (she cares more about having the staff than the staff themselves it feels).

Going to go and give my little one a huge hug to cheer myself up.
Oh d3bbie, send you lots and love for today. Totally understand your nerves and unwillingness to tell people. I've still not told all the family, and I'm 16wks today. You just have to do what is right for you, and if that means not telling work colleagues just yet then so be it. Your well being is more important than what they think or feel.

What time is your scan? Will be thinking of you and I look forward to seeing pics of baby! Xxx

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