***June Mummies***

Thinking of you D3bbie, hope you have an amazing scan. I can't wait to hear all about it!

I think it's terrible when bosses are so difficult, stressing out about filling in for their staff than how the staff are feeling. I really feel for you and totally understand not wanting to share with them if that's how they are. But remember you need to put yourself first in the end.

Makes me really greatful for my boss, she's more like a friend than a boss and I sent her a message at 5am when I got my bfp! She even bought me pregnancy tests.
Thanks ladies :)

The scan went really well and little one was kicking about happily. I’m measuring at 12 weeks 5 days so further ahead than we thought. I tried to upload a picture but it says it’s too big and I don’t know how to make it smaller on my phone.
Yay! Debbie, I've been checking in all day to see this. Such good news, and yay for being put forward a few days. Now you can head over to tri2, we'll when you feel comfortable, no pressure lol. Xx
Amazing news D3bbie! I found I could take a picture on my phone then crop until it was smaller if that helps you upload it? Don't know, I'm still struggling with this new forum setup!

I don't want to speak too soon but I feel like the morning sickness might be lifting. I haven't thrown up once today! Even went out for pancakes and hash browns for breakfast and going to the cinema later. I haven't had this much energy for weeks! It helps being able to drink plenty of water. Please let it continue!

Husband has to go for his blood group test today to find out if he is O- too. Unlikely since only a small % are but it would rule out the risk of incompatibility if he was. He's secretly hoping he is too as one of his collegues is a bit of a conspiracy theorist and thinks O- people are reptile aliens and the illuminati so I think he wants to wind up his college a bit too. :rotfl:
Lovely news Debbie. Managers can be funny. I used to work as a support worker and my manager was vile throughout my entire pregnancy with my daughter. Looking back I probably could’ve had her sacked!

Now I work with a lady in her home. She ‘wobbles’alot which generally means she falls and grabs you while she’s going down which is worrying me now as I’m petrified of putting my back out!
Did and extra evening the other day for 3.5 hours. After her parents handed me a £20 note and said thanks like I was a baby sitter earning below minimum wage!! Not doing that again! I was expecting it to go into my normal wages.

Anyone else on here a carer? X
I'm not a carer now but I was for a long time. I was caring when I was pregnant with my youngest. Now I'm training to be a nurse. Although I'm deferring my degree until after baby is born.

Abi, hope the sickness stays away for you. What film you going to watch? Where child free tonight and haven't made any plans. I'm thinking I might watch a film and pig out on nachos! X
I'm seeing aquaman, dh's choice this time but nachos are a big draw too. We have a platinum screen in our local cinema where the seats recline and its so comfy. I have heard that the cinema can make the baby more active once their ears start working but it's a bit early for that yet for me.

Edit: totally worth seeing Aquaman if you are going to the cinema baby. I really enjoyed it. Think Moana with less singing and more testosterone!
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Just got Dh's blood test result back. He's O- too so that saves me freaking out about incompatibility as well as monthly blood tests and at least 2 injections! Hurray!

I'm not feeling quite as good as yesterday but just nausea, I haven't actually been sick which is still a win. And I even managed a salad for lunch and the veggies off a roast dinner tonight. I've been so off veggies for so long so it's nice to actually eat them again. I planned to eat perfectly and organically and when I got the HG that totally went out the window. It has helped me realise I'm not going to do this 'perfectly' and be OK with that.
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My scan is this afternoon, I'm feeling so nervous about it. I'll be so happy if everything looks OK. I hope baby behaves this time. It will be nice to move over to the second trimester thread if everything is OK. I also have a basket full of maternity clothes on asos ready to order if everything is OK too. I'm so scared of getting my hopes up and something going wrong, I don't think I'll be able to get excited until I find out for sure everything looks good.

I spoke too soon about the sickness starting to lessen. Thank goodness term has finished, I've just been doing the ironing today and still been sick twice. I've got to fly back to the UK to visit family this weekend and I'm dreading the flight especially if I feel like this. I'm not good with planes as it is. I feel sorry for whoever sits near me if I'm being sick the whole time.
Just popping on to say good luck for the scan today abi. I'm sure all will be fine, fingers crossed little one plays ball. I'll check in later and hope to see scan pictures! Xxx
Thanks! I'll be posting in the tri 2 thread as long as everything is OK! I'm in the hospital waiting room now, hopefully not too long to wait. But I'm on my own as DH had to go find parking. I hope he gets here before I'm called.

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