**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Hey all, so nice to hear how everyone is doing. We have had some sleep issues on and off lately. Waking in the middle of the night and not going back down. Wide awake and wanting to play at 4am or crying. It seems to be swings and roudabouts. I think its teeth as when hes like it all his other tell tale signs of teething are there.

In terms of bringing the sides of the bed down Im considering it. He isnt a climber so no worries there but I think he may actually sleep better in a bed. Im thinking of doing it before we go away on holiday at the end of June as there is an option of a cot in the appartment but there is a childrens bed too.

As I have 7 weeks holidayI hope to try to maybe tackle the toilet issue then but I personally dont think hes anywhere near ready. We can only see.

Cant believe our babies are going to be 2 in a month!! Theres May and June thread for 2015.
I've been considering taking the sides down too, Hallie got her leg stuck this morning, i think she might have been trying To climb out but I'm not sure.
Don't know if she would stay in there or if she would get out and play! Lol x
We had H in a toddler bed on our weekend away. First night took me ten attempts to get him to stay in & he 'fell out' (was only 3 inches off the floor) 4 times, 2nd night took me 3 times & he fell out once, 3rd night he stayed in & didn't fall out. Hes ready for a bed but I'm waiting til he's 2, I don't know why lol, just going to keep him my baby for a few more weeks :) x x
I have just been reading from the start of this thread, jeez what we all went through and now I have to do it all again

I have just been reading from the start of this thread, jeez what we all went through and now I have to do it all again


Hahahaha!! Madness isn't it. I had a look back through a month for so back, seems a lifetime ago in some ways and 5 mins ago in others! xx
Hey all, cant believe Im bumping this therad to say Happy 2nd Birthday to our not so much babies. Someone tell me where the time has gone???

Were just having a family thing this year for the second birthday as were away on our holidays 3 days after. Whose up first as were the 26th June but time is flying!!
Olly is the 20th June, next Saturday. We are having a party for him at the local hall and have hired a bouncy castle and are putting on a buffet. Also some party games too.
I cant get my head around him being 2 !!

No party for us, just a family gathering that appears to be getting bigger!

Had a bit of a stressful time recently and haven't bought anything yet. I really need to get my head round it all.

I can not believe they are nearly 2, it's just flown by. Whilst we have terrible 2 days he's such a pleasure to be around and it's so nice now he's a bit more independent.

I love how I can sit and have a chat with him, his speech is amazing for 2 year old

We are doing the same as last year.
Leisure Centre bouncy castle and sodtplay on his actual birthday 11th July. Thomas the tank theme :) im making his cake and cant wait lol!
We are going to the zoo within the week before on our day off with my parents as they have my step dads grandson down for the week too.

I'm doing pretty much the same as last year. Emily's actual birthday is the Tuesday 21st July so me and hubby taking her out for the day. Sunday before having a tea party at home. Hopefully weather is nice so can get outside. Then baby boy enters the world on Thursday 23rd July so busy week for us! Lol xx
We're not til 22nd July so a little while yet! We bought her the little tikes country cottage and double decker super slide about a month ago and gave her it early, on her birthday I'll just buy her colouring books and maybe some sort of peppa pig toy!

Cos we've got the nice garden toys now I'm having a garden party Monday 20th - peppa pig themed! On her actual birthday will be having a family day out to an aquarium! She loves fish!

On one hand I miss my baby but on the other I love the little person she is becoming! X
Aaaaw I love wooden houses! You'll never get Noah out of it! Plus someone to send oh when he's in bad books! X
Aaaaw I love wooden houses! You'll never get Noah out of it! Plus someone to send oh when he's in bad books! X

I cant wait!
He had a little table and chairs in the living room but he sits at the dining table for dinner now so his table can go in the wooden house.
Im also getting him the wodden ikea kitchen to go in there :)
And a tool bench for christmas lol :shock: i already have his xmas list sorted ahahaha x
We are off on holiday on the 4th July & Harrisons birthday is the 5th, so it will literally just be us four. Which I'm glad about, I'm still not fully recovered from the stress of organising his 1st birthday I don't think haha! Hes not getting a lot to be honest, hes not hugely interested in toys, he'd rather be out in the garden digging up the mud or collecting the worms - proper icky little boy!

He's not talking atall, he seemed quite ahead with his talking when he was a young'un & then it stalled & now its taking a massive back step & he doesn't even say mum or dad. It's something that really upsets me actually, he's being assesed by a speech therapist tomorrow actually to see if we can get some help with it. I think it really affects his behaviour as he cant communicate to me whether he's hungry, tired, thirsty ect ect.

We are also having a terrible time with his gut, hes been having lots of tests recently & his latest blood results have come back showing 'worrying' markers so he has to have a general anaesthetic to have some biopsys done of his stomach & intestines.

But generally speaking hes a happy little thing, makes me laugh everyday & seems (in his own little way) to love his brother very much
How lovely that you will be on your holidays for his birthday! And you get him all to yourselves!! No fighting off the grandparents! Haha

Sorry to hear about all the testing must really play on your mind hopefully it will all come back with some answers!

Toddlers and there talking - god it's so varied! I was with my two friends today and our 3 are 10 days apart and honestly they varied so much! One saying sentences, the other saying 1/2 words together and the other just pointing and grunting! They are all so different! It's hard not to compare but we really shouldn't! They all catch up eventually! Hopefully the launch a&e therapist will give you some tips to encourage him xxxx
Hi girls! How you all doing?

Happy birthday Noah!

Hope you've all been enjoying your little one's 2nd birthdays and those still to come, hope you're looking forward to it!

Matthew was 2 on 1st July and we had a fab day. It was a gorgeous day, we went to the safari park and he loved it. Family came over for cake and pressies in the afternoon. He was just so happy and excited! Only one small tantrum all day lol. It was pretty much a perfect day. He was a very lucky boy and got lots of lovely presents, lots of clothes so we're sorted for age 2-3 stuff. We got him a little tikes pirate ship water activity table for the garden and he's been enjoying that although the weather in general has been awful for July! His fave present I think was a scuttle bug. My friend got him it, he is obsessed with it. He also got more toot toot stuff, books, toy workbench to name a few. I bought some under-cot storage from ikea today which is great cos we were running outta space!

I bought all the potty training stuff that I need the other day with the intention of just letting him get used to seeing the potty lying out. He doesn't seem interested in the slightest lol! Thinking I've jumped the gun and its way too soon.

Anyway hope you're good and enjoying this wonderful British summer we're having! Xxx
Thanks Kay! Noah had a fab day yesterday!
Can't believe they are all turning too!!

Noah was yet again spoilt rotten!
His main present was that wooden playhouse that we ended up buying. We are still in the process of painting and building it, it keeps raining on the days my OH is off grrr! Lol. FX by next weekend its done anyway!
Hes had alot of moneyso thats covered the house aswell as £100 left over for winter clothes & shoes later on in the year.
Hes had bloody loads of presents my living room looks horrendous lol!
I need a good sort out as we have 4 big ikea storage boxes as it is and they r full from his old toys! Ah!!

We havent attempted potty training yet, ive sat him on the toilet a few times as i have a potty and a toilet seat for him ready.
He thinks its just a bit game and i dnt think he has an actual clue its to go for a wee and poo on haha!!
Going to try and book 2 weeks off together end of year and just try it and take the plunge, heard if u stick to it i can normally be done within 1-2weeks!

Hope all babas and mummies are well!
We have 2 year olds!! How crazy is that! So glad Noah has fun! We are having a little garden Peppa pig party for Rosie's birthday and on her actual birthday day we will have a family day out to the aquarium I think! She loves fish!

Considering rosie is quiet advanced with her talking she is absolutely no were near ready for potty training! She won't even tell me when she's pooed! Being in a pooey nappy just doesn't phase her!! Think I'll be leaving it another 6 months! On a positive note when she seems me on the loo she asks to go on big doesn't do anything! X

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