**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Hi girls, sorry I've not updated on here in a bit. I've wrote a couple of responses and my phone always dies (I need a new phone).

Robyner that's great CR is walking properly now and getting her first shoes is a milestone! Matthew is also walking/toddling now, he has come on so much in the last few weeks it's amazing. To think Portugal was only 2 months ago and he could only crawl then. He's still wearing his cruisers which still fit ok but I'll be taking him to Clarks soon for his first proper shoes. He got two pairs of converse trainers for his birthday, super cute! Sizes 4 and 5 so hopefully get some use in the next few months. He was 3.5G when measured for his cruisers a month ago.

We are currently trying to reduce his naps from two down to one. He usually gets up roughly between 5-6am, has a 2 hour morning nap 9-11am then anything between a half hour to an hour and a half in the afternoon around 3ish. As per my previous post we were finding he wasn't going down very well at night, I think due to too much sleep during the day. So my aim is to reduce him to one long nap in the middle of the day, roughly 11am-1pm. It's been a bit of a challenge and at the moment I've only been able to keep him up til 10.30 but know it'll take a bit of work. Hoping it'll mean he will wake up later too. How are your lo's doing with naps at the mo?
Kaykay - so sorry to hear you're being made redundant. Had you been there long? Will you get much redundancy pay? Least you've got a bit of time to look for another job.

Holi - that's my exact attitude with work. After 12mths off it's amazing how little changes. I found out last week a girl who's been there since Feb was saying to someone that I didn't know what I was doing. It's really knocked my confidence as I do find I'm still way off from being fully up to speed and still adapting to being back and being part time. xx

I've been there six years but won't get much of a redundancy package because I work for a children's charity it's quite basic. Only applied for one job so far. I hate job hunting! :-(

That's really shady what that girl said about you. I do feel like new people in my work tend to talk to me like I don't know what I'm doing and I have to fight the urge to say 'yes I've been doing this for six years' :wall2:
Emily seems to have dropped her morning nap now and will have an hour and a half after lunch time. She still goes to bed between 6 and 6.30 pm and wakes normally between 6 and6.30am. Have tried to put her to bed later but that makes no difference to her waking time in the morning. We are off to cyprus in 4 weeks so I'm preparing for all routines to go out the window! X
Hey girls.

Noah only seems to have one nap now aswell. Over the last few weeks.
Like today he nodded off at 11.30 now this was a tad annoying as he has lunch at 12 lol, hes still asleep now.
But he wont nap again now till bedtime.

Noah tends to go to bed anytime from 6.30-7.45 depending on how long he napped in day/grizzley his is by tea time! I do try an get it passed 7/7-15pm if i can.
Though even with blackout blinds this boy just loves 5-6am wakeups lol. It kills me! Even to im slightly getting used to it.

Sometimes he will go bk off after a quick bottle of milk but mostly up & awake until his afternoon snooze xx
Rosie's hit and miss with her naps, it's either 1 long 2/3hr one around 10/11am or 2 1hr ones around 10 and 3! Would prefer her just to have the 1 as it means she's knackered by 7pm and is a dream to go to bed! If she's had 2 naps she can still be up raving at 8:30pm!

Still no walking/cruising here but she now can pull herself up to standing and can now climb stairs so she's definitely getting more adventurous!

Rosie talks none stop! No real words except mama and dada but it's constant babbling - i think we are going to have a right chatter box!

It's been exactly 1 week since jabs and it's been absolutely fine! No temp or anything! So fingers crossed she's got away lightly!

We have 1 year review tomoro! Can't wait to get it done with! Then it's bye bye health visitors for a whole year!
We have a walker !!! I feel like I'm running around so much more. He has fell down the back of the couch twice today

Rosie's hit and miss with her naps, it's either 1 long 2/3hr one around 10/11am or 2 1hr ones around 10 and 3! Would prefer her just to have the 1 as it means she's knackered by 7pm and is a dream to go to bed! If she's had 2 naps she can still be up raving at 8:30pm!

Still no walking/cruising here but she now can pull herself up to standing and can now climb stairs so she's definitely getting more adventurous!

Rosie talks none stop! No real words except mama and dada but it's constant babbling - i think we are going to have a right chatter box!

It's been exactly 1 week since jabs and it's been absolutely fine! No temp or anything! So fingers crossed she's got away lightly!

We have 1 year review tomoro! Can't wait to get it done with! Then it's bye bye health visitors for a whole year!

Holi, did they get in touch with you or did you make an appointment for the year review?
I haven't heard anything, wondering if I need to chase it?
I just rang up and booked! Now I'm back at work I don't have as much free time as before so wanted it sorted! Was really good, very relaxed and informal! They are happy with Rosie which is good and she weighs 19lb exactly which is fantastic! X
This sounds terrible but I am so glad I'm not the only one having sleeping troubles! It's really getting me down! I think I'm going to try reducing to one long nap but it's so hard in the morning as she gets tired very quickly. She just cries and cries until I go in the room and Iv made it worse by going in because I can't ignore her :( thought it might be a phase but it's lasting quite a while! Xx
Kim! Long time no see! Nice to hear from you. You're certainly not alone with sleeping issues. Matthew is a bit up and down. When he's going through a bad spell I find it hard to cope if I'm honest and it effects my mood. We are in the process of moving to one midday nap, it's not easy as you say. My lo is ready to go down at half 9ish but I've been keeping him up. It does seem to help with him going down at night and he's been sleeping through more. This morning he slept til 7.45 which is unheard of (and probably a one off! ).

Your lo had silent reflux if my memory serves me right? How is she now? We just stopped my los omeprezole on Monday, no symptoms yet fx it stays that way xx
Oh well done Olly thats brill! R may walk by the time he is 2!!!!
I know I hardly come on anymore! Tried one nap today and she is still refusing sleep tonight, Iv tried everything don't know what to try next except letting her cry but I honestly think she would cry all night. What time does he go to sleep? Millie shows all signs of tiredness nearly falling asleep while having her milk as soon as I'm out of the room she's standing up crying.
She had colic in the end which just ran its course, feels like in back in those days now! Glad he hasn't had any signs hopefully it will stay that way ! Xx
Hi all, I've finally managed to get my little one onto cows milk for his morning and bedtime bottles just a couple of things that are worrying me though which you may be able to help me with -

Do your little ones still have a morning bottle - if not when do they drop this ?

My son used to be regular as clockwork in the nappy dept, did you find that your little ones became constipated when moving to cows milk ?

Thank you x
For those who moved into cows milk did you find it fills them up enough to go though the night?
I put Matthew on to cows milk right at 12 months. Dropped his morning bottle at the same time cos he wasn't that interested in it and I feel he eats his lunch better without it. So he's on one bottle now, at night time, 8oz of cow's milk. Baby giz no constipation here. My lo drinks a lot of water and has a lot of fruit so no issues fx it stays that way. Has a dirty nappy 2-3 times a day.

Cupcake I've found his sleeping a bit hit and miss lately but I would say he's definitely not hungry during the night. I'm going to keep giving him his nighttime bottle til he's at least 18 months, as he's not great at drinking milk in a cup during the day so at least it's 8oz I know he's getting xx
I know I hardly come on anymore! Tried one nap today and she is still refusing sleep tonight, Iv tried everything don't know what to try next except letting her cry but I honestly think she would cry all night. What time does he go to sleep? Millie shows all signs of tiredness nearly falling asleep while having her milk as soon as I'm out of the room she's standing up crying.
She had colic in the end which just ran its course, feels like in back in those days now! Glad he hasn't had any signs hopefully it will stay that way ! Xx

He goes down generally for half 7. Sometimes earlier if he's had an early nap that day and is really tired, sometimes later (like last night 8.40!) Because he fell asleep in the car on the way home at 5pm. So annoying when they do that but nothing would wake him!

He used to self settle but now he needs held until he's asleep. If he's even just a little bit awake when you put him down he stands up straight away and crys until you hold him again.

The only thing I can suggest for millie is tire her out as much as possible during the day and don't let her nap past 2pm. It's so tiring when they won't sleep but I'm sure it's just a phase. The 12 month sleep regression is meant to be one of the worst so could be that xxx
For those who moved into cows milk did you find it fills them up enough to go though the night?

It was his first night last night and he was up at 6 this morning normally sleeps till 8 so I'm not sure at the moment

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