**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Tristan is really good thanks Hun!!
He did give his daddy a bit of a hard night by not settling between 12 and 2am, I think that's because it was just so stuffy and warm last night! Even more than it has been lol! Or so the gro egg says! Haha!

I was asking Karl about baby no.2 the other day and the poor bugger has been really quite traumatised by my labour! :( so much so he said if we just have Tristan, he said it wouldn't be such a bad thing if he was an only child!
Aw last night was definitely extra hot! Hallie wouldn't settle either and was only in a nappy. Supposed to get even hotter next week!! Don't know how we'll cope!! Although I'm glad I'm not heavily pregnant in this!

Aw bless him! Bet he will come round when his little boy isn't so tiny anymore lol it's going so fast already isn't it! X

Tapatalking. X
I keep on about no.2 too, keep the age gap quite small :-) Its too hot, it's making everyone cranky and upset! I'm happy these days if the groegg is amber never mind yellow!
I must admit I do miss being pregnant but I'm certainly in no hurry to have anymore!

Midwife said to me she recons she'll see me in less than two years haha! We will see!

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Lol! Yh get the nappys all out the way in one go!
I bet it is my hormones, going to have the coil fitted next week, going to wait till Xmas then decided when to start ttc again. Might change my mind when I'm struggling with a 6month old baby lol xx

Tapatalking. X
Hey girlies!

I'm here!! Yay!!!! Xxxxxxx

Still can't believe she's here, she's so small and perfect and I'm so in love. Breastfeeding is a nightmare (I've posted in the bf section) so sore, cracked scabby nips and lumpy boobs, I've got a permanent cleavage where they are so big they are say next to each other, with huge lumps spreading up into my collar bone and into my armpits, hoping they settle down soon :(
She sleeps loads and I slept from half 1 til half 5 this morning which I'm more than happy with! Mw is coming tomoz so I'm hoping she will have some advice on the feeding situation.

Anyway hope ur all doing ok, can't believe we have our babies!! Xxxx
Hey girlies!

I'm here!! Yay!!!! Xxxxxxx

Still can't believe she's here, she's so small and perfect and I'm so in love. Breastfeeding is a nightmare (I've posted in the bf section) so sore, cracked scabby nips and lumpy boobs, I've got a permanent cleavage where they are so big they are say next to each other, with huge lumps spreading up into my collar bone and into my armpits, hoping they settle down soon :(
She sleeps loads and I slept from half 1 til half 5 this morning which I'm more than happy with! Mw is coming tomoz so I'm hoping she will have some advice on the feeding situation.

Anyway hope ur all doing ok, can't believe we have our babies!! Xxxx

Hey Sorry I'm month hopping here but it sounds like you have mastitis which is an infection, it can start making you feel quite ill. Give nhs 24 a call and see what they can advise, hope you feel better x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Yaaay more mummys n babies!! :)

I can hardly get on here nowa days! Missed loads!

Noahs doing alot better with sleeping now he in the formula, i beat myself up about stopping BFin but for me having mastitis in both boobs ad terrible sore/cracked bleeding scabby nips and on strobg antibiotics i defo think now it was for the best!
He had 5days solid of sucking lol.

Hes growing up to fast aswell!! :( :( cant believe hes 9days old already!!
Hes currently livin life sleeping in my arms after his bottle :)

Hes having a lil photoshoot today, OHs aunty and uncle have their own business.. So they are coming to the house :)
Awh Laura, thumbs down about booby trouble but yay for the amount of sleep you get! The longest Harrison has gone is 3hours haha!

Dani, I've mastered the art of bfing one handed so I can get on here when feeding haha! Otherwise I never would!

OH stupidly suggested we have a bbq today as a way to wet the babies head without the drinking, but its going to be a nightmare. We have a huge list of stuff to do before 4pm, & we have to somehow manage Harrisons 2 hour feeds in between. God, I'm going to br stressed lol! X

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Hey Laura, so good to see more June and July mummies on here. Glad to hear the formula is going well for you Babyslog. I found exactly the same as you hes so much better now hes on it. Wer doing o. Survived the first week of hubby being back at work. Were out sonewhere every day and I think thats the key. Stops me feeling boxed in and the day to pass quicker. Although leaving the house takes double the time!!!!
Hi ladies just popping in to see how everyone is doing :)..can't get on much its hard work with 3 kiddies under 5 and this heat is unbearable!! :( lol..can't believe oliver is over 5 weeks already!..I also tried breastfeeding and had cracked nips red hot lumpy boobs and had to give in..bubs wasn't getting enough I was litterally trying to fight him to try to latch on he was getting soo fustrated which was making me feel worse..and once he did latch on I litterally would sit and cry everytime he sucked I was in that much pain..I tried to express the milk but again was in soo much pain so at around day 5 after trying to breastfeed topping with formula, a very stressed mommy and baby I changed to full formula..I beat myself up for a few weeks about it I couldn't even bring myself to talk about it everytime I did I would sob my heart out as I felt a failure but now 5 weeks later I am still gutted but have came to terms with the fact it was for the best..oliver was 8lb and at 10 days he lost a little the first few days but weighed him at 3 weeks and he put on a 1lb..I will be getting him weighed next week for his 6 week check can't wait to see how much he has grown..he nearly fills his moses basket now! Lol xx
Woohoo - do you think Kate wants to join our group with her July baby! :-)
Ahh I'm a wreck today. OH has gone back to work & I have no idea how I'm going to cope with Harrison all day by myself!
Everytime I think about it I burst into tears :(

On a more cheery note our nursery furniture has just arrived for Harrison's room. Its not decorated yet, but the furniture was on sale so we had to get it there & then!

Hows everyone else coping? X

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I feel the same as you Sara. OH went to work on Friday and there were tears. He's gone today and I;ve dropped my little boy off at nursery. He didn't want to go, so that has made me teary. I'm tired as little monster needed feeding every 2 and a half hrs through the night.

I thought of going back to bed this morning but haven't, think it will make me feel worse. I'm planning a trip to the shop in a bit and them will try and go to a breast feeding support group after lunch. Hopefully they'll have me as I'm combi feeding.

I keep being told it will get better, but that doesn't help me now. Hopefully you'll have a good day. xx
Awh its awful isn't it. I just dunno what to do with myself.

I guess just keep feeding/changing as normal & let h decide what kind of day we are going to have lol. I don't think ill manage to get out the house though, I don't even feel comfortable leaving him to get in the shower lol x

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Have you got a little chair for him so you can take it to the bathroom when you have a shower? That's what I do so I can keep an eye on her. On the weekend I left her in her moses basket but know that OH was around so he would hear her. I've tried doing the dishes now and she was moaning, its so hard not to constantly pick her up for cuddles, but I also want to let her tire herself out so hopefully will sleep better tonight.

How's feeding going Sara? Are you still expressing at the end of feeding? I managed 3 breast feeds yesterday, but don't think she gets quite enough as she was still unsettled, so topped up with a little ebm or formula. In the night I just do bottles of either ebm or formula. This morning so far I've breast fed and expressed to empty them out, about 10 mins later she was hungry so finished off the emb. And now only an hour later she is rooting.

You're right to just try and carry on as normal with feeding/changing etc. Sometimes feel like I'm wishing the day away until OH gets home, and wishing the week away until I have family visiting and we are planning to go visit them in september (so wishing the summer away!!)
Yeah in still expressing after feeds but not every feed now, it depends how long he spends on the boob.

I know that my boobs tend to be empty after 30 minutes of feeding on each, so.. if he only spends 10 minutes on the boob then I will express for 20 & give him that, but I'd he spends like 25minutes on then I won't bother expressing & just leave him. I do find though that he doesn't go as long between feeds if I don't give him ebm. He can go 3 hours if he has 15 minutes boob then 15 minutes worth of ebm, but if he has 30 minutes boob then he will only go beteen 1-2 hours. I guess this shows that he still isn't very efficient at breastfeeding but we are getting there. I'm still using the shields too, as he just won't latch without them!

I think yesterday he had a bit of a growth spurt, as in the morning he emptied both boobs with a 55 minute feed, and then in he afternoon he had 15 minutes boob then woke & had 100ml of ebm! Couldn't believe it! Thats his biggest feed to date.

I'm glad I'm still going with it though! Its very satisfying to see him getting nice & fat on mummy milk!


I've only got a proper newborn rocker so I can't move that up & down the stairs. I might invest in just a cheap little bouncer to take upstairs with me though, that's a good idea! For now I'm just gonna have to wait until OH gets home to shower haha x

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Welldone with the BFings and expressing!
Im still very gutted i gave it up :(
He seems happier tho, and sleeps alot. plus OH feels more useful now. Bit i keep looking at piks i took of him feeding and i feel so sad that i only lasted the 5 days :( hmmm xx
5 days is brilliant though dani! Even one feed gives them such a boost!

I was sooo close to giving up on day 3 when we were in hospital. I had to get the midwives to take Harrison away for 10 minutes because I was so upset about it & he was screaming and I just couldnt cope. The only reason I kept going was because by that point I had been fighting him for 72 hours & I was like, what was the point of battling for that long if I am just going to quit now lol.

Then on day 5 when we found the shields I felt so much better. Its really hard work with the expressing aswell but I'm going to keep going for as long as I can.

I let OH do his first feed of ebm yesterday, I've been really funny about it up til now, because I wanted to exclusively bf so badly I felt like I should be the one doing all the feeda ifykwim. He really loved it though, so maybe I can start handing over a few more of the ebms after a booby feed.

How's your stitches & that healing up dani? Mine have completely dissolved already and my bleeding is hardly anything. I even had a sex dream last night :blush: so I must be getting back to normal haha.

Canr believe 18 days ago I was still pregnant haha x

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