**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Oh Dani you're doing fab. No one will think any less of you for giving Noah a bottle. Ana is being fed a combination of expressed breast milk, formula and sometimes she latches on to feed. I really like knowing how much she's had and so I know I will never just bf. There have been many days where Ive thought ust stop faffing and give her formula, but for now I'm doing what I can.

If you can manage to express then great. Have you got the lansinoh nipple cream? It does work. :-)
Aww dani don't feel bad it's very hard! I was the same.5hours sleep must be making it even harder. U do what's right for u and baby and I'm sure the MW won't pressure u, she will try to support u.
How u getting on now he's on formula? Have u had bit more sleep? He's so cute!! Xx

Tapatalking. X
Awh sorry to hear that dani. Do you not fancy expressing then?

Me & Harrison have a complicated feeding routine that involves breastfeeding & expressing & it takes around an hour to do each time & I have to feed him every two hours because he's little & doesn't put on weight very easy. So we are exhausted too! There have been a couple of nights where ive almost given up myself!

Anyway, he managed to put on 6oz over the weekend so I am hoping midwife discharges us to health visitor on Thursday, he will be two weeks old Friday how crazy is that!!

Everytime I think about my OH going back to work on Monday I burst into tears. I seriously don't know how I'm going to manage by myself :(

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You really shouldn't feel bad - I go with the idea that every bfeed you've done is a bonus. I'm 3 weeks in and still managing - I've started expressing a feed once a day and am considering introducing formula at night. One of my friends had all but stopped bfing so she can have a drink!! Another friend has persevered but found out she wasn't producing enough milk and baby was starving!!

It's not as easy as it was made out to be at the classes I went to!
Well im on antibiotics girlys!

Went to drs this morning.. Drs words ' this is the worst case of mastitis ive ever seen '
:shock: ouchieee
Both my boobs are in a terrible state! Both nips are sore cracked n right is now scabby from bleeding. N both boobs are inflammed red n rock solid will lumps :(
Im a state!!

Im on really strong antibiotics for a week now :( xx
Hi girlies

It's lovely to hear how you are all getting on. Olly is 4weeka tomorrow ... I honestly don't know where the time has gone. It seems like yesterday I was in had him.
The first 2 weeks we just had to wing it, hubby and I didn't have aa clue what we were doing. I had a massive cry the Sunday night before he went back to work as I didn't have a clue how to look after him by myself but to be honest him going back to work has been the best thing - we have our little routines now and I love being with him during the day :-)

Olly has been suffering from trapped wind and screaming in pain after feeds coz he can't get all his wind up, I tried everything from the winding every oz to the cycling legs and nothing worked so I bought some infacol and he has been a different baby the last few days ... Trumping all the time !!

He has his last feed about 8pm and then we bath/wash change and into his sleeping bag and we pop him on his play mat until he drifts off and we take him up to bed with us around 10pm ish. He goes into his cot and sleeps until he wakes for a feed about 3/4ish then back down and wakes up about 7am. He won't sleep in his Moses basket - I can sometimes get him in it during the day when he sleeps but as soon as he wakes up screams blue murder. He loves lying on his mat and blanket on the floor.

And giving him a dummy was the best thing we ever did, we were so against it at first but it really does settle him.

How is every one feeling in themselves ?

Wow queenriccy you sound like you've got it sussed. We are so far from a routine! I get a bit panicked about the lack of routine at times - but lo is only 3 weeks. he's just quite difficult to settle at night and like you mentioned with your lo, won't go down in his Moses basket. We are looking at buying a travel cot or small cot for our room as I don't like the thought of him in his own room yet!
Dani - ow!! Hope the antibiotics are kicking in, just what you need when you're so busy with Noah! x
We have zero routine too, there's just not enough time haha!

Although Harrison slept from 4am - 7am in his crib, completely quiet! I couldn't believe it! Feel like a new woman after 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Hows the sleep deprivation effecting everyone else?

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Harry actually went 3 and half hours last night instead of just his normal 2 hours. Was amazing to have that extra hour and half asleep hoping he will carry on like that xx
I generally feel ok once I've got up, only thing is by 7pm I feel knackered and just want to sleep but know that JJ will have a different idea!

I wonder when (if) I will ever get an uninterrupted nights sleep again ;-)
Awh its all worth it when you have a little cuddle & look into their little faces though!

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I wonder when (if) I will ever get an uninterrupted nights sleep again ;-)

I keep thinking that by the time the kids are 18 they won't want to be in bed with me.

Ana is such a good baby though, she grazes all evening which can be a bit annoying, but its the only time of day she successfully latches on. She then gets a feed around 11pm just as we go to bed, and takes about 60 to 100ml, then she'll wake for a feed around 2 or 3 which OH has been doing whilst he's been off, then she'll wake between 5 and 6 for another feed. Shame OH is back at work tomorrow :-(
Tomos on the otherhand refuses to go to sleep in his own bed, so eventually goes to sleep in our bed, we carry him to his bed, and then at some point he comes back to our bed.
Harrison has just been weighed and he has put on another 8oz since Tuesday. He's now 6lb 10oz so a whole 1lb abover his birth weight which for 13 days is brilliant!

So proud of the fact that we have battled through & are finally getting somewhere with mummy milk!!

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Aww sounds like he's doing really well Sara! :)
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Hey girls, well we had the health visitor in yesterday. She makes an appointment for 10 am and doesnt turn up till 11! I find this really annoying and when she does even akmowledge it at all I find it rude. Am I just supposed to sit about waiting on her? Thats twice now that shes come to visit she been late. I had work friends coming to over and had to keep texting to say shes not here yet, hold off. Does anyone else have this problem?

Anyway on a positive note she was really happy with Rory and he is now 9 lbs 2 ounces which is crazy as last week he was 8lbs 1. My super chunk! I worried it would maybe be too much but she said thats great. Hes enjoying his formula!!
JJ hadn't been weighed now since last week - he'd put on 8oz and was 10lb 8, he was a super chunk at birth at 10lb. He looks so much bigger now - I know part of that is due to his limbs uncurling but it's scaring me how quickly they grow.

Laura - that would p me off about the health visitor, ours was half hour late an we ended up being late seeing friends! Although preferred that app to the mw ones who never committed to a time!
JJ hadn't been weighed now since last week - he'd put on 8oz and was 10lb 8, he was a super chunk at birth at 10lb. He looks so much bigger now - I know part of that is due to his limbs uncurling but it's scaring me how quickly they grow.

Laura - that would p me off about the health visitor, ours was half hour late an we ended up being late seeing friends! Although preferred that app to the mw ones who never committed to a time!

Thats true Becky. My Mw gave a time and that was any time between 9 and 5??? Oh yeah thats a time!! I think they do that on purpose though as they kind of want to catch you unaware and 'real' as if they give you a time you can be all ready and prepared for them. May be sceptical though!

Its great to see them get bigger isnt it. I can tell just by holding him hes bigger. Hes also fitting his 0 to 3 clothes now. Although newborn are still fitting too.
Hiiiii yummy mummy's!!
How are u all and ur beautiful little babies doing?
I feel like I haven't been on here in forever!!! Lol :D

Karlie xxx
Hi Karlie!
I'm the same I don't come on so much anymore, too busy with Hallie :) how's ur little bundle doing?

Hope everyone's ok? My friend had a baby this morning and its made me broody again!! Big time! Lol me and oh are discussing baby no 2!! Lol xxx

Tapatalking. X

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