*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Hello everyone I have dragged myself across the line with Tashawink into June. I have until tomorrow to go into labour naturally as have been diagnosed in the last couple of weeks with polyhydraminos which feels like it is increasing daily! So have an induction booked for 10am tomorrow! Never had an induction so feeling anxious about doing this to my own body but needs must!
You've gotta do what you gotta do! At least you know you get to meet baby soon! Good luck!

Still waiting for someone to turn up. I hate waiting!
Due date tomorrow but not had a single twinge, mucus or anything so feels a long way off!!

WSS!! Tho i'm not due till Thursday, but am desperate to go early! I'm having tonnes of BH but nothing painful at all. Just tight and bit uncomfy. No mucus, no show..... Ahhhhhh!!! Is my dads 60th on sat - so had thought might be nice to have baby with same bday, but I actually don't care about any of that now - just want my baby lol!

Is kinda like mental torture this last wee wait. HH I have sweep booked for wed but am really doubtful if I will actually get it. I am not convinced my body is ready to go!

Good luck buggy!

Awww you are welcome with us Eve. My mum had an induction after her waters broke with my wee sister but followed by no contractions. And she had a totally natural birth with only gas and air and no stitches - so you never know, think the fear of induction is worse that the actual process itself. Whereas she went into labour naturally with me, 48 hours later needed forceps and episiotomy. I'm hoping I replicate birth no 2 :shock:
I didn't have any show with dd coletteypie so don't worry about that, doesn't mean you can't go in to labour any time
Wow, June already - The majority of us will have our baby in arms by the end of the month (hoping you stick with us in June Belfa!!)

Welcome to June Eve, fingers crossed you go into labour naturally - If not, I hope your induction goes fab and you'll have cuddles with baby so soon!

You been seen yet buggy?

DS has an inset day today so trying to keep him entertained. Just made some banana cake and cant wait for it to be finished so that we can demolish it...sensibly of course :D No signs/symptoms of labour here, got a very stubborn lazy baby I think. (I know, I know - I need some patients, its not even my due date yet!)

Thought this sums it up perfectly atm...



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Lol pismo.... yes that sums me up perfectly at moment! Im so fed up today, i just feel like crawling into bed and wallowing. I agree its like mental torture Coletteypie, im sick of analysing every symptom and once this is over im going to take a knife to that bloody gym ball. I hate the sight of it and resent it for not miraculously putting me into labour! Think im turning into a crazy pregnant woman now lol.

Dont know what to do with my girly today, its a bit cold and drizzly here. We've never really done baking...not sure how she'd do or if shes too small. I need some nice simple recipies, wonder if i could gather up the ingredients. Think i need some distraction from baby watch! That cake sounds lovely pismo.

Good luck Eve...not long till babys here either way!
Hh our lo's are the same age and we do baking but she's not very good, eats the mixture and makes lots of mess lol. She likes mixing, especially with her hands and playing with biscuit dough, the kind you roll out and cut. I've also got a packet mix of tom and jerry cakes once as I thought she'd like doing the decorations as it's super simple. I might try bread soon as she'll just like kneading the dough. If you like baking it's not a bad way to pass the time but I imagine if you're not into it it'd just be stressful with a young one.

No one has showed up yet. Boo. Bit anxious in case no one comes and I don't have anyone to help with dd again til Friday so I'd have to wait til Friday which would be bad! My mum just rasng up and said 'have you had it yet?' I did bite her head off and say I'm not due til next week so don't start that already! Grr
Due date tomorrow but not had a single twinge, mucus or anything so feels a long way off!!

WSS!! Tho i'm not due till Thursday, but am desperate to go early! I'm having tonnes of BH but nothing painful at all. Just tight and bit uncomfy. No mucus, no show..... Ahhhhhh!!! Is my dads 60th on sat - so had thought might be nice to have baby with same bday, but I actually don't care about any of that now - just want my baby lol!

Is kinda like mental torture this last wee wait. HH I have sweep booked for wed but am really doubtful if I will actually get it. I am not convinced my body is ready to go!

Good luck buggy!

Awww you are welcome with us Eve. My mum had an induction after her waters broke with my wee sister but followed by no contractions. And she had a totally natural birth with only gas and air and no stitches - so you never know, think the fear of induction is worse that the actual process itself. Whereas she went into labour naturally with me, 48 hours later needed forceps and episiotomy. I'm hoping I replicate birth no 2 :shock:

I haven't even felt any BH either lol! If it wasn't for my huge belly reminding me, id forget I was pregnant lol. Least u have sweep booked... I won't be getting one til 8 days overdue, sucks!! I know in the long term, this last wait is irrelevant really but still frustrating!! :) xx
I don't know how irrelevant it will be for me, I think if I go over this baby will be about 11lbs!!!
I don't know how irrelevant it will be for me, I think if I go over this baby will be about 11lbs!!!

Ok maybe not then lol!! Don't be 11lbs baby!!!!! I meant the time waiting... Seems ages at the time but surely soon forgotten when babies are here :)
Wow it's busy on here today, guess we are all ready to kick off... Eek. Feeling bit better today, just fragile. At last. Not nice feeling I'll especially when ready to pop. Can't believe bubba is due next week. Also got very hyper baby today, woke up with a foot sticking out my side.

Buggy hope this sweep works for you and your midwife turns up soon.

Eve welcome over to June mummies, I guess May has nothing going on now as everyone moved over.

Pismo lol that's made me laugh.

Wow Karen can't believe tomorrow Is your due date.

Hope everyone is ok x
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I want banana bread now!!! Sounds yum! I bought the extra special double choc cookies from sainsburys as a treat. And cornettos cos they were on offer. Very much feeling impatient and sorry for myself food shop just happened :lol:!

Karen you will be getting BH you just can't b noticing them. I seem to get them mostly late at night when am sitting a certain way on sofa (not that any position is comfy any more - and I don't allow myself to slouch). But if I hold my tummy is nice and soft yet can feel a firm baby. During BH my whole tummy is rock hard - I've just been really paying attention to my body so that's how I've noticed them. Doesn't hurt at all - but when I am aware of it I notice how tight my bump feels. And also my baby doesn't like BH so it makes them kick a lot lol. God knows how my baby will cope with labour.

Haha HH - I am sooooo sick of my ball too!!! That made me laugh. Can't wait to get rid of it. I can't wait to just lie on the sofa and not worry that I'm encouraging baby into a bad position!!

Glad to hear you are better Lucy!! Didn't sound nice at all :-(!

And hopefully midwife turns up buggy. Wish they did home visits here! Would be well better than panic parking at the hospital! xx
I had no signs of labour starting first time round. I literally woke up having contractions. Lost my plug during the contractions and water broke during contractions. I didn't notice Braxton hicks either

I also can't wat to get rid of my ball, my LO kicks it about and it does my head in. Whenever I sit on it he comes running over to squeeze on too! ��

I've had dreadful reflux (well at least that's what I think it is) my throat is burning like you get when you've been sick. It's making me feel sick, this is the 3rd day now of having it.
I have midwife tomorrow where they'll sweep me, so I'm going to try everything to get this baby low and stay on my feet most of tomorrow and walk to the appointment (if it's not too wet) I'm currently bouncing on ball hoping it makes a difference. :)

Trying not to symptom spot too.

Eve! Welcome over...I have every faith that if you don't go naturally the induction will work for you as you were getting regular pains.

Buggy you been seen yet?
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Still no sign. Don't think anyone is going to come :-( it would be a great service if you could at least get a time or contact someone
I had no signs of labour starting first time round. I literally woke up having contractions. Lost my plug during the contractions and water broke during contractions. I didn't notice Braxton hicks either

Oh this gives me so much hope that labour could still be anytime, thanks!!
Oh my goodness. That would drive me crazy waiting in all day! Even parcels give you a time.

No worries Karen.
It still doesn't stop me hoping for some type of sign things are progressing :)
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I know, never thought I'd be disappointed by a lack of mucus when going to the toilet haha (tmi??) she'll come when she's ready but wish she'd listen when I tell her I'm ready NOW! :)
Hope baby makes an appearance for you soon Eve!

Can't believe how long you've been waiting in Buggy!

I've had a real lazy day today and am just getting round to starting the housework now, oops!

Tasha I suffer with bad reflux and think my sore throat thing has been brought on by it. Liquid gaviscon is good, I take I glug when I feel it.

Is any one else peeing themselves? :oops:. I went to the loo earlier for a pee and came back through to the kitchen and felt warm down there and I was peeing! So embarrassing x

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