Due date tomorrow but not had a single twinge, mucus or anything so feels a long way off!!
WSS!! Tho i'm not due till Thursday, but am desperate to go early! I'm having tonnes of BH but nothing painful at all. Just tight and bit uncomfy. No mucus, no show..... Ahhhhhh!!! Is my dads 60th on sat - so had thought might be nice to have baby with same bday, but I actually don't care about any of that now - just want my baby lol!
Is kinda like mental torture this last wee wait. HH I have sweep booked for wed but am really doubtful if I will actually get it. I am not convinced my body is ready to go!
Good luck buggy!
Awww you are welcome with us Eve. My mum had an induction after her waters broke with my wee sister but followed by no contractions. And she had a totally natural birth with only gas and air and no stitches - so you never know, think the fear of induction is worse that the actual process itself. Whereas she went into labour naturally with me, 48 hours later needed forceps and episiotomy. I'm hoping I replicate birth no 2