*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Sorry you're not feeling too great Heres Hoping. At least we're nearly there now!

Babyscotcher, hope it is something minor and you're allowed to go home soon, being in hospital is super boring!
Gosh, what a shock for you Scotcher! I second, third and fourth what others have said and hope its 'just' a uti (Not very nice I know) and that your able to go home and start you mat leave in a nice way.

Literally on the watch for any unusual twinge, any kind of mucus plug etc now. I just want this baby out. OH is dying for some time off ;) lol

Haha mine too Pismo, he was hoping something would happen to avoid the monday blues. Must set that timer on my uterus lol
We started watching the game of thrones this weekend too (I know - we're super late to that party!) but he is planning to get the other series to watch together whilst on leave. Pretty sure he is expecting this baby to have zero impact on our days :) lol, nasty surprise to come. He's going to be so tired!!

Thanks girls. Not seen anyone since they did my obs when I first came in. Not too bored yet. The annoying thing is that I feel completely fine other than my chest still being yukky.

Better to be safe than sorry I suppose. Hope you girls are all having a better day than me. X
They keep you waiting a long time generally. I think most people would be in and out in half hour if they saw you straight away!

My OH is the same, looking forward to some time off work! I'm looking forward to him being off too to be honest.

Hopefully I shouldn't have more than 2 weeks to go, I suppose if the sweep on 2nd doesn't work I'll get another on the 4th!
Have you had a sweep before Buggy? The thought of them makes me shudder. My consultant once "felt my womb" aka she squeezed it like a ball if you ask me! I felt violated for the rest of the day :shock: x
Poor you babyscotcher...fingers crossed youre out of there soon.

Congrats on mat leave lucyboo, Ill be joining you next week!

Hope that labour signs start soon for all of you fed up ladies.

Good news from me...my baby has turned!! Hurrah!
That's good Rachyroo :)

Haha Belfa, yeah I had 4 with DD. Only supposed to have 3 but I managed to sneak in an extra one with a midwife while I visited hospital, was so desperate to get her out! I feel more violated by the speculum examinations because they shine a big light on your minky and have a good look, there's normally two of them as well! The sweep is a bit more discrete and if it means getting baby here sooner rather than later then I'm happy! Where I live now they come to your house and do it which I'm not sure if it makes it a bit weirder..?
So many babies playing up at the moment!

Mine had it's turn yesterday, went really really quiet all evening and all night, it definitely didn't feel right. Eventually we went into antenatal assessment at the hospital to be put on the monitor, and literally the second I got strapped up baby started having a dance party. So typical! But everything's fine, and as we didn't get home until getting on 4am, both took the day off today which was nice. Baby's been fine today too, but it was so nice to have the reassurance! Tut tut! X
Glad all was okay Bethy, always the way, had that a couple of times with DD
Gosh, what a shock for you Scotcher! I second, third and fourth what others have said and hope its 'just' a uti (Not very nice I know) and that your able to go home and start you mat leave in a nice way.

Literally on the watch for any unusual twinge, any kind of mucus plug etc now. I just want this baby out. OH is dying for some time off ;) lol


This sounds just like me! I'm craving a painful twinge or bit of love mucus haha- so far- nothing!! Come on babyyyyy
Thanks rachyroo... I've been knackered all afternoon as had a pretty rubbish sleep last night, nesting well and truly kicking in. I've packed away all my work related stuff/clothes etc now. No point them even being in sight, lol.. Planning on starting more baby washing tomorrow if weather is better, got to get my brows done as beginning to look like a monobrow hahaha., then a water birth workshop and hospital tour in the evening. Got hair appt weds and seeing my bestie, that's first 2 days sorted and new carpet thurs morning in hall/stairs/landing.

My tummy bit iffy again tonight, kinda annoying as been about 5 times today...with tonns of BH too. Nothing unbearable though.

Glad everything ok bethyboo,
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Love mucus! :shock:

My bump hurts but not in a good way. I really wish I'd get some regular contractions and get things on the go. I know there is nothing I can do but wait though... tried all the tricks with DD and they didn't work!
You sound busy Lucy!

I've been painting DD's new room today, think we're finally done, just need to wallpaper two walls now, tidy, build the wardrobe and arrange the furniture!

Still need to go to ikea as I want a chair and footstool for night feeds, on the cheap though.

OH is just taking apart the car seat and washing it, we bought it from a friend so I know it's good but worth giving it a clean. I packed my hospital bag a while ago but I don't know what's in there anymore, I think I should go through it and check but never get around to it.

Also had a tidy in the garden today, between downpours, did a bit of housework, even polished all the kitchen cupboard fronts which isn't something I'd normally do, I think I must be nesting a bit too!
Oh I am, although I can relax on Friday... I think. Just want to get most things done this week, have 1 lunch planned next week with the girls then going day by day.

Do you like curry buggy? I'm going to attempt a madras hot tikka massalla and hubby loves vindaloo so might manage a few mouthfuls of that. Hopefully try get things moving lol.

I have a nice ikea chair, was £55 with cushion and is so comfy, btw ikea is a good idea if you want baby to come, I know 2 people who's waters broke the day they went there.
That's great news baby has moved Rachy!

Lucy my stomach isn't upset but I feel I need to poop just as much as I need to pee these days. I've been 4 times today!

Update on neighbour gate - I sent them a one line email telling them to leave me alone as I'm heavily pregnant and to speak to my husband. Since then we've had a couple of emails from them trying to be helpful. It's like Jekyll and Hyde which confirms the insanity if you ask me! Anyway I got a flood of emails today, it seems another neighbour has been rowing with them and they've had enough and sent the email chain to everyone. You honestly couldn't write it!x
Oh also, has everyone settled on their baby names? We've been having cold feet that we came to ours a bit too easily x
Oh also, has everyone settled on their baby names? We've been having cold feet that we came to ours a bit too easily x

I'm the same on the poo front (sorry tmi lol) but my back passage is aching as well. Must be the pressure. I've also got extremely hormonal today and totally fed up being pregnant, hoping that's a sign I've not got long to go!

We're set on our bubs name as we have always wanted it even before we were pregnant. Can't decide on whether we want a middle name or not though. Hubby doesn't see the point but I kind of want one. But then we can't really agree on a middle name anyway!

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