*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I don't know coletteypie, had plenty of bleeding in this pregnancy so doesn't make me think anything special.

It was different this time though because it was only when I wiped, where as the last 3 bleeds were big sudden gushes.

When I'm getting tightenings I can feel pressure in my bum, like someone's stuck something up my bumhole lol anyone else getting that?
Wowser Buggy your baby is so naughty!! I hope you don't have to wait much past 37weeks for their arrival as this must be so stressful!

Colettey, did you predict a boy? I missed yours for the front page! What are you getting up to on mat leave? I'm having serious cold feet about leaving at 36weeks in case I'm bored.

Welcome Merlin!! Always nice to have a new mummy join, have added you to front page :) x
Buggy that sounds so stressful, this baby is keeping you on your toes! Are you still getting mucus and blood? Could it be the start of your plug now?

Welcome merlin!

Nothing to report here, had a v active baby last night, bump was going crazy. Was also having pains which made me a little hopeful but no, nothing came of it at all. Todays been quiet, no real pains. Hope things start happening soon, ive no patience x
Belfa - yes please. Blue prediction from me! I wouldn't get cold feet about mat leave. I have been so busy! Actually barely had any time to sit still for 5 mins! Been out having lunch and catching up with folk. Washing and prepping all the baby clothes and bedding, got my new car last week, had loads of deliveries at home for things - nesting mode is in full flow and I can't seem to stop it. I'm not a naturally organised person either so is super weird. But really enjoying it :-)!

Buggy that sounds like proper pelvis pressure with your baby fully engaged to be honest. Which would explain the blood. As long as you don't have the urge to push haha!
And same as Heres hoping - I am having general pains and tightenings - so think things are lining up. But no proper excitment to report. Feeling a lot more pressure in my pelvis. Would be happy if baby decided to show up anytime from now :-)!!
Same here Coletteypie. Im happy for baby to come any time now, im getting fed up already. Could potentially have another 3 weeks of this waiting and watching.....arghhhhh.
Yes it has gone 'mucusy' again but I don't know if it's plug or not. I'd say it was more like ewcm but with blood in it. Not sure if that's normal though.. this baby is definitely keeping me on my toes!

Fully cooked tomorrow so happy for them to be out ASAP now, having a newborn isn't easy but at least I'd be able to worry a bit less, it'll be nice to see them and see that they're healthy!
Buggy - I know how you feel. I'll be lots more relaxed once this baby is out and I can see it. Not to sound negative but I worry that so much could go wrong :( Keep an eye on the mucus, may not be your plug but good to keep watch.

Another one here ready for baby to come now, starting to feel really restless at night - Finding it difficult to sleep and when I'm awake feel like I should be doing something even though everything for baby is ready.

Welcome to the group Merlin. We're all lovely here :)

Belfa - No need for second thoughts on mat leave, you will easily fill up your time and even if you don't make the most of it!! It'll be a long while before you are able to sit and do nothing alone during the day...

Just back from sainsburys. Life is a struggle now lol! I was finding it so hard to walk (waddle!) and push the trolley! I swear I wasn't this bad yesterday.

Buggy that defo sounds like the start of your plug. I am anxiously awaiting the loss of mine - really want it to happen!! Finding my boobs dead itchy past few days. Anyone else?

Also meant to say - nice to hear from you Emmababy! Hope LO is doing well and you get home soon :-)!
When your plug goes, you don't have to let the labour ward know do you? As it can go a few days before hand? Meant to double check that with my MW at my next appointment but thought I'd ask in case I forgot! x
No I don't think so Belfa unless you get pains etc with it. It can happen weeks before you actually have baby and can regenerate.

Ps thanks for updating front page xx
No Probs :).

How did you all pump up your birthing balls? We're going to pump up my old pilates ball and see if it's big enough before I buy another one (which would hopefully come with a pump!). Guessing I'll have to acquire a bicycle pump from someone...x
Belfa - Mine came with (a terrible) foot pump - Not sure a bike pump would have worked on mine due to the opening but I'm sure others are different.

Went for a nice long walk today hoping that the increase in activity may make things favourable but I think i'm just getting my hopes up. These last few weeks are going to go by soooooo slowly :(

Belfa we had to use an airbed pump we had as the pump that came with the ball was hellish!

Just went on my last driving lesson before my test on Thursday. Lots of road works and I'm terrible on dual carriageways :/ doesn't help that baby and stomach felt like a brick for the whole hour so I could barely concentrate!
I'm not convinced it is plug and I did have something similar a few weeks ago and nothing happened. Having quite a lot of good tightenings though so hopefully my body is preparing but not holding my breath!

Got my S&S two weeks tomorrow so provided they can reach okay I reckon that will work!
Well change of plans... I am now on forced maternity leave as been admitted for observation following 3+ protien in my urine this morning at my consultant apt. Not how I wanted to start my week. Hoping they might let me go home tomorrow if everything is ok as blood pressure etc. has been fine so might be a uti causing the protien but we shall see when they get urine and blood results back.

Downloaded a book onto my kindle and bought a couple of magazines so shouldnt be bored for a while but hope that I am not here too long.

Silly babies keeping us on our toes. I feel fine too other than my cold. Grrr. X
Oh no babyscotcher when were you supposed to finish? Hope you are ok.

Well that's me joining the rest of you on maternity leave. Woohoo... Had a nice lunch with the other pregnant ladies i work with and they chipped in and got me some bits and a huge bunch of flowers from work... (Everyone gets them) lol.. Come home had a nice bubble bath and face mask now on sofa in my pjs this is the life haha x
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Yay for you starting your Maternity leave Lucy. I was not meant to start until next wednesday but because I am having time off ill though within 4 weeks of due date they force you to start mat leave. If I am out of here though might use a couple of keep in touch days to go in on thursday this week and tuesday of next as got some bits that need doing. If not will talk to my boss about it all on the phone.

Thankfully my OH couldnt work today because of the rain so he came to my apt. Otherwise i would have been faffing about by myself. X
Really hope you're ok babyscotcher and get to go home soon!! 38 weeks tomorrow and this waiting malarkey is no fun! Made plans to see people every day this week as hoping baby will come and ruin it all lol x
Oh that's a bit scary babyscotcher!! I hope it's just a uti (not that I would ever wish them on someone either).

I used to have a couple of pumps for blow up beds but we threw them out when we moved - KNEW I should have hoarded them!! x
Oh babyscotcher that must of been a surprise! Are u feeling well generally? Hopefully every thing else comes back clear and your not kept too long.

Im having a weird day, feeling really tired and sleepy more so than usual. Just after a good long nap (thanks to my little girl having a good sleep for once) but feel no better for it. Tummy feels off today, could only manage a plain sandwich at lunch...bleurghh.

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