*** June 2015 Mummies ***

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Hi girls

Kelly - I had something similar a few weeks back with high BP, swelling and protein in urine. I was taken into MAU for checks for preeclampsia. Turns out I didn't have but is always good to make sure all is well with baby. Protein can come from the increase in cm during pregnancy. A few of us have had BP going up and down, is always worth getting checked.

Belfa - last thing you need right now is a problem with neighbours!! Sounds horrendous.

Lucy - where did you get those bumpers from? Sooo cute!

Yup is totally kicking off in May mums. Eeeeek a bit too close to comfort. Pismo we are fully cooked!!! So so scary but exciting xx
So cute Lucy!

Belfa, ignore those neighbours, psychos.

Well, I am feeling awfully sorry for myself. Woke up in the night with a sore throat and by this morning it was full blown pain, really swollen glands, massive tonsils. Not going to work obviously but feeling really tearful and keep crying?!! Just don't want to be ill right now, have been doing so well this whole pregnancy and now just feel totally run down. Having hot drinks and paracetemol. Wondering if its worth going to pharmacy to see if there are any other pain relief options. Just feeling like I can't cope with the tiredness, braxton hicks, sore back and hips AND a throat infection. Ugh, sorry. Excuse my pity party :-(
Colettypie I got them from mothercare. It's actually a cot tidy so I can tie it on one of the ends or sides with a couple of soft toys or something,

Rachyroo you poor thing, doesn't sound good at all, get yourself dosed up on some hot honey and lemon, worth seeing if there is something else you can take too though.
Hope you feel better soon Rachyroo

I love being with DD and she's so good but I just a fancy day by myself today to lay about and just do what I want when I want. Oh well, maybe in about 16 years or so!
Rachyroo - Hope you start to feel better soon. Always made so much worse by pregnancy as not much we can take. If possible take it super easy today - Good weather for getting the duvet down on the sofa and watching movies :)

Lucy - Love that door stop. So cute!

Buggy - I know what you mean, at least DS goes to school but some days even the school run has me feeling exhausted. When he first started I used to think 9-3 was such a long time, however it flies by now!

Off to have a look on the May thread :) On another note - This bun is fully cooked today!! Now just eagerly awaiting its arrival :D

I'll miss the kids when they're at school and I don't see them as much, I'm used to being with DD all the time but I do look forward to a little time on my own or with other adults. Going to look for a 'normal' job, just part time, when this lo is 6 months and I have to go back to work. I'm determined not to go back to my current job, it's been awful this year.
Happy fully cooked day Pismo!

Rachyroo, that sounds rotten. Hope u start feeling better soon.

Buggy i can completely sympathise, toddlers dont seem to understand that mummy is huge and cant move as fast. Also doesnt help when she sees me as a big bouncy castle lol Shes being extra mischievous today, hard work and its only half 10.

I have really neglected my pelvic floor exercises too. Seem to be having a better day today, no aches or pains so far. Must get bouncing on my ball more!
Had a bath last night and tended to some "trimming". Probably made a hash of it down there as couldn't see a bloody thing, but im sure I'll not care what it looks like when it comes to it lol pregnancy is soooo glamorous!
Haha here's hoping I'm the same- it's all guess work down there! :)

All going on in the May thread!! We'll be that busy super soon!!!

Pismo- fully cooked feels great right?? Now just the waiting game!!!
I tried to do mine too the other week but couldn't see anything. Might have another go next week and I think that will be it for a while. Too much hard work.

Been sticking and painting with DD, she's getting better, can be such hard work doing 'crafty' things with her, I think she's too young for it really but she does enjoy it.

It's just occurred to me when I finish work and return my laptop I won't have a computer to come on here :shock:
Lol buggy and Heres hoping - Took me almost an hour to do mine the other day, even got the mirror involved :) Was slightly annoyed when it all started growing back so soon though. Think I'll have to do one more tidy up prior to labour.

Haha im sure their well used to seeing botched jobs down there :)

Oh no buggy, are u not able to get on from your phone? Or would work let you hold on to the lap top?
We are quietly watching mickey mouse clubhouse at moment after a crazy hour there. Will get the crayons and bits out when she starts getting bored again. It is hard keeping them entertained, she loves her tv programmes and i do feel bad its on all day but some times its great to have 5 mins quiet. I think shes too young for the arts and crafts too but we do our best, kills some time. Shes got more into her books recently so really enjoying that with her. Buying some more tonight off amazon, think im feeling bad already for her that her little world is going to change within a few weeks!
How old is she Heres Hoping? DD is 2 in August. She isn't very interested in books, she will pick them up and turn the pages but doesn't like reading them, I think she's just too impatient! DD likes the tele too, I always said I'd limit TV but it helps so much while I'm trying to work. She's pretty good at playing on her own but sometimes she likes you to join in. She loves going out in the garden but the weather is pants today.
Shes 2 in august too. She'll potter about if your sat in room but if im busy or out in kitchen she comes looking for you, hangs off u for attention and trys to pull you away. She really likes your full attention which makes me nervous for when baby arrives! She would bring books to u and would sit while you read. She mostly prefers pointing to pictures so depending on mood the story may get finished or not lol. I dont know how you can work from home with a toddler, id get nothing done
Haha.. I attempted mine this morning, again couldn't see a thing, couple of nics of the skin... *ouch* defo made a hash I think.
Thanks all for the advice. I rang the triage midwife last night and got told to come to the hospital to be checked over. Monitored baby first and everything was perfect there but my BP was higher again 140/85 this time and protein in my urine. They let me go home but I'm seeing midwife again on Friday and will have to be monitored closely. They've said if the headaches get any worse or any other symptoms to go straight back. Very scary! But I feel okay today apart from tired. Hoping it was just a one off!

My little one is 18 months this month and it's crazy to think I'll have a newborn in a month! It suddenly dawned on me that this time it will be so different as I will have Micah to think about whilst looking after the newborn. Anyone any ideas of ways to keep a toddler entertained whilst breastfeeding a newborn!? I don't want him to feel left out and want to keep as active as possible with him. I have lots of slings but have never bf in them so I guess I could learn how to do that so I can still see to newborn whilst playing with Micah. If this one is anything like his brother then we spent the first month constantly feeding!
I think we all have Lucy!

Heres Hiping, I've worked since she was 6 weeks so I think she's used to not getting my full attention. Must be harder when your first has been used to having your full attention then another baby comes along. I guess I'm lucky in that respect. She is very independent and happy to entertain herself for a lot of the time. Fingers crossed I'll have more time on my hands once baby comes as I won't be working for six whole months so if anything DD might actually get a bit more attention!

Work wouldn't let me keep the laptop, need it for my replacement. I don't want to go back there anyway, will be looking for a new job!
Here's Hoping your little girl sounds like my little boy. He follows me everywhere so I always try and make lunch/dinner whilst he naps as I hate cooking with him in the kitchen as he turns the washing machine and dishwasher on! He likes my full attention too so that's one of my concerns when this little one arrives!
I've no clue how im going to manage the both kelly. Least we can come on here and get ideas from each other!

You def have an advantage Buggy, im sure your looking forward to have loads of time with the two of them without any work commitments or distractions.

I think im maybe getting bh now?? I noticed last night my tummy going really hard which i always put down to being baby as its such a wriggler but last night it was ridiculous. My fingerprints could leave an impression on my bump when touched it felt so hard. Been having same today, because i have such a neat bump i think when it tightens it maybe just emphasises babys shape more...if that makes sense? Does that sound like bh?
If it's going hard it does sound like it to me!

I've been getting them a lot too. Had a few really bad pains yesterday evening. Not been bad today but have a weird achey pain low down under my bump, around my pelvis.

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