*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Buggy, Glad everything is ok from your visit to the hospital.

God I felt rough last night, was so uncomfortable again, my back was in agony and I could not find any position I felt comfy in, woke up at 2am with a headache and huge pressure around my bladder. Just getting generally uncomfortable now but I have midwife this morning so going to speak to her about my concerns on baby's movement (just no regular pattern every day) got to do birth plan and hoping baby is starting to engage.
:( :( :(

My boss wants me to push back my maternity leave... I'm so gutted and upset. We're moving out the end of the month and I guess my nesting instinct has kicked in and I just really wanna scrub and start getting everything ready for the baby as best I can (despite the fact we don't know where we'll be living when the baby arrives), it will probably all get set up at my in laws in the meantime because it doesn't look as though this other blinking house will be ready in time.

He's just concerned about me leaving everything with the girl covering me, and has mentioned me getting remote access from home... um NO I'm BRINGING UP MY CHILD and want NOTHING to do with work in my year off! He wants me to come in on what should have been my first week of maternity, maybe only 2 hours a day, but that's not the point. I'm so upset and this is stressing me out big style.

I am feeling absolutely fine still, and he can clearly see that. But I feel like everything is completely out of my control because we don't have a bloody house, and so I want this time off to prepare what I can prepare, which doesn't feel like an awful lot to be honest. :wall2::wall2::wall2:
Oh no and it's freaking me out that this is happening and my ticker has popped over to the biggest baby... :( I'm so not ready at all and could cry! xx
Bethy, put your foot down. He has no say in your maternity arrangements, you have every right to decide when you finish and when you return. Realise it must be hard when he is pressuring you but you have to do what is best for you and your baby. Good luck xxx
Yeah bethyboo he can't make you stay on, you need thus time and are entitled to it. Hope you sort it.

Ok so I've not felt right the past day and now I've just had the worst bout ever of diarrhoea... (Sorry tmi) i had to have another shower and everything. I don't feel sick or anything, just odd.
Aw Bethyboo take a deep breath. We all have moments of panic when we feel disorganised and overwhelmed, think it just comes with the nesting instinct. As for your boss tell him to frig off! Regardless if your feeling well or not, you shouldn't have to delay your mat leave to suit him. Can u be firm with him and just say no? You need that time to prepare and look after yourself, your the priority not work. Is he aware of your housing situation? Some bosses can really take the piss x

Glad to hear all is well Buggy. Did u feel the tightenings or did it just show up on monitor?

Lucyboo i didnt have a good night either, felt bit crampy. Also feel like ive got a bit of a bad tummy :(
Oh dear Bethy what a shame :(. When were you due to finish - next week? I have a similar issue in I just can't hand over everything to my mat cover as he's a graduate and never worked in this industry before. There's just too much to teach in the 2 weeks I have left. As my first 4 weeks off is mat leave I've offered to work from home for the first week off on certain things but more because I'm control freak than anything else. Could you offer to do 2hrs a day remotely and for double pay? That way it's not all on his terms and you get some benefit from extra money?

The house situation isn't helping though and I know how out of control you can feel. I lived with my parents for a year until January and my house is still a bomb site. When you come in the front door you have to climb over boxes!

Glad it wasn't your waters Buggy! x
Yeah bethyboo he can't make you stay on, you need thus time and are entitled to it. Hope you sort it.

Ok so I've not felt right the past day and now I've just had the worst bout ever of diarrhoea... (Sorry tmi) i had to have another shower and everything. I don't feel sick or anything, just odd.

I felt like this yesterday, I just felt off, kept moving my bowels every time I went for a pee and had a headache. I still think it was a mixture of blood pressure and dehydration. I actually fell asleep after I logged off from work at 5.30pm and woke up at 8.30pm! I feel better today for it x
Thanks everyone, urgh, feeling a bit whatever now, who cares, whatever. Emailed my OH who wrote back "I know what you're like with getting your hopes up!", and that's so true. I know I'm entitled to go off when I want but things never seem to pan out for me like I'd hope! Was meant to have my last day next Friday, so I guess I'll just see how I feel next week. The following Monday is a Bank Holiday anyway and I have college Thursday (have two exams to try to fit in before baba too!), so will see how it goes so it would only be three days. Otherwise will say BYE BYE!

It's weird, I don't feel like I need my maternity as such, instead I feel like I'm being cheated out of taking time off for a holiday lol!

But yeh, no sign of this baby (I know it's still early). I'm still feeling as I was before I was pregnant, except with this big old belly to navigate around! Still feeling pretty comfortable, and think I'm having an energy spike or something. Calm before the storm I'm sure! xx
Oh bethyboo hand over some of that energy. I would love that. And your employer can't force you to change your mat leave start date. Is at your discretion - you have provided the notice as per the legal requirement. Is their problem they have got themselves in a badly organised state! They have known you're pregnant for a long time! You are in the position of strength here - I agree with Belfa, if you feel you could work another week then negotiate a good rate for it ;-)... As it is such an inconvenience for you!

I am feeling bit off too girls. Slept well but am really lethargic and my tummy is bit off too.

Glad to hear all is well buggy! I hope julie4gems is okay, she hasn't updated after suspected water leak!
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Like the others said Bethy, they can't make you change it.

Heres Hoping I can defo feel the tightenings, they're quite strong. Not painful or anything though.

Midwife said that with second/third pregnancies baby's head tends not to engage because the muscles are stretched are baby has more room to move about. She said it won't engage until I start having strong contractions.

Also have S&S booked for 2nd June whoop
Glad all ok Buggy!

It's been busy in here the past few days! I've got the afternoon off work and had planned to finish painting the bathroom but not sure I can be bothered! I've just eaten a big bag of toffee poppets in about 10 mins...such a pig!

It's my last day at work next Friday. I'm really looking forward to mat leave but can't believe how fast it's come round! We're planning to keep our daughter going to her childminder 3 days a week and (I know this is bad, but) I'm really looking forward to having a bit of time to myself before the baby comes. Just you watch, baby will come early now I've said that!
Haha Nomad! I understand that. I 'sacked' our childminder (she was a bit of a cow) about 3 weeks ago so I've got DD full time now, still work until 28th then it won't be long til baby is here (fingers crossed). Would love a down day to just slob about and watch something other than cbeebies!!

I can't wait to finish work, I hate it now, my boss has been such a dick and it's been quite stressful lately sorting out everything for the new person...
I can't wait to finish work, I hate it now, my boss has been such a dick and it's been quite stressful lately sorting out everything for the new person...

Urgh tell me about it! After this morning I have no tolerance at all! Get me out of here! I really never thought about how stressful it would be packing up work - I thought it would be the best thing ever lol! xx
I think it is - once you've gone! It's just doing the handover when you're entirely responsible for everything.. I've had to create procedures, do all the training, administer the work and so on. Plus changing my hours at the office to fit around the new person. All that and my boss is sending me shitty emails being nasty, I wonder why I bother. At least on my last week I'm only working 1 day so next week is my last proper week!
Right ladies, back from the midwife, went in 50 mins late this time!! Anyway she was actually in a better mood today, it was the one who annoys me slightly. Anyway she wasn't overly concerned about all the symptoms I've had although she seems to think my body is preparing itself for labour and baby is 4/5 engaged. She could feel tightening in my tummy and typically bubba was kicking like crazy this morning after almost feeling nothing yesterday, home now and made myself eat some lunch as was starving. She seemed to think the diarrhoea was an upset tummy but I feel odd not Ill. Plus I've eaten all the same things as my hubby, going to chill now although in work tomorrow. Going to get in when I feel like it though As it's pretty laid back. Can't wait until Monday now, x
We struck gold with our childminder, she's fab! We both wanted dd to go to a nursery but weren't keen on the ones that are local to us so reluctantly looked at childminders and she's been great. DD has had febrile convulsions and she's been great with her, really looks after her. Sorry, not rubbing it in!! Shame you've had problems with yours, it's such a huge amount of trust you need to hand over your child to someone, its no good if they turn out to be rubbish!

My mat cover started last week and seems to be getting on ok although once I'm finished I really won't care! I've only been back for 9 months since my last mat leave so not expecting a big send off but I've arranged for our team to go for lunch on my last day and found out yesterday my boss has booked the day off and not mentioned it which I'm slightly peeved about!
Glad it went well Lucy.

Nomad I'm not expecting so much as a card. There's only 7 of us here and my boss seems to hate me these days. I didn't get anything when I had DD either, although I was only off 6 weeks that time around.

I'm going to try and have both home with me until I go back to work. I really don't like them being with anyone else, although the break is nice. Hoping my dad can help one day a week as he's moving closer. Then they'd only need to be in two days a week. I'm so used to being with DD all the time though. When she was going it was only two half days. Going to miss her like crazy! :(
Lucy after seeing how much your bladder on bowel get compressed during labour I think that the "clear outs" we have are baby putting pressure on our bowels just as much as our bladders in these last weeks. I also think BH's play a part in it too (says the FTM who has no idea what she's talking about really :lol:).

I need to clear my desk out today and will be hot desking for my last 2 weeks. I did offer to give it up early as there was no where for a girl who's starting on Monday to sit. I don't really know what to do with my stuff, I have photo's etc on my desk partition - did you guys leave these things on your desk or clear it away? I'm also miffed as I've taken on 2 new pieces of business today and submitted a proposal for a third. We have no formal bonus structure here but are expected to bill a certain amount of fees in a year and, at the discretion of the board are awarded something for it. Problem is it's the person who works on it, not the person who wins the business that gets the credit so I'll really miss out :(.
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Oh wow, such a busy thread this morning.

Bethy - Hope you manage to sort something out with work to ensure you get the best deal for it.

Buggy - Glad its wasn't your waters. Fingers crossed LO behaves themselves for the remainder of your pregnancy.

Lucy - 4/5s, that's amazing, your bladder must be taking a huge hit though! My midwife said that once baby is in that far its very unlikely to pop back out again :) Fingers crossed your body is getting itself nice and ready.

At a wedding reception tonight - could really do without going. So currently sat on my birthing ball, bouncing around with serious fake tan on and about to start doing my nails. Could think of worse ways to spend my days :) Sorry if that sounds really smug ladies...

Hope you are all feeling better soon (most of us have some ailment at the moment, mines back ache due to poor sleeping positions).


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