Whats everyone else getting in the way of Braxton Hicks? On a good day I probably have a few a day, but on a bad day, I have some hours where I get them every few minutes, especially when I stand up or walk around. I panicked at first as google told me you should get checked if they are that frequent, but this has been happening on and off for weeks and I have no labour signs or reduced movement so Im not too concerned. Is anyone else getting them really frequently?
Yeah my belly button is like a tiny slit now - non existent.
Here's hoping - So at my midwife appointment last week baby was head down (midwife confirmed) and head was just above my pelvis, so not engaged. That made sense to me. My bump was all at the front, quite narrow and hard/smooth - baby's back lying against it. But my pelvis pressure was fine. Next day my bump was similar but I seriously found walking hard, and had loads of stabby pains in my cervix - so from that I took it to be baby had popped head down further. But sure enough the next day had changed back. So my best guess is when pelvis/lower back pain is suddenly worse (and my need to pee is insane) is when baby is engaged.
Right now baby is lying diagonal in my tummy - but still head down. So head has moved off my pelvis. Is a lot more comfy for me but I'm keen to get baby in the right position. When I sit on my ball i find baby goes to the right place. But is a matter of baby staying there!! I'm lucky baby is head down and not back to back or anything - but they don't seem to stay engaged for very long. Maybe if they get a bit chubbier they will get stuck there lol!!
Hope that makes sense xx
Oh my goodness. We got updated website photo's taken for work the other week. Our website scrolls through photo's and so my new one is the first one you see and then the next two are my old photo's. The old photo's were taken in April 2013 so not that old. My goodness I look like a different person. Both are head shots but my face is so bloated now and my skin looks a different colour! I think I'm going to hide under a rock until 2013 me is back...x
Here's hoping I think this sounds very promising for you!!! Baby can't be transverse anymore! Could be breech.... But def not transverse if you are having that! Where are your kicks concentrated right now? Top of your bump? Also do u feel baby hiccups? I feel them really low down - which again shows they are head down.
Ahhh heybabya that's crazy - good luck for the test. That's come around dead quick. Maybe the instructor will be extra nice when s/he sees your bump !