*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Ah good luck to anyone who's even close to having their bundle of joy. I'm feeling pretty fed up, I'm only 40+2 but was told by a midwife at the hospital last night that my cervix is very far back and only just starting to dialate so looks like I'm in for a long wait. I was due for a sweep tomorrow but the likelihood of that happening with my cervix being so far back is slim. My OH is due to go away next Thursday so really hoping baby makes an appearance at least a day or two before that. We also have tickets to go to London and see Fleetwood Mac on Monday (a present bought for us before the giver knew I was expecting) but I've always known that it was doubtful that I'd get to go.
Our beautiful daughter Marcie was born today at 1602 6lb 13oz, after a 5 day induction, and a 1 hour 5 min labour just on gas and air at the final 20 mins and small grazes. She is perfect xxx
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Ah congratulations Lucy! She came out in a hurry after keeping you waiting all that time :-) x
Well I've been awake most of the night feeling really queasy and getting anxious about giving birth! Still feeling rough, thankfully dd is going to the childminder so I can hopefully catch up on some sleep.

Are there many of us still waiting? It's gone quiet in here the past few days!
Yay congrats Lucy!! Turns out in the end she was eager to arrive :) looking forward to seeing pics! Xx
Congrats Bethy and Lucy!

Im still here Nomad, there weren't ever very many of us in the latter part of the month though.
39 weeks tomorrow and have zero signs of anything happening!
Im still here 40+4 sweep tomorrow and lost plug few days ago so got fingers x.

Is there anyone else over due?

Forum in general seems very quiet

I'm also still here, finally on mat leave and wondering what to do with myself. 38+5 now, and no sign of anything happening. I've got quite a few things planned next week though, so hopefully it will either go faster or little one will arrive and mess up all the plans - either one works for me!
Our beautiful daughter Marcie was born today at 1602 6lb 13oz, after a 5 day induction, and a 1 hour 5 min labour just on gas and air at the final 20 mins and small grazes. She is perfect xxx

Lost track of who's had their babies now. I've been having contractions bang on quarter to the hour, every hour since 4:45 this morning. As petty as it sounds, I hope she doesn't arrive until tomorrow though as today in my mother-in-laws birthday and I really don't want them to share the day but as long as she comes out healthy then I can't complain.
Lost track of who's had their babies now. I've been having contractions bang on quarter to the hour, every hour since 4:45 this morning. As petty as it sounds, I hope she doesn't arrive until tomorrow though as today in my mother-in-laws birthday and I really don't want them to share the day but as long as she comes out healthy then I can't complain.

How bizarre that you're having hourly contractions! And I wouldn't say that's petty at all ;-)

I've had my first "any news?" text this morning - I'm not due for another 10 days so I expect it will be the first of many!
I'm 40+4 and I've been bombarded with texts since I was about 39 weeks. Contractions are down to 7 mins apart and getting very painful. Already shouted at my OH for trying to touch me whilst having a contraction. I feel so bad for him. Currently screaming into pillows is the only thing that helps. Feel like I'm going to vomit at any second. I'm already rethinking the whole "I can do it without an epidural" thing.
Do whatever you need to to get through it! Are you still at home? Good luck x
Hi ladies!! Not had a chance to read back in the thread so once I have posted I will take a look at who else needs congratulating...

Lucas Alexander arrived on 16th June at 03.31 weighing a very reasonable 7lb 10oz and we are besotted :D

Didn't need inducing in the end as went into spontaneous labour at 2am on the 15th - even though he wasn't born until the following day.

Went to labour ward for assessment at 07.30 and was transferred to delivery suite at midday as contracting every 5-6mins and 3cm dilated (although Lucas heart rate was dipping slightly with each contraction so sent down earlier than normal).

Managed to go from 3cm to fully dilated by midnight (so in 12hours) with nothing but gas and air (I LOVE that stuff!), OH was fantastic and such a good birth partner. Waters went just before midnight at which point I was allowed to push, things went a little south here, pushing for two hours with what felt like zero progress. Apparently Lucas had gotten himself into an odd position and instead of progressing down the birth canal he was being squished from above but his head wasn't moving. I ended up in theatre with a spinal - They gave me one attempt at a forceps delivery (but fully expected to convert to a c-sec) and out came little man.

I am so happy with how it all went, despite the different ending. I have a 2nd degree tear which is bloody sore but so worth it.

Will pop back to get updated with all of you lovely ladies.

Congrats pismo xx

Well today is finally my DD! Feeling very tender today been getting lots of cramps so hope don't have to wait to much longer

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