*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I've had a few twinges that have come to nothing and started losing my mucus plug two days ago which I got very excited about! DD1 was 11 days early and I'd assumed with her I'd go overdue with her being my first so I never got to the symptom-spotting stage when I was expecting her so this is all new to me. Feel like I should be making the most of this time before the madness starts but I've been off work for a month now and I'm bored! My house is very clean though...!
One of the reasons I decided to leave my mat leave quite late (38 weeks) was because I never cope well with nothing to do - even on a weeks holiday I get all antsy and restless from boredom. I'm doing OK so far, but I'm finding time drags rather.

Just had a midwofe appt and baby has just about got its head in the right spot, it can't wiggle much, I just need to encourage it to move further down, so I'm having a good bounce on my ball now, also had suggestions of taking stairs sideways, and hula hooping (!) - anything that moves my hips around to encourage baby to wiggle lower.
I have lots of bloody show (sorry tmi) and lots of cramping on and off for ages, I'm 2cm or was on Tuesday but still waiting 41 weeks tomorrow!
Hey, if your house is clean that's a big bonus! Mine is making me down now because it's a riot and I keep cleaning and tidying and it looks no different!x
Hello all June mummies. I am ecstatic to report baby Ionaprie arrived on Wednesday at 11.36am all 8lb 1oz of HIM!! A beautiful baby boy- Albie (Albert) John -we are all so in love and his brothers and sister are completely smitten!!

I hope all new mummies are enjoying their new little ones and all the very best of luck for you mummies-to-be waiting patiently :)

I'll just float back on my cloud 9!! :)

Congratulations!! I named my baby Albie too - lovely name xx
I'm still here! Due date tomorrow followed by a heatwave - just great!! DD was 11 days early so really wasn't expecting to still be waiting for this one! X
Ahh nomad are you the final June mummy? Any signs of this little one arriving? Xx
Not sure, there were a few of us lurking! No signs of anything happening unfortunately! X
Aww. It really has gone quiet. Nomad you could be bang on time x
Hello everyone! I feel so sad about the forum, we've moved house and internets not getting hooked up so I've had my little madam and not been able to check back since she's been born really! Been with you all the whole way through then from middle of June onwards I'm AWOL! Typical!

We went with the name Martha Ffreya in the end, she's so lovely and amazing, although has kept me up ALL night. Anyone else finding out about the joys of cluster feeding yet?! :/

Huge congrats to all the new mummies and your lovely babies, and best of luck to those who are still hanging on, such exciting times! Xx
I'm still waiting too, due yesterday but nothing so far.

The air con at my husbands office is broken so I've been told I need to go into labour before the really hot days hit so he doesn't have to go in. I'm not sure baby is listening though!
Well my little madam came into the world on June 27th at 10:57pm weighing 8lb 8.5oz called Mya after a 41 hour labour am knackered lol x
Hi ladies

Baby Ella-May was born On Thursday 25th June at 6:53 weighing 8lbs 5.

I was due on 14th June so I was 11 days over, id had 2 sweeps, was 4cm dilated, engaged, bishops score of 8 but still no sign of her actually coming. I was due to be induced on the friday.

Wednesday was my older daughters 11th birthday so i was hoping she wouldnt come then. That night me and hubby dtd in desperate bid to get her out. 1hr and a half later i woke at 3am on the Thursday feeling crampy but didnt think too much about it as recent times dtd i had felt crampy too so i tried to get back to sleep but i kept waking. I realised that rather than being a constant pain this (like previous times dtd) this was coming at intervals i started timing them...abt 4 min apart i tried to pee but the pressure down there was immense...remember this feeling just before last LO was born so i decided to get ready by this time it was 5am and i managed to get changed wash face brush teeth and put on shoes on between 3 min contractions i knew hubby wld go into mad panic so i left him sleeping til i was ready by that time i was nearly screaming in pain he drove like a loony to hosp i didnt even get to fone them coz no break between contractions got there and struggled to walk they took me straight into labour room no questions asked.

I got into hosp at 5.30 and she was born at 6.53 went onto pushing stage straight away the pain was immense but managed on just gas and air just wen she was coming out my waters broke at same time and it helped push her out. I had few cuts was taken straight to own room ready for 6hr turnaround we passed all checks and got out around 2pm was so strange from first pain early morn to leaving with baby after lunch time.

Was quick birth but defo sorest of the 3 babies midwife says coz of weight the pressure between contractions was immense making it feel like one big contraction. Duno if its better longer labour less pain or shorter and more lol. But shes here and is perfect.
Congratulations little miss and papella ~ love seeing that new arrivals have made it into the world xx

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