*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Aww well done Pismo! Delighted for you - very similar labour to my own! Gosh your LO really kept you waiting!

Slowly beginning to get into a routine with my wee one now. Found first few days at home since being discharged from hospital pretty tough. As I was so unwell after my labour I struggled to breast feed. I managed to eventually get her latched on but just find the whole process really stressful and it has been making me so anxious so am considering switching to FF just for some piece of mind!

Good luck to the remaining June mums!!
Hello all June mummies. I am ecstatic to report baby Ionaprie arrived on Wednesday at 11.36am all 8lb 1oz of HIM!! A beautiful baby boy- Albie (Albert) John -we are all so in love and his brothers and sister are completely smitten!!
I hope all new mummies are enjoying their new little ones and all the very best of luck for you mummies-to-be waiting patiently :)
I'll just float back on my cloud 9!! :)
Has anyone heard from Julies4gems? I think she was being induced last Wednesday.
Hi ladies, my baby boy arrived a week early on jun 20th. I also managed to get to fully dilated on gas and air but ended up with assisted delivery after he got stuck in the birth canal. All doing well so far!
I haven't had a chance to see who exactly has had their babies in the past few days but congrats to all that have.
I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Ramona Faye on June 19th at 20:48, weighing 7lb 3oz after a very painful birth on just pethidine, minimal Gas & air and lots of screaming. Had a small internal tear and I'm feeling like I'm bruised from head to toe but extremely happy. Best of luck to anyone still waiting for their little ones to arrive!
Congrats rachyroo and lalaroo.

I'm loving the front page now x
Congrats ladies :) my little one is still hanging on in there!
Also congrats ionaprie. Our little ones were born the same day x

Hello everyone! I had my baby girl on June 18th at 6.35am and she weighed 7lb10.5oz. We've called her Crystal Winnie Florence xx
Awww massive congrats julie - gorgeous

Thought id update...got a sweep on friday which was ok wee bit crampy after but not much. Got induction date for this Friday. Yesterday had regular pains and tightenings and quite wet tbh i knew nothing was happening straight away but hubby forced me into foning mw who wanted me in she treated me a bit like a fool but she said i was contracting and my internal showed that my sweep on friday hadnt worked so she did another.

I cant help but feel a bit depressed today im so sick of being so big and pg esp having other kids to look after i cant sleep-sit-walk actually feel like i wanna just cry til friday iv not been down all pregnancy but can feel it getting worse :(
Wow congratulations everyone!! And another girl for you Julie :)

Sorry you're a bit down littlemiss but Friday is so close, hang in there xx
Congrats Julie..gorgeous

Good luck with the induction little miss. Hope it kicks in quicker for you than it did for me x
Hey lucy i really hope so as i really dont want another induction. I am already 4cm and bishops score 8 so i really hope its not too bad but this is bigger baby

Anyone else still to go?
Really hope these babies don't keep you waiting for much longer girls - any signs?x
Also still here - getting very bored. Not had a single twinge or sign of anything happening. Had my parents visiting yesterday and they told me I was two weeks late, I already knew my husband was 2 weeks late, so think theres a fair chance I'll be rolling over into July...

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