*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Lucyboo, Im all set up in the kitchen about to make your mac n cheese recipe for dinner and a few for the freezer!
Lucyboo, Im all set up in the kitchen about to make your mac n cheese recipe for dinner and a few for the freezer!

Ooh yummy...I'm looking forward to tucking into my batch from the freezer any day.
Mine are varying from 5 mins to 10/11 mins apart. The 5 min ones really hurt :shock: they seem to be most intense. Defo starting to hurt a lot more. Not sure when to phone the hospital but think it's way too early. Think they need to b more consistent... Sob sob :-(! Hope the bleeding is okay Karen?

I want a 4 hour belfa labour!!!

The bleeding is the same, a lot in my opinion but they said it's just cervix stretching and ok... Gotta trust them I guess! Don't feel I've progressed in the last two hours at all... How about you? Xx
Thanks for the recipe Lucy, it tastes amazing! I increased the recipe so have 1 for dinner and 3 servings to freeze. My freezer is getting really well stocked now!

Hope you are both progressing Karen and Collette x
Thanks for the recipe Lucy, it tastes amazing! I increased the recipe so have 1 for dinner and 3 servings to freeze. My freezer is getting really well stocked now!

Hope you are both progressing Karen and Collette x

Yum, glad you like it. x
All this talk of food is making me sooooo hungry. Have gotten this demon hunger all of a sudden! I want to eat everything in sight.

Colettey and Karen - Hope you are both progressing well. Also hoping for a nice 4 hour Belfa labour here when it finally happens :)

Mmm. Food. I'm starving too but hubby getting curry no3 tonight on way home.

Got really horrible backache, to the point I can only lean on my ball to get comfy. Hope its a sign.

Yeah I'd love a 4 hour Belfa labour too, fast labours seem to run in my family so In with a chance.
I was speaking to a lady earlier who has three kids, all super fast labours. She said she's been in labour a total of ten hours lol! Lucky lady! X
My aunt with her second, waters went, baby slid out on a water slide, all in about an hour or so, didn't make it to hospital as my mum delivered him, 3rd child was induced and out within half hour, not sure about her first lol.
Thanks guys but still going at home with not much progression!! Been having waves of cramps for 12 hours now! Still not close enough and long enough to go hospital boo hoo!! X
Oh thought we would have had some more babies! Maybe we will have another 4 tomorrow!!

I'm on the morning surgery so one of the first in which I'm happy about! Got to be there for half 7 so I'm up about half 5 tomorrow morning! :-/ I'm so excited! Don't think I can sleep!

Just doing last minute preparation! His crib is now right next to my bed scary to think after tonight he will be in it instead of my tummy!

I can have my last meal just before midnight so going to have a little midnight snack with OH then hopefully try and sleep!

Omg charlie you must be almost burning with excitement! It'll be hard to sleep but do try, it'll be a while before you get a good long full night :)

Are the bags in the car already?

Karen - sorry to hear you're back home. Hoping labour ramps up for you overnight.

Guessing as we haven't heard much from colettypie she is having her LO... Hope she's ok.

Tashawink! You still waiting with us?

Charlie! Am so excited to hear your news tomorrow! Can't even imagine how it must feel to know baby will be here in the morning! Looking forward to some pics! Xx
Bags are by the door!! Car seat in the car! Visitors arranged and told what time haha!

Waiting now for my final meal before I'm a mummy!! Xx
How exciting Charlie, enjoy your midnight snack and I hope you manage some sleep.

If I could tell you what my secret to a slip n slide birth was ladies I would! Fingers crossed we'll have another baby boom tomorrow.

I spent ages updating the front page earlier and didn't save it - what an idiot!! Ah well I'm sure I'll have more to add tomorrow ;) x
Good luck for tomorrow Charlie! Can't imagine how excited you must be! X
Thanks everyone! Managed a few hours sleep :) feeling ok! Just running a nice bath to freshen me up and wake me up a bit! Can't believe I actually managed to sleep :)

Will keep you all updated! This is it now after 4 years of trying and IVF I'm gonna meet my son!! :) xxx
Good luck Charlie! You must be so excited!

I woke at 3 with some cramping and have been timing contractions for the last hour. About 6-7 minutes apart and lasting about 40-50 seconds. Never been so happy to be in pain haha. Hoping this is the start of something for me. I was in labour for nearly 2 days with Micah but I know second time is usually quicker! Hoping so anyway. Cmon June babies :)

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