*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Yay! Glad you are ok Colettey. You've progressed so quickly. Did they give you an estimate on how long it could take? Are you having contractions?

Been discharged! BP back down.

Managed to get a sweep by the doctor on call (ouch)! Am 2cm already :-D!!! Said my cervix was wafer thin... And she could feel babies head! Eeeeek I am so excited/scared! xx

Ok traitor- wait for meeee!! Haha joking, hope it all kicks off for you soon!!! Xx
Thanks girls!!

Hahaha Karen - I might still be a while, still time to catch up! If you are getting plug coming then you must be similar to me - slightly dilated. Plug doesn't start coming away without some cervix movement so keep your chin up!

Yeah Pismo - it has all moved really quickly. No idea when baby engaged, I wasn't aware of it happening. I was at a shopping centre on Friday with my mum and walked up and down a tonne of stairs. Have felt a lot more uncomfortable since then - so wonder if that's what got baby's head moving down.

No contractions yet. Doctor thought I was looking good anytime from now but early labour can be dead slow so no point in getting my hopes up. Will see how next 24 hours go. Feeling a bit uncomfy and violated after the sweep. Will keep an eye on the rest of my plug coming :-)!

Really hope I get to meet baba soon xx
I'm here on and off still Rachyroo, running a couple of days behind you at 37+1. I'm jealous of everyone else on maternity leave already - I don't finish until Friday and I am sooooo looking forward to it. Its not that work is stressful or difficult to do, it'll just be nice to have more time to sleep! I'm planning to do a load of batch cooking to get the freezer all stocked up - other than that I think we are all prepared.

Had my 36 week midwife appt this morning - they send you to the birth unit for that one here so you get a chance to see what its like, and it looks so nice! I'm really hoping I'm OK to go there (should be, so long as baby doesn't decide to stay put 2 weeks longer than they are supposed to) - it was only built a few years ago, and its got pools in every room, mood lighting, sound systems... I wouldn't mind moving in!

Having had that this morning, I've got my 38 week appt on Thursday, so quite the busy week - all helps my last week at work go faster!

Congrats to all who have already got their little ones, and fingers crossed for everyone waiting for theirs to make an appearance.
Thanks girls!!

Hahaha Karen - I might still be a while, still time to catch up! If you are getting plug coming then you must be similar to me - slightly dilated. Plug doesn't start coming away without some cervix movement so keep your chin up

I haven't lost anything else since the little bit earlier, just been on a little hilly walk - every little helps! I do hope it is the start for you, the waiting is awful so go forth and deliver!! Hehe xx
Happy due date heybabya. I am Glasgow too btw - wasn't actually offered a sweep, I specifically asked for it. And at my 40 week appt they didn't actually talk induction dates yet. Maybe they will today. I am the southern - are you?? Haha maybe see you there ;-)! Think I would be induced a week today if nothing happens.

Girls I'm a bit excited. Think I'm losing my plug! It's gross but looking oh so lovely to me hahaha! Have never been so delighted to see goop before! Might be nothing - could still have a long way to go but is the first sign of any movement!!!

Yey! Deffo sounds like something is happening for you and yey for baby being fully engaged! Good luck!! Im not at the Southern ill be at the Princess Royal. Midwife told me shed book me to be induced next week cos this week is too early, ill see if she'll give me a sweep this week if baby has moved down!

Im also getting slightly gooey thick discharge and a thumping headache. Hoping this means something for me too? Lol probably wishful thinking..
Glad you are ok colettypie and your BP settled.

Karen, hope something starts happening soon.

Heybabya could be start of something as it is your due date.

I predict we will get our next June baby tomorrow... Feeling quite emotional again tonight, and slightly crampy like mild period pains again. Slightly closer to DD...hurry up baby...
I'm another late June due date! Due 29th, am 37 weeks today. Have felt bloody awful all day and was getting worried things were starting to happen - I'm not ready yet! Feeling ok now though...

I've been at the hospital a lot over the past week. I was in last Tues with my third episode of reduced movement and they've been keeping a close eye on me and bubs since then (3 ctg traces and a scan!). I'm back in tomorrow to see the consultant. Hoping they don't want to induce me...!
Am experiencing bloody show... And very mild period pains quite low... Please be the start of something!!!
Sounds positive Karen,

Nomad it's a worry when they don't move, I've had it 3 times and just get brushed off after being checked out. It's frustrating.

Is anyone not wanting visitors in hospital after giving birth, I want that chance to bond with my new family, but hubby is saying we will get parents up quite soon after, my parents still work, his doesn't so don't think it's fair if his mum meets our LO 3 hours after birth when my parents may not get over for a day or 2, especially the fact his don't agree with my wishes and I might not even feel up to visitors. I'd rather people come when we are home and settled.
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They've gone the opposite way with me and are being really cautious and keeping a close eye on baby even though movements have been fine since last Tuesday! It's been a pain in the neck having to go to the hospital every other day but I'd rather they were too careful than brush me off!

You won't know when you'll be ready for visitors or even how long you'll be in for so I'd just say you'll keep them posted! You might want a few days to yourselves or you might be desperate to show off the baby! You just don't know how you'll feel. Everyone should work round you whether they like it or not!
Anyone know if it's normal for bloody show to be like a light period? Didn't expect it to be like this... Period pains getting stronger now!
It's good they are keeping a close eye. It's just frustrating as I had 15 hours where I barely felt baby at the weekend, again baby quiet again today, if I ring them baby will prob go mad again.

That's what I want to do, keep them posted but apparently that's wrong too :(
Ahhh Karen I am the same as you. Had loads of plug this morning tinged with blood and think light contractions started. Would say is like period pains coming every 10 mins right now. Have jumped in shower and had a nice wash - def didn't notice the pain as bad when I was in there.

Got hubby to put on my tens but not switched it on yet. And sent him off to work. This could just be early labour and last a long time. My mum is going to pop over later in the morning.
My cramps are pretty low down, but keep coming in waves. Blood is more than I expected, thought it'd be more discharge with bloody tinge but more period like. Imagine we have them on same day Collette!! X
My cramps are super low too - not really reaching my back yet. But I just had one there that was pretty sore and made me switch my tens on!!

Mine is more blood mixed with plug at the moment. If you are in doubt give maternity assessment a ring about your show - is it like bright red blood? Mines is more dark brown.

Yup is looking like we could have matching days right now! Hopefully we can do this in 24 hours!! xx
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It's red yeah but only there when I wipe so think that's ok? Wearing a pad but nothing coming on there as of yet! The cramp is pretty sore when it comes so starting to change my mind about this whole baby malarkey!! Haha!
T ake me.with.you girls! Don't me behind! Pleeeeeease :)

No show here at all (other than.the tiny amount after my 1st sweep two weeks ago) which makes me think my cervix is still tightly closed.

Karen, I would have though it would be more like a discharge than a period so maybe give them a ring and see?

Good luck for you both, I'm off to get some nursing bras seeing as though this baby isn't as motivated as I thought it.would be.

It sounds positive ladies, yeah maybe give them a ring Karen, even if they just reassure you. I want to have some plug and bloody show too...I've had absolutely nothing apart from still getting daggers and the odd cramp. Only 2 days from DD, really don't want to go over. I'm scared of pushing out a 9lb baby if I go too far over.
I am getting fed up now feeling so emotional, crying at almost everything, the whole visitor in hospital thing caused another barmy with the hubby. He needs to tread so careful at the moment as everything is setting me off.

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