*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Lucy I was the same before my DD. I actually think the anxiety of not knowing is what makes it worse. When I got to my due date and nothing happened I was devastated. But then being told I wasn't remotely ready made me calm down cos knew I wasn't about to go into imminent labour. So just know I felt the exact same at your point. But I hope you don't have a long wait much like me Karen and Pismo have had!

Pismo - there is still time to catch up!! Me and Karen are first timers, this could be a while!

Karen - yup mine are hurting now. The tens is actually really helping. Do you have one? If not send hubby to mothercare or babys'r''us - is helping to take edge off them. Am gonna pop some paracetamol. How far apart are yours? I'm about 10 mins and they are lasting 40 seconds.... Ouch ouch
Ah good luck ladies, sounds like we'll have a few more babies today :-)
Ooh exciting! Looks like we will have more babies soon!

Well this is my final day of pregnancy! I'm going to meet my baby boy in the morning!!! :) xx
I love following this thread! Fingers crossed for all you ladies waiting to give birth :D xxx
Ah this is exciting!! Good luck ladies, hope it all goes well!

Wow Charlie what a long way you've come! xx
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Morninhs girls. I've just had a quick read through of everyones progress and sounds like someone might be having a wee baby soon. Fingers crossed for everyone. I had a consultant midwife check yesterday and she has said I'm good to go for a sweep. It's likely I will hopefully go into labour after the sweep but it may take two. The care plan is to try and avoid a forced induction and given this is baby no3 writhing a year of Annabel, it's hopeful I will do my body proud. I've been bouncing on my ball every day in hope that on Monday she gives me a successful sweep. X
Can they be contractions if you don't feel them in your back? Had some awful period cramp like pains today - quite irregular sill - but didn't think much as I thought they couldn't be unless you feel lower back pain too.

Niether here nor there I guess as LO wont be here anytime soon anyways.

Karen and Colettey - Are your partners on stand by? Do they have far to travel when you give them 'the call'?

How is everyone else doing? Anyones due date today?

I didn't feel my contractions in my back at all Pismo x
Hi, ended up going to hospital as bleeding quite bad, I'm in early labour, 2-3cm. My cramps are close together, 5 mins apart but only last for about ten seconds- they do hurt tho!! Tens machine is on! Hope you're ok Collette!! Xx
Exciting progress happening on here today! Yay to new babies arriving! Good luck Karen and Collettey, I'll be thinking of you both :)
Good luck ladies! Excited to see more June babies arriving :) Anyone else due this week and not experiencing any symptoms at all!?
Good luck girls. More June babies on their way.

I answer to the contractions in your back... mine started as almost constant period pain that got worse in waves and that got me to about 2cm before things started to ramp up. X
Can they be contractions if you don't feel them in your back? Had some awful period cramp like pains today - quite irregular sill - but didn't think much as I thought they couldn't be unless you feel lower back pain too.

Niether here nor there I guess as LO wont be here anytime soon anyways.

Karen and Colettey - Are your partners on stand by? Do they have far to travel when you give them 'the call'?

How is everyone else doing? Anyones due date today?


My husband came home from work as had to go into hospital, he only works ten mins away anyway and hospital is about the same distance. Hoping she comes later so he can start paternity tomorrow.
Mine are varying from 5 mins to 10/11 mins apart. The 5 min ones really hurt :shock: they seem to be most intense. Defo starting to hurt a lot more. Not sure when to phone the hospital but think it's way too early. Think they need to b more consistent... Sob sob :-(! Hope the bleeding is okay Karen?

I want a 4 hour belfa labour!!!
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Yay go Karen and Colettey! So exciting! Can't wait to hear some news! Fingers crossed this is the start of something for you too, Pismo! Looking like another June baby boom!

I still have five days to go, due on Sunday. In general I feel pretty good about labour etc, but I'm worried when it starts to happen I'm going to completely freak out and lose the plot. I hope I keep it together :/ I just don't feel like I've been pregnant long enough to have grown a baby in me! Haven't had enough time for it all to sink in lol! Xx
I'm the same Bethy..keep getting waves of utter panic now that I've passed my due date and thinking I won't be able to cope with labour. I've got the fear!
I'm the same Bethy..keep getting waves of utter panic now that I've passed my due date and thinking I won't be able to cope with labour. I've got the fear!

No, no! Positive thoughts!!

Wish I could take my own advice haha! X
Hope you are ok Karen, you are in the right place where they can monitor you closely, hopefully it's just your little one keen to get into the world.

Hope you are ok too colettypie,

Defo looks like the June babies are ramping up... Hope something happens soon for you Pismo too.

Charlie hope you are all geared up for tomorrow.

Had a good talk with hubby about everything, told him I really can't keep getting upset like this... He actually got a bit upset too, think it's the pressure now and the fact we've had such a long journey getting to where we are now. Can't believe we are so close. Had another serious nesting session, knackered now. x
I'm bricking it bethy and heybabya I'm excited for things to happen, but scared of it hurting, but at the same time want to get on with it.

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