*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Karen I can only imagine how you where feeling, excited but anxious then to be let home would have been a bit frustrating. Fingers crossed that things speed up for u.
Charlie I'm feeling the same about my section, so nerve wracking but keep thinking this time next week I will have my wee one and will be recovering x

Think your the day after me are you? I'm in the Wednesday. I've just sat and ironed all his clothes so that's one less job! Took me 4 hours though and I sat down to do it haha! My feet are ballooned today and I've not even walked anywhere!

OH hasn't stopped since he finished work, he's sorted all the rest of the kitchen cupboards today for me so that's one less job.

I re packed my hospital bags as at my pre op I was told when I first go in to just take a bag with stuff I will need for right after the birth and then Oh can bring the rest of the things out the car. And now that I've been told I'm in for 1 night and not 2 I've reduced some of the baby clothes I was taking. Just going to pack a spare bag to leave in the car just in case we have to stay in for some reason! Fingers crossed I'll be home by Thursday tho! Xx
Karen, that must be rally confusing, being told one thing then you go home again. Hope something starts soon for you.

Awww charlie, I totally get how you are feeling, I was freaking out so much in the night when couldn't feel bubba, was even prodding my tummy but it was rock hard the whole night, thinking this is our miracle too and how far we have come and was a bit teary this morning before we went up hospital. With everything being so close now, it's really nerve wracking.

Papella exciting about getting your pool.

Hope everyone managing to enjoy this lovely day. Guessing that's why it's quiet. x
Yeah it's rubbish, just feel really deflated and down now. Been for a walk in the sun but didn't manage to life my mood. I'll be fine again tomorrow xx
I'm the Friday Charlie so 2 days after you. I am assuming I will be in for 2 nights but would love to know for sure, i will ask my mw on Monday. I go for a pre op the day before section, they said they give you an anti acid tablet, I take it that's to help your stomach for surgery?? I haven't crossed the door today and my legs swollen too, it's a horrible sight. Few times I have went to ring the ooh for advice then think nah will leave it until Monday when I see MW.x
Yeah I had my pre op Thursday and got my tablets for anti acid. You have one the night before and then one in the morning. I found out at my pre op that they no longer keep you in 2 days unless it's necessary. I'm not sure if this is everywhere or just my hospital, in assuming everywhere. They are saying your less likely to get an infection out of hospital. Crazy isn't it! Xx
Yeah it's rubbish, just feel really deflated and down now. Been for a walk in the sun but didn't manage to life my mood. I'll be fine again tomorrow xx

Aw Karen, I'm sorry to hear that xx
Yeah I had my pre op Thursday and got my tablets for anti acid. You have one the night before and then one in the morning. I found out at my pre op that they no longer keep you in 2 days unless it's necessary. I'm not sure if this is everywhere or just my hospital, in assuming everywhere. They are saying your less likely to get an infection out of hospital. Crazy isn't it! Xx

That's amazing they'll discharge you so quick after c sec, that was one of the reasons I wanted to avoid as I didn't want to stay in hospital a week! X
My friend is a midwife at the hospital im going to and she said she thinks it's disgusting. It used to be 6 days. But has been 2 days for a while. She said to me to stay in if I can milk it. I just wanna get home though to be honest. Id rather be having baby cuddles in my bed :) plus OH is off until 24th June so got him to look after me :)

Yeh that's it, I just want to get home too, really don't want to hang around unless we have to of course.

Still all quiet with me. Properly sorted everything we'll be taking with us and shown OH what's in my bag and where.

Have we had another baby-less day or have I missed something? X
I've briefly told OH what bag has what in but I think it's gone in one ear and out the other!

We are having car valeted on Monday then car seat and bags will be packed in! :) no idea how to even put a car seat in so we will both be having a lesson in that from SIL haha!

I think it has been a babyless day on here! Although one of my friends had her little boy today and my other good friend is in hospital as we speak being induced :) xx
Depends what time of day you have your section as well girls. If you don't have your op until the afternoon you usually won't get catheter removed until the following morning and you then should have to get up and use the toilet.

Don't let them rush you out if you dont feel up to it. I had a really great recovery but getting in and out of bed is horrid that day after the section and the electric hospital beds definitely have their advantages. My BP was still high so I stayed in for 3 days and I felt a lot better than a friend who came out after a day and a half.

I would also recommend arnica either cream or pills. They helped a lot. X
Yup, another babyless day here sadly! It'll all happen at once again, three of us will go in a day :)

Have had a long walk, hot curry, DTD and bounced on my ball today - fingers crossed something happens!

Karen this stage is awful. Especially if you get your hopes up and then nothing comes of it. Think I would have had a tantrum with lots of tears if it were me.

How is everyone doing?

Buggy - what are afterpains? Googled them but haven't had any info from anywhere else about them.

Depends what time of day you have your section as well girls. If you don't have your op until the afternoon you usually won't get catheter removed until the following morning and you then should have to get up and use the toilet.

Don't let them rush you out if you dont feel up to it. I had a really great recovery but getting in and out of bed is horrid that day after the section and the electric hospital beds definitely have their advantages. My BP was still high so I stayed in for 3 days and I felt a lot better than a friend who came out after a day and a half.

I would also recommend arnica either cream or pills. They helped a lot. X

Doesn't matter if it's morning or afternoon surgery there now in my hospital. It's a one night stay if they can get away with it! Shocking really. She said it started this week so it's new to lower infection rates. Xx
With my emergency section I ended up staying in for 2 weeks as my son ended up unwell so hopefully everything goes more smoothly this time, but I agree I think they send you home far too quickly. Having a section is a big operation and if I don't feel ready to go home when they send me I will hopefully be vocal enough to tell them, but prob won't get a choice.

I'm curious to see how different it will be with a planned section to an emergency. Obviously the "emergency" part lol. X

Babyscotcher is it correct that you should start taking arnica tabs before section? I might look into this a bit more x
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Bubblegum- I started taking mine the day before as was told I was going to be induced. It is advised you start taking them 24 hours before I think. Definitely feel like they did some good though. Whether it was psychological or actual I don't know.

Charlie- that sucks. I think women pushing themselves too quickly after a section and not taking proper care of themselves is a lot more likely to lead to infections or pulled stitches than staying an extra night in hospital. Thinking how much it hurt to be driven home and go over a speed hump after 3 days I dread to think about it the day after. Good luck. X
Yup, another babyless day here sadly! It'll all happen at once again, three of us will go in a day :)

Have had a long walk, hot curry, DTD and bounced on my ball today - fingers crossed something happens!

Karen this stage is awful. Especially if you get your hopes up and then nothing comes of it. Think I would have had a tantrum with lots of tears if it were me.

How is everyone doing?

Buggy - what are afterpains? Googled them but haven't had any info from anywhere else about them.


Buggy might mean the pain from your uterus contracting, it's particularly uncomfortable when breast feeding x
Bubblegum- I started taking mine the day before as was told I was going to be induced. It is advised you start taking them 24 hours before I think. Definitely feel like they did some good though. Whether it was psychological or actual I don't know.

Charlie- that sucks. I think women pushing themselves too quickly after a section and not taking proper care of themselves is a lot more likely to lead to infections or pulled stitches than staying an extra night in hospital. Thinking how much it hurt to be driven home and go over a speed hump after 3 days I dread to think about it the day after. Good luck. X

It is bad! My midwife said the number of people coming back with problems is more for people who had been sent home quickly. Scary really isn't it! As much as I don't want to be in hospital, I don't want to cause myself any problems. I have my arnica tablets, they are just the boots ones. Will these be ok? How often did you take them.

I can't sleep again, my anxiety for Wednesday is pretty bad! Xx
Yup, another babyless day here sadly! It'll all happen at once again, three of us will go in a day :)

Have had a long walk, hot curry, DTD and bounced on my ball today - fingers crossed something happens!

Karen this stage is awful. Especially if you get your hopes up and then nothing comes of it. Think I would have had a tantrum with lots of tears if it were me.

How is everyone doing?

Buggy - what are afterpains? Googled them but haven't had any info from anywhere else about them.


Sort of like contractions. It's your uterus shrinking back. Common to be more painful with your second x
In my experience I'm normally begging to go home from hospital. I've never felt rushed out. It's not very nice staying on the ward as it's harder to sleep. Nice to have the support though.

My milk has come in now but still struggling with breastfeeding. I think my nipples are too fat. Struggling to pump it off and baby isn't getting much either. I think he's struggling to duck properly and it's too wide for his little mouth. :-(
Pismo- I'm hoping to have this baby soon too! So hopefully there will be a few of us :) gonna go for a long walk (well try) and stay on my feet. Tomorrow will be the first day that I truly get to relax as I have the OH to help with Ollie.

Think I might wake him up to dtd now haha is that wrong of me? I am officially 41weeks now though. :)

The after pains is your uterus contracting down. My sister said for her it got worse with the more you've had, but I think that's due to it contracting down quicker because your body remembers what to do!

I would have liked to have laboured this weekend as it's the most convenient time for everyone, my mum has work tomorrow but said she would take Ollie in if need be. My sisters husband will take time off work to watch the kids (as she's my other birthing partner). It's lovely that my family pull together though I'm very grateful. :)

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