****** June 2015 Mummies To Be ******

Bring on the bump is what I say! You may have felt lil one! I was 16 weeks when I first felt Issy move, was a very very strange feeling! Kinda like butterflies but not if that makes sense!

Here's a funny story for you I thought I felt this one move the other night but then I looked at my belly and it was just my jeans undoing themselves :( so glad I didn't announce it!!

HAHA!!! I love this! Hmmmm I'll wait a bit longer and see if I keep feeling it before make any announcements about feeling the baby then ;-) xx
I thought I felt a flutter yesterday... I'm less than 15 weeks tho so may have been belly rumbling from hunger... Just felt a little deeper than that and haven't felt it since.
I am 13+1 today so thought I would come have a look over here. Us June mummies are very quiet compared to the May and July girls. How is everyone getting on?
Yeah we don't seem to have as many mums as other threads, so a lot quieter! Only about 5/6 of us so far! Not sure if we have lost a few since the beginning of Tri 1 :(

Had an extra scan today, baby doing really well. Though I got put back a few days based on head measurements. Having a naughty baby who doesn't sit well works out pretty good for the parents (apart from being tricky getting time off work!), but lovely to see baby again :)!

Got 20 week scan in mid Jan now booked ahhhh! Mid way point here I come :) :)
I have my scan booked for 29th Jan which will be 20+3. Nice to have something to look forward to in the new year.

I loved seeing our little one wriggle around even if it did cause issues getting the measurements. Was very cute. X
We've just booked a 16 week sexing scan. There was a special offer in groupon so we're having it done just before Xmas so we can tell the grandparents what they're having on Christmas day! 🎄
Hi ladies, finally joining yous in the new tri 2 thread..woo hoo! How are we all doing? Im now 15 weeks and still feel knackered :( my nausea has improved so im eating more these days however now suffering with heart burn and acid reflux...boke.
Have a bump now too although its still in that podgy stage were I could just be mistaken for fat lol. Anyone else got really short of breath? Im so bad, really struggle doing the Christmas shopping and using stairs. What will I not be like come 9 months lol

oh and im due 2nd june..so far! x
Definitely with you on the shortness of breath! I had to go up 3 flights of stairs in the car park today and really struggled getting my breath. you'd have thought I'd run a marathon!
Hey everyone! Had my first scan on Monday there and was tentatively put at 13 +5 so should be 14 weeks tomorrow!

Got another scan on xmas eve though to double check so may jump back the way haha! Was a lovely surprise being put forward 9 days!! :D Practically jumping into 2nd trimester - woopee! :D
Hi ladies.

How are you all doing?

I can start a due date calendar on the front page, can you all let me know your due dates please - unless it hasn't changed since the original thread and I can just pinch it from there :)

My dates have been put back - not due until the 4th June now and kinda sad. I know that's ridiculous as there will still be the same end result but I'm just ready for this pregnancy to start progressing. Feel like I am barely pregnant.

I'm 6th June please Pismo.
the first trimester has really dragged hasn't it?! I can't wait to get to 20 weeks!
So excited to be in tri 2!! Im due 9th by my last scan :) counting the days until I get my 20week! 6 weeks seems forever away.. I got myself a doppler tho so im listening all the time Xx
That was my original date tashawink but I've been put back which is why I've joined the ladies in this group xx
How's everyone been feeling? I'm shattered but ok other. thanks that. It's my first baby and I seem to already have quite a big bump, or bigger than I thought I would at this stage!
I am not technically over here yet until next Monday if we are saying that 14 weeks is tri 2 but am thread hopping as have now had my scan etc. I am 15th June though if you could put me down for then as was put forward 3 days from my scan.
That was my original date tashawink but I've been put back which is why I've joined the ladies in this group xx

Yea I very much expect to be pregnant into June, I'm thinking around 8-10th. So that's the due date I've given myself. I was 8days late with my son so assume this is how it would go next time haha (hope it's not longer!)

I woke up feeling really ill, I think baby is lying quite high or my guts are all pushing together and it's making me feel sick. I've not been sick this whole pregnancy although felt nauseous, ran to the bathroom heaving was so surprised nothing came up! Xx
Last edited:
6th June for me :D
Hope all of you ladies are well! :) x x x

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