*** July 2019 Mummies ***

It is hard work - especially now it’s warming up. Bloody boiling all the time atm. We need to get the blow up hot tub cleaned out so I can wallow in it in cool water like a hippo

My friend is doing well after having her baby on weds. She’s a bit sore sitting down and going for a wee so I think I’m going to order some spritz for bits for my hospital bag!

Anyone have weekend plans? I’m generally just moving from sofa to chair to bed to rest. Boring but the pelvis just can take a lot more. Lunch for our 2nd wedding anniversary on Monday :)
Has anyone noticed that movements have changed? I’m feeling less big kicks but more general movements where baby is just repositioning himself. His fav place is currently on my left right underneath my boob! Makes me very lobsided! :lol:

Definitely having issues with my arm / hand. After all the pins and needles I’m now having pain even just stretching my fingers out. Definitely a bit of carpel tunnel I think but not sure what treatment they’d give me!
So last night was like torture. Huge pains when I was rolled onto either side, heartburn and now wide awake again with incredibly painful trapped wind. I got to sleep around 3 after going downstairs and watching one born every minute for a couple of hours.

On the plus side (literally the only positive that there could be) I think I now know why baby is relatively quiet in the morning times...he must be absolutely knackered from all of the overnight juggling and moving about he does. He was moving like crazy!
So last night was like torture. Huge pains when I was rolled onto either side, heartburn and now wide awake again with incredibly painful trapped wind. I got to sleep around 3 after going downstairs and watching one born every minute for a couple of hours.

On the plus side (literally the only positive that there could be) I think I now know why baby is relatively quiet in the morning times...he must be absolutely knackered from all of the overnight juggling and moving about he does. He was moving like crazy!
I hear you on the pain when rolling over, waking up hurting on whichever side I’m laid on. Heartburn is under control thanks to omeprazole for the past couple of months. And wind, yep. I just burp so much when I lay down it takes ages to stop and I have to keep sitting up which makes my pelvis sore. Friday night it was so bad I ended up committing a few times (grim)

I think the moves do change. Babies haven’t got much room now so it’s mostly legs I can feel moving. Sometimes I can tell who others I have no idea as they are so close together, lol.

Also developed bleeding from my gum in one place every morning, another gem to add to the list.

Want to meet the babies now!
Anyone got a bag packed yet? I still haven’t done it. Don’t know why but I seem to be dragging my heels on it, same as buying mat clothes. Yesterday made a right balls up, all my jeans and shorts were in the wash so had to wear leggings and nick a shirt of dh to cover my arse when friends came over.
Anyone got a bag packed yet? I still haven’t done it. Don’t know why but I seem to be dragging my heels on it, same as buying mat clothes. Yesterday made a right balls up, all my jeans and shorts were in the wash so had to wear leggings and nick a shirt of dh to cover my arse when friends came over.
I have a general bag packed with mainly baby things but I actually think I will need two separate one for him and one for me. The top and tail bowl is huge and isn’t even in it yet and it barely fits!
I hear you on the pain when rolling over, waking up hurting on whichever side I’m laid on. Heartburn is under control thanks to omeprazole for the past couple of months. And wind, yep. I just burp so much when I lay down it takes ages to stop and I have to keep sitting up which makes my pelvis sore. Friday night it was so bad I ended up committing a few times (grim)

I think the moves do change. Babies haven’t got much room now so it’s mostly legs I can feel moving. Sometimes I can tell who others I have no idea as they are so close together, lol.

Also developed bleeding from my gum in one place every morning, another gem to add to the list.

Want to meet the babies now!
The wind pain felt more like period cramps so at one point I was timing it in case it was contractions. It was that bad I genuinely thought it could have been. I know it could be B&H mixed in with some wind trapped but it’s knackered me for today. Good job I’m off work and can find some time to nap!
The wind pain felt more like period cramps so at one point I was timing it in case it was contractions. It was that bad I genuinely thought it could have been. I know it could be B&H mixed in with some wind trapped but it’s knackered me for today. Good job I’m off work and can find some time to nap!

I don’t know I’ve had an BH yet. My bump goes hard in the evening but stays like it for ages rather than on and off.
I wondered last week if I was starting contractions as I had low down period pain for a while, turns out I needed a poo. I literally can’t tell anything anymore!
We’ve been given a top and tail bowl. But I remember my brother just using two cough medicine cups, tiny little things as that’s what they showed him to use in the hospital. Hadn’t thought about taking it with me, I think just a couple of little pots will do.

Also seriously considering spritz for bits as my mate is struggling after birth last week. And maybe some witch hazel pads. I’ll buy all that then will having a section knowing my luck
I don’t know I’ve had an BH yet. My bump goes hard in the evening but stays like it for ages rather than on and off.
I wondered last week if I was starting contractions as I had low down period pain for a while, turns out I needed a poo. I literally can’t tell anything anymore!
We’ve been given a top and tail bowl. But I remember my brother just using two cough medicine cups, tiny little things as that’s what they showed him to use in the hospital. Hadn’t thought about taking it with me, I think just a couple of little pots will do.

Also seriously considering spritz for bits as my mate is struggling after birth last week. And maybe some witch hazel pads. I’ll buy all that then will having a section knowing my luck

The list in my file says top and tail bowl or containers so may just take two containers. As soon as we are home I will be using wipes for nappy changes anyway.

I am having quite bad period pains so presuming it’s BH but will ask tomorrow (growth scan and consultant appointments). Also got the after effects of period pain. That horrible cramps feeling but not actual cramps?
I've got both hospital bags packed, plus a snack bag (very important). I wouldn't have pulled my finger out unless we had gone away for a week.
A shop like Primark is ideal for a hospital bag, cheap dressing gown, pjs, big pants, fluffy socks. If you are planning on skin to skin/breast feeding they sell some night shirts thay button up and are really comfy.
Everything ends up in the bin after labour so it's quite handy.

Sugar can you ask your gp for some omeprazole? As radley said it is amazing and not a sniff of heartburn since.

My Braxton hicks are so frequent. When they put me on the monitor last week they were every 5 mins so they think I have an irritable uterus as they are not real and have no pain and no change to cervix.

Is anyone else suffering from rib pain? I am experiencing the most painful muscular and rib pain. I guess from all the stretching but sitting too long is so painful!

My movements have changed but I assume they are running out of space as I can always feel at least 2 limbs/parts of babies sticking out if I run my hand across my tummy.
Radley I've been eyeing up spritz for bitz! I was just worried spending that money and ending up with a c section.

I wish it had been around when I had my son. I had an episiotomy and stiches. All I had to rely on was warm baths and cold compress!
So, had my consultant appointment and growth scan today. Baby started scan head down but moved :lol: he is now around 4lbs 12oz so growth has slowed down so they are happy.

In terms of delivery they are thinking of letting me attempt a natural delivery! Still a lot of unknowns and could change still. I’ve given contact details of specialists so we will see. Consultant wants a plan of action by 36 weeks and is wanting to deliver by 38. Again, still all unknown really :lol:
I need to start packing my hospital bag. I might get spritz for bits. Looks good. I need to take plenty of pile cream with me as I have been suffering LOADS with them last few weeks and I'm sure giving birth will make them even worse!!!!

Night times are not great for me at mo. Waking up thru night for a wee and then baby is kicking and wriggling about all night so I can't get back to sleep.

Movements are really big and pretty constant all day!! I get massive kicks out my side and my bump changes shape a lot. Looks hilarious! Cant wait to meet her now. I'm nearly finished at work. 3 weeks remaining. Then 4 weeks after that is my due date so hoping to have some time to put my feet up before her arrival!
Sounds like everyone is getting ready now which is exciting! I want to meet the twiglets and see who has been kicking me all the time!

I’ll sort a bag over the next few days I think. Had a look in primark the other day but didn’t get any success apart from a couple of £10 stretchy dresses which were a god send when it was warm over the weekend. I’d never normally where ones so figure hugging but I thought this is my chance now so what the heck, lol.

Slept for 12 hours last night then laid in bed for a couple and napped for two more - bloody shattered for some reason. Been resting all day. Thought I may get bored but was so tired I’ve just been on Netflix. It’s like my energy went at the weekend and I’m trying to refuel the tank.

So all the babies are doing well, it’s so good to hear. When have people got scans and things next? I have nothing until me at 34 a week tomorrow then scan at 36. Graduation is getting closer, two days before 36 weeks scan. Dh is convinced they will be here by then, I’m not so sure. I think they are comfy
Sounds like everyone is getting ready now which is exciting! I want to meet the twiglets and see who has been kicking me all the time!

I’ll sort a bag over the next few days I think. Had a look in primark the other day but didn’t get any success apart from a couple of £10 stretchy dresses which were a god send when it was warm over the weekend. I’d never normally where ones so figure hugging but I thought this is my chance now so what the heck, lol.

Slept for 12 hours last night then laid in bed for a couple and napped for two more - bloody shattered for some reason. Been resting all day. Thought I may get bored but was so tired I’ve just been on Netflix. It’s like my energy went at the weekend and I’m trying to refuel the tank.

So all the babies are doing well, it’s so good to hear. When have people got scans and things next? I have nothing until me at 34 a week tomorrow then scan at 36. Graduation is getting closer, two days before 36 weeks scan. Dh is convinced they will be here by then, I’m not so sure. I think they are comfy

I am seeing midwife in 2 weeks but I haven't got any scans lined up. My chart is measuring fine at the moment so no need for me to be scanned at this point.

Top of my bump is so sore!!!
I am seeing midwife in 2 weeks but I haven't got any scans lined up. My chart is measuring fine at the moment so no need for me to be scanned at this point.

Top of my bump is so sore!!!
Bottom of my bump is sore! It has gotten better as the day has gone on though. Think mine is left over cramps for wind / BH / a shit night :lol:

I walked away from my appointment today having been booked in for the antenatal class & breastfeeding class. I told them I am not breastfeeding and I am damn sure I will not be bullied into it. I’m sticking with my pump plan whether they like it or not. My consultant did say everything is my choice and I won’t be pushed in to one way or the other and I was like damn right! My body + my baby = as long as he is fed and healthy I will do it my way. The lovely feeding magazine just basically says breastfeeding is best.
Bottom of my bump is sore! It has gotten better as the day has gone on though. Think mine is left over cramps for wind / BH / a shit night :lol:

I walked away from my appointment today having been booked in for the antenatal class & breastfeeding class. I told them I am not breastfeeding and I am damn sure I will not be bullied into it. I’m sticking with my pump plan whether they like it or not. My consultant did say everything is my choice and I won’t be pushed in to one way or the other and I was like damn right! My body + my baby = as long as he is fed and healthy I will do it my way. The lovely feeding magazine just basically says breastfeeding is best.

I wanna do bottle feeding asap to be honest. I also want baby to get the best bit of my breast milk so I am thinking at the moment of trying breastfeeding for a couple of weeks then going onto bottles. I have a prep machine and sterilising set ready so it's just deciding when to do the bottle feeds.
We’ve got nct booked for next week and a day the week after. I’m not really interested in it tbh as I think it will be a bit too ‘medicine & pain killers are bad’ and is going to wind me up but time will tell. It’s more a way to meet people who are having babies at the same time as me so I potentially am less isolated this coming year but again, we will see.
My birth options are what they are so talking through ones that don’t apply to me seems a waste of time and If they want me to get on the floor they can bugger off as I won’t get back up again. It’s the only class in my area left and we are going a when I’m 34 weeks - which is also a bit late but everything else was booked.
Maybe I will love it and come back converted... (doubt it, lol)
I’m not hopeful either. Not impressed that I’d been booked onto it without my knowledge either!

To be quite honest I just want to have my baby and be left alone. I know if I have a natural Labour it will be hell. I know if I have a c section the recovery will be hell. I’m not oblivious, just want to be left to it. I’m extremely lucky I have a ton of support and a live in baby sitter :lol:
Trying to catch up on all these posts... I've been really busy past week haven't had time to come on here at all! Glad to hear everyone and babies are all doing well though :) We've finally got almost everything sorted for baby's arrival. Had midwife appointment yesterday and all seems to be going well, baby's growth is good according to chart and my iron levels seem to be coming back up.

That's strange they booked you on to classes without asking you @Sugarpop! If I was you and didn't want to go, I just wouldn't turn up for them. They shouldn't be forcing anything, it's up to us how to feed and take care of our babies in the end.

I've been going to antenatal classes run by the NHS over here in NI, and they haven't been too bad so far to be honest. I pretty much knew everything they told us already. But the classes are in the hospital where I'll give birth, so it's been good for them telling us specifics of the hospital, like what times each entrance is open, best places to park etc! Also, exactly what pain relief and things are available in the hospital.

I was surprised that the pain relief session wasn't completely geared towards trying to do it naturally. They went through all the different options (from taking a bath, paracetamol, and listening to music, to diamorphine and epidural). They said start at the bottom, see how you cope and work your way up if need be. And they also told us you don't get a gold star for doing it completely naturally with no pain relief, so if you feel you need something, ask for it!

We have the feeding session next week... let's see if that's focused on just breastfeeding or if bottle feeding is talked about too!

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