*** July 2019 Mummies ***

34 weeks today! It's just hit me I have another 3, max 4 weeks until they are here! Booked in for a hair app today as god knows when I'll next get to one.

We haven't been told about any classes, or even a hospital tour like I was with my son.
I'm interested in the classes as if been to more deliveries than I could count, and been told it' safest to have an epidural and they like you to. So I'm just going with it.

Regarding feeding it's personal preference and at the end of the day 'fed is best'. Midwife tomorrow, theb final growth scan and consultant 2 weeks today!!! All getting very very real now!
I’m not hopeful either. Not impressed that I’d been booked onto it without my knowledge either!

To be quite honest I just want to have my baby and be left alone. I know if I have a natural Labour it will be hell. I know if I have a c section the recovery will be hell. I’m not oblivious, just want to be left to it. I’m extremely lucky I have a ton of support and a live in baby sitter :lol:

I’m too grumpy and tired to make conversation even with friends right now. Everything seems like a massive effort, lol.
34 weeks today! It's just hit me I have another 3, max 4 weeks until they are here! Booked in for a hair app today as god knows when I'll next get to one.

We haven't been told about any classes, or even a hospital tour like I was with my son.
I'm interested in the classes as if been to more deliveries than I could count, and been told it' safest to have an epidural and they like you to. So I'm just going with it.

Regarding feeding it's personal preference and at the end of the day 'fed is best'. Midwife tomorrow, theb final growth scan and consultant 2 weeks today!!! All getting very very real now!
34! Madness. I’ve been thinking the same that there is max 3-4 left which is odd yet at the same time it feels like ages too.

Got a hair cut and colour a couple of weeks ago as like you, not sure when I will get there again. Was lovely to have a chop.

They don’t do tours here either. I’m familiar with mau and delivery suite due to work so no surprises really. I’m also aware of how many amazing staff are just behind that door and you only see them if you need them. They’ve not said I have to have an epidural, it’s up to me. No ‘just in case’ approach here. I don’t mind really. Guess I’ll see when the pain kicks in.

Part of me thinks I will be in agony straight away and then part thinks I’ll go up with tummy ache and be massively dilated (well that’s maybe the dreaming part of me!)

Just bought another stability ball. It either of my cats claw this one there will be trouble!
34! Madness. I’ve been thinking the same that there is max 3-4 left which is odd yet at the same time it feels like ages too.

Got a hair cut and colour a couple of weeks ago as like you, not sure when I will get there again. Was lovely to have a chop.

They don’t do tours here either. I’m familiar with mau and delivery suite due to work so no surprises really. I’m also aware of how many amazing staff are just behind that door and you only see them if you need them. They’ve not said I have to have an epidural, it’s up to me. No ‘just in case’ approach here. I don’t mind really. Guess I’ll see when the pain kicks in.

Part of me thinks I will be in agony straight away and then part thinks I’ll go up with tummy ache and be massively dilated (well that’s maybe the dreaming part of me!)

Just bought another stability ball. It either of my cats claw this one there will be trouble!

It's so interesting to see how different hospitals differ. The consultant told me they prefer you to have one and almost like it wasn't a choice.
I had my son on gas and air and I must admit when it came to pushing those contractions were something else! I was begging for an epidural and the thought of doing it twice on gas and air does scare me.
It's cruel because by the time the real pain kicks in, it's too late for an epidural.

Can't wait to have my hair done, I've been putting it off until now.

When do you get your induction date? I was hoping at my app last week but we didn't even talk dates.
It's so interesting to see how different hospitals differ. The consultant told me they prefer you to have one and almost like it wasn't a choice.
I had my son on gas and air and I must admit when it came to pushing those contractions were something else! I was begging for an epidural and the thought of doing it twice on gas and air does scare me.
It's cruel because by the time the real pain kicks in, it's too late for an epidural.

Can't wait to have my hair done, I've been putting it off until now.

When do you get your induction date? I was hoping at my app last week but we didn't even talk dates.
I wonder if that’s so if you need to you can be whisked off to theatre? Perhaps they’ve found that women labour better with twins when they’ve had one?

I must say your brave to even think about natural with twins. I just assumed it was always a section.
I wonder if that’s so if you need to you can be whisked off to theatre? Perhaps they’ve found that women labour better with twins when they’ve had one?

I must say your brave to even think about natural with twins. I just assumed it was always a section.

It's also hospital policy that I have to give birth in theatre. Which is quite disappointing but if its the safest option then I'm ok with it.

I vaguely remember them saying an epidural was good incase they need to turn the second twin or they get into distress and have to do a section for the second the epidural is already in.

Do you think you will try natural now you have the option to?
Just got news that my cousin had her twins today at 36w + 3, and they are both healthy at 4.5 and 5.5 lbs! Seeing the photos of them has made it seem so real that'll be me soon with a baby, and that you ladies expecting the twins will have your little ones here very soon too!
It's also hospital policy that I have to give birth in theatre. Which is quite disappointing but if its the safest option then I'm ok with it.

I vaguely remember them saying an epidural was good incase they need to turn the second twin or they get into distress and have to do a section for the second the epidural is already in.

Do you think you will try natural now you have the option to?
I think i’ll Give it a go but unsure if i’ll See it through without help. Part of my issue is my muscles tire extremely quickly so not really sure how much help I’m going to be during pushing. I think I’m going into it expecting to end with help / a c section and anything else will be a bonus. Still reluctant to go for the epidural with the risks but if the pain is that bad then i’ll Need something! :lol:

I suppose it makes sense really to be in a theatre. Hopefully they try to make it as un-theatre like as possible for you!
Just got news that my cousin had her twins today at 36w + 3, and they are both healthy at 4.5 and 5.5 lbs! Seeing the photos of them has made it seem so real that'll be me soon with a baby, and that you ladies expecting the twins will have your little ones here very soon too!
Aww that’s fab! What good weights they are!
It's so interesting to see how different hospitals differ. The consultant told me they prefer you to have one and almost like it wasn't a choice.
I had my son on gas and air and I must admit when it came to pushing those contractions were something else! I was begging for an epidural and the thought of doing it twice on gas and air does scare me.
It's cruel because by the time the real pain kicks in, it's too late for an epidural.

Can't wait to have my hair done, I've been putting it off until now.

When do you get your induction date? I was hoping at my app last week but we didn't even talk dates.

It’s going to hurt like hell no doubt! So I probably will get one, it’s just I know that it can slow birth down a bit as you can’t feel where to push as much but I will ask about that.

No date for induction. I asked the consultant what happens if they don’t come spontaneously and he said they will offer to induce me at 37 but I don’t have to say yes, so then I would be monitored more. He said he wouldn’t let me go past 39. 39!!! He’s having a laugh. So he’s pretty relaxed about it, wasn’t bothered if I don’t want to be induced and there was no talk of section as babies are both head down. So I guess we talk again at 36 weeks when I see him and go from there.
It’s going to hurt like hell no doubt! So I probably will get one, it’s just I know that it can slow birth down a bit as you can’t feel where to push as much but I will ask about that.

No date for induction. I asked the consultant what happens if they don’t come spontaneously and he said they will offer to induce me at 37 but I don’t have to say yes, so then I would be monitored more. He said he wouldn’t let me go past 39. 39!!! He’s having a laugh. So he’s pretty relaxed about it, wasn’t bothered if I don’t want to be induced and there was no talk of section as babies are both head down. So I guess we talk again at 36 weeks when I see him and go from there.
Have they been head down for awhile? I know my baby moves around a lot and definitely isn’t in one position for a long time. He started the scan head down yesterday and finished transverse.
I think the room will be full no matter where we give birth. I think it may be theatre as well for me in case intervention is needed.

Great weights on the twins!
Just looking at little dresses on eBay as we have a wedding to go to in September, soooooo many to chose from - I want them all, lol
It’s going to hurt like hell no doubt! So I probably will get one, it’s just I know that it can slow birth down a bit as you can’t feel where to push as much but I will ask about that.

At my antenatal class they spoke about how they like the epidural to wear off a bit by the time you're ready to push so that you can feel the contractions and know when and how to push etc. So they don't tend to offer it if you're too far along that it'll still be in full effect by time you're ready to push as far as I know.

Has anyone considered diamorphine or pethidine? I've heard they take the edge off, but apparently can make you feel really drowsy, and passes on to the baby making them sleepy when they are born and might need help with breathing etc... doesn't sound worth it?!

Just looking at little dresses on eBay as we have a wedding to go to in September, soooooo many to chose from - I want them all, lol

This is part of the reason I'm glad we aren't having a girl... wouldn't be able to help myself with shopping for cute outfits and dresses for a girl! Luckily boys clothes are really boring in comparison!
At my antenatal class they spoke about how they like the epidural to wear off a bit by the time you're ready to push so that you can feel the contractions and know when and how to push etc. So they don't tend to offer it if you're too far along that it'll still be in full effect by time you're ready to push as far as I know.

Has anyone considered diamorphine or pethidine? I've heard they take the edge off, but apparently can make you feel really drowsy, and passes on to the baby making them sleepy when they are born and might need help with breathing etc... doesn't sound worth it?!

This is part of the reason I'm glad we aren't having a girl... wouldn't be able to help myself with shopping for cute outfits and dresses for a girl! Luckily boys clothes are really boring in comparison!

Worst thing I ever did was have diamorphine.
Had it with my first as she was my first and I panicked. Knocked me out so couldn't push properly and they lost trace on my daughter ended up with vontouse delivery, 7 drs as my daughter was limp and alot of stitches. Put me off having anything but gas and air with my son.
This time I'm going completely cold Turkey. Must be nuts.

Diamorphine might work great for you but that's my experience.
Worst thing I ever did was have diamorphine.
Had it with my first as she was my first and I panicked. Knocked me out so couldn't push properly and they lost trace on my daughter ended up with vontouse delivery, 7 drs as my daughter was limp and alot of stitches. Put me off having anything but gas and air with my son.
This time I'm going completely cold Turkey. Must be nuts.

Diamorphine might work great for you but that's my experience.

That's the impression I get about it, that it just makes you so drowsy you're not even aware of what's going on. I've only ever heard bad things about it, so doesn't make sense to me at all! I'm (naively) hoping to cope on just gas and air but we'll see how it goes at the time!
I think entonox and maybe an epidural would hopefully do the trick. Although I know that entonox doesn’t work for everyone and I’ve not had it before. Some patients are literally away with the fairies and it’s quite amusing.

I’m not sure there is any room for the twins to turn anymore as it is so stuffed full of babies in my belly!
I wonder if that’s so if you need to you can be whisked off to theatre? Perhaps they’ve found that women labour better with twins when they’ve had one?

I must say your brave to even think about natural with twins. I just assumed it was always a section.

I had a midwife appt today and asked this question, she said its because they may need to stabilise/turn twin 2 afyer twin 1 is born and without pain relief this can be really painful. It was enough for me to be sold on one!

Just got news that my cousin had her twins today at 36w + 3, and they are both healthy at 4.5 and 5.5 lbs! Seeing the photos of them has made it seem so real that'll be me soon with a baby, and that you ladies expecting the twins will have your little ones here very soon too!

Ah brilliant weights for twins! I wonder how accurate her growth scans were! I' really like to deliver these 2 anytime after 35 weeks. Aslong as their sugars and temp reg was fine we could come home straight away without a scbu stay.

At my antenatal class they spoke about how they like the epidural to wear off a bit by the time you're ready to push so that you can feel the contractions and know when and how to push etc. So they don't tend to offer it if you're too far along that it'll still be in full effect by time you're ready to push as far as I know.

Has anyone considered diamorphine or pethidine? I've heard they take the edge off, but apparently can make you feel really drowsy, and passes on to the baby making them sleepy when they are born and might need help with breathing etc... doesn't sound worth it?!

This is part of the reason I'm glad we aren't having a girl... wouldn't be able to help myself with shopping for cute outfits and dresses for a girl! Luckily boys clothes are really boring in comparison!

I had pethidine with my son when I first went in after 24 hours continuous Labour I was still only 1cm as my cervix was effacing. They gave me the shot so I could get some sleep, it made me sick as a dog and knocked me out. Next I knew I woke up 6cm dilated. It is very very short acting and makes you high as a kite!
For me being in the water was the BEST pain relief! Followed by gas and air.

The last 3 nights ive had regular 4-8 min apart bh contractions, but not painful at all. Then last night I had period pain and backache. Hot water bottle and bed and told myself if the pain wakes me up I'll go in. Everything has calmed down this morning.
I remember with my son I had mildly painful contractions every evening in the 2 weeks leading up to his arrival, then the day before he arrived the just never stopped. Either my body is playing tricks or really starting to prepare!
Your body must be starting to prepare! How exciting. I haven’t had anything like that yet which is what makes me think they will be in there forever.

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