*July 2018 Mummies*

Thanks Shep... Very annoying. Feel powerless really. All I can do is wait x
Ok as promised... here’s my labour story - which did not go at all as I expected!

First of all, if you were sitting at home like I was worrying that you hadn’t experienced anything like these mysterious Braxton Hicks contractions, don’t worry. I hadn’t had a single one (or hadn’t noticed!) before I went into labour. Given my lack of any of the telltale symptoms of oncoming labour, I was fairly certain on Friday morning that I’d see 41 weeks!

As we sat watching tv on the Friday evening I noticed that my bump would go quite hard at the front and at the same time I’d get some lower back pain. I said to DH that this felt very different. As I lay in bed I couldn’t get comfortable, and the pain seemed to be worse. I tried to get to sleep but couldn’t. At 2am I woke DH and said “You know, I think we need to go to the birth centre”. We called and they told us to have a bath and try to relax, they thought I was in early labour, they suggested having a warm bath and calling back in 30 mins!

After 15 mins we were calling back already because we had realised that the contractions were less than two minutes apart and lasting for 40 seconds!!!

So off we go to the birth centre. Its midwife led and we were keen to give birth there. We get in and it’s just as I had hoped, dimmed lighting, relaxing music... all that jazz. The midwife sets me onto a ball and I start trying to breathe through the contractions. Then my waters break! And this is when it all went a bit awry. My waters break and the midwife looks, then calmly says - “Ah, I’m sorry but it looks like you’ll need to be transferred to the hospital - the baby has pass meconium which is why the waters are discoloured” she explained that the chances are the baby would be fine but hat because of the risk of meconium aspiration, I needed to be at the hospital. To be honest I wasn’t worried, afterwards DH told me he was worried - but i wasn’t.. but then I had plenty else to focus on.

She summons the ambulance and examined me, we discover I’m fully dilated and she says she isn’t even sure we would make it to the hospital!

Ambulance arrives and everyone is actually in fairly good spirits, I made a joke about having never been in an ambulance before.. the midwife came with me and poor DH had to grab the car and follow us. This was my first opportunity to have any pain relief! Everything had happened so quickly that we just hadn’t had a chance! So I sucked on the gas and air, I was happy to find that it does work for me, having heard it doesn’t for everyone.

15 mins later and I’m being wheeled in a delivery suite at the hospital... a new midwife greeted us and took a look at me, took the gas and air away and said - “ok this is it you need to push! “

I pushed for an hour and then she was born :) my labour is recorded in my notes as lasting 2hr25 mins which started from the time I arrived at the birth centre to the time I gave birth. I think I was a bit in shock at how quickly it had all happened!

We had a paediatric doctor on hand as she was born to check her over, he was happy with her.. sleep had skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, DH cut the cord and we were done!

Did manage a 2nd degree tear and got gas and air whilst they did the stitches... sent me a bit loopy. Apparently when the midwife said “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to put a suppository up your bum” I replied, “But Sally, we’ve only just met!”

Had to stay one night in the maternity ward with obs on Charlotte for 12 hours to check she hadn’t got a infection from the meconium... all was fine and we were discharged on then Sunday.

So there you have it - baby born two days before due date, super duper short labour... would never have predicted that!

Wanted to write it down whilst I remembered the details.!
Great labour story fela. That's encouraging about no prior Braxton Hicks as I've not had any (maybe one but I'm more inclined to think I pulled a muscle).

I'm 39 weeks today and don't feel like anything will be happening any time soon. I had a monitoring appointment at the hospital last Friday and they estimated then baby weighed about 7lb 5oz. I've got another monitoring appointment next Wednesday when I'll be 40+1 so I'll see what they say then. A friend had her monitoring appointment at 40+1 yesterday and they basically said nope, you're not going home, we're going to induce you! I'm hoping I won't get to 40+1 though and that she might appear before then.

Hope to see baby news today from you KHTW!
It's all so quiet here now, I guess us gobby ones are busy with babies

Great labour story fela, great you had such a short labour

Any news khtw?
It is happening! Waters been broken now on a drip waiting for the pushing stages. I got epidural right away before they broke my waters due to me not being able to handle the pain of examination... Fingers crossed she is here soon... happy and healthy x
Tired tired tired. This will be a ramble I'm sure

This feeding thing is a piss take. I've went from expressing because I can't get baby latching and need to up my milk, to having her latch fine but having too much milk! So I have a fore milk imbalance which we're currently working on fixing. And my letdown is too strong which she hates.

It's fucking never ending and hard work! Having to block feed from one breast for a few hours, and hand express the first lot off so the milk doesn't come through too fast and choke her, give her bad wind, force her off the nipple and into a shallow latch etc. It's like rocket science :roll:

Weighed today: She's went to 7lbs 9oz. Still jaundiced a little so not discharged until Friday. My uterus isn't going down fast enough but will have it checked Friday. I feel fine though. Midwives keep saying I should try sleeping when baby is sleeping. I could smack the next person tells me that. Hello I have a 4 year old too, plus I'm feeding 24/7... it's never happening!

Shep how are you and baby? How is dd getting on with everything? Ivy has been taking it a little bad but we're getting there. Spent some time today playing in her room just us two, then watched beauty and the beast together with OH had the baby. I feel for her though xx

Fela welcome to the short labour club! Curious are you A positive? Sort of scary when it happens so quick. Mine is down as 2 hrs 40 altogether; 10 minutes of that pushing, 13 minutes of that third stage. Felt very insane and I didn't like how out of control I felt. . Glad baby was okay, must have been very scary for you. Gas and air for the stiches are an absolute must haha, if someone's shoving a suppository up you, you may as we'll be high for it!Xx

Mala my scan estimate was 6lb 6 for birth and she came out 7lb 5 at 39 weeks. Not sure how accurate they are tbh. Fx baby comes before then though xx

There was something else but I'm so tired I can't remember
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Oh Shan, I hope things improve fast it all sounds tiring and annoying! Why can life of a new mother be simpler?! Xx
Maya was born last night after a quick and easy labour. Had a fantastic midwife, I could hug her!!
She weights 7oz 11(3.5kg) and is 49.5cm long. She latched really quickly and is feeding OK just now but the latch is not perfect as my nipples are getting sore already. I think I will ask for help x

I remember you mentioning that A positive thing shanivy and didn't think much of it but hey I'm A positive and my labour is down as 1hr10mins so maybe there is something to it

Things well here, DD is getting better, the weekend was tough but she's happier now. I'm glad as well, I had awful diarrhea all day yesterday so neither girl got my attention for long. I was having to unlatch baby half way through feeds to dash to the toilet.

Sorry you're still having feeding problems, you're doing great though to keep going. I've told husband I might need to buy some formula today if my diarrhea doesnt stop. I was nearly in tears at 2am it was do painful and my hemmeroid was bleeding. I'm not having another day and night of that so I'll buy some formula for baby and imodium for me
Baby is sleeping well, she's so much more laid bk then DD1. She's chill awake in her basket during the day which is great, I'm not getting to bed until 11/12 as she feeds a lot and is horrendously gassy but the last two nights I've only been up once between then and 630/7am. Long may it continue
Aahh congratulations KHTW! Lovely news!

Sorry I was halfway through typing my above post when you posted!

How are you feeling?
Aww Maya. That's a lovely name. Congrats KH.

Gosh, who knew breastfeeding is so difficult. Sounds like you're having a right time of it Shan.

Shep hope you feel better soon though with the diarrhoea. You seem to be doing really well with the feeding and you've given me hope with decent nights sleep!

Yeah I'm not reading too much into her weight from my scan as they said her head is so far down it makes it difficult for them to measure it and give a guess weight. I was just relieved she's not measuring at 9lb or something!
Ughhh fuck. Still working on the milk thing. Just had her choke on my milk and pull herself off. So then we have to start all over again. Or she falls asleep because it's such hard work for her. I'm persevering and giving myself to Sunday night to see an improvement.

Asked them to re weigh her on Friday to see if she's losing weight or not from me trying to sort out this foremilk issue. If she is, well I don't know what I'll be doing. I just want a happy baby. And I'm trying very hard to keep my mood from slipping...Also took a nap with her and woke up soaked through. I swear I could feed all of your babies.

My advice to any new mums or mums to be is --unless baby wont latch at all (looking at you Amelia miss "decided to stop latching for no reason then decided to start again a week later") do not express in the first weeks, because if you end up with an oversupply you'll want to punch someone. I wish I'd have know this could happen.

Shep 1 hour and 10 mins is crazy! You'd need to live at the hospital for number 3 haha. I know, I'm starting to think my midwife may be on to something. Hope you're feeling better now. Sounds like baby is sleeping pretty well for you, fx that doesn't ever stop lol, the wonders of sleep! Xx

KHTW Fab weight hun, and congrats...how are you and baby doing? Definitely ask for help with the feeding, torture them until you feel you've got it right. The midwives in the maternity unit were wonderful helping me. I hope your girls meeting each other went well xx

The source of all my trouble. It really is amazing what you'll do for them


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Sorry not been on here much!!
I have read through but I can't remember a thing haha.
Shan amelia is beautiful!!
Breastfeeding is over. Not for me. Formula will have to do.

DD1 loves her little sis and wants to help with everything which is sweet but also a pain. And she is SO LOUD around her. Also trips and falls on baby's swing etc, sometimes drives me nuts cause she just won't listen.
Oh yeah I have hemorrhoids the size of a plum!!
I feel your pain khtw I've not been able to sit down properly for three days now. It wasn't bothering me until I started with diarrhea but now it's so sore. I've started using my cream again but I think it's rubbish so will ask for something stronger at my 6 week check

Also totally get where you're coming from with DD1. They try and be so helpful but can't help but make tons of noise at the same time. I feel so sorry for my Dd as I'll say something like "just watch you don't squash her when cuddling" but dd thinks I'm telling her off and gets upset with me. I'm so proud of how good she's been but I wish she'd listen when I ask her to be a bit calmer

Shanivy that's a gorgeous picture! How are you feeling emotionally about the breast feeding? How's ivy now?

How is everyone else? Any more babies yet?

Hv is coming here today for her first visit, I can't really be bothered with it tbh. I'd love a nap and I'm not a fan of my Hv. Baby is doing fab though, she's just so different to what dd was like. She's still struggling with wind but hardly makes a fuss. Can't believe she's 2 weeks tomorrow
Shepherdess 2 weeks tomorrow, how does it go so fast? Even when you're struggling it still flies by. We're 12 days in . Emotionally I thought I was doing better. Had a breakdown last night when she just wouldn't stay on for more than a few minutes. Started panicking about dehydration and all that.

OH gave her a bottle of expressed milk while I cried. I'm giving myself until tomorrow when I see what she weighs. She's still sleeping now almost 4 hours after her feed. I'm having to wake her because I feel like that's too long for breast milk at this stage. Especially if shes not getting any hindmilk at a feed. Im also out of expressed milk now because I've stopped using the pump. HV was out yesterday and she was okay tbh. They all just keep telling me the same thing. If one more person says "she's only bla bla days old, just preserve, you'll get it soon" I'm going to punch them. Im sorry to keep going on about it really, i just can't figure this out! Xx

As to the haemorrhoids mine weren't as bad after labour as they were in pregnancy. (Bad enough though just not as painful) A bout of constant diarrhoea made mine horrendously big and painful in 3rd tri. Anusol worked wonders but I feel for you both.

Ivy also is so fucking clumsy it drives me nuts. Hitting the Moses basket, jumping beside me when I'm holding her. Starting a crazy loud play session when I'm trying to latch. I'm constantly have to "nice tell" her. But she's so sensitive about being "told" anything to do with Amelia. I could say "careful watch her head when you jump up beside me" and she'll literally be in tears saying how she didn't mean to hurt her. Then I have to do the whole " you weren't in trouble I'm just reminding you" thing. She's super helpful though and does dote on her sister. God what a balancing act it is! Xx
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Ah, the whole siblings getting upset is even more motivation for me to crack on for number 2 asap so Kieran is still too young to really understand, lol.

Seriously though, must be so difficult to balance it all. I don't personally make any effort to keep the place quiet, quite the opposite. Midwife in hospital told me Kieran wouldn't be so good at home and I said I hoped not...that hospital wards are noisy, lights on and off, monitors going, constant interruptions etc, all after a noisy 9 months in the womb, then people take them home to quiet homes where they don't allow noise. It's a huge change for babies. They can't really see yet so they see the world through their ears at this stage and we take them home and effectively blind them with silence, so no wonder they start getting upset compared to the familiar loudness of thd hospital.

I hoover around Kieran as he sleeps and he never stirs, the dogs can bark at the postie and he still sleeps. Hearing test results perfect, he is just fine with noise. At night, if I don't havd the radio on by his cot, he won't settle. Radio on, sleeps straight away.

Midwife said she'd never thought of it like that but was so obvious.
And sorry I've not logged on here much. You all have such beautiful babies.

Little update on Kieran...I have repeatedly broken my heart crying overnight and today. I am pretty sure he has reflux and it's so horrible to see him so distressed.

Appointment with GP at 4.20. Really hope we can help him. He's doing better with me feeding him as upright as possible and keeping him that way for a good 40 minutes after feeding. Not easy though and he still really struggles bless him. Xx
GG hope doctors is helpful today, it's so upsetting seeing them like that.

We don't keep the house quiet either. Amelia could sleep through a bomb going off. Not to mention I couldn't keep my house quiet if I wanted to haha xx
GG... My god it's hard having 2 so close. But be nice when they're older. Sorry kierans in pain, sounds like reflux. Drs probably give you baby gaviscon. Didn't work for us we switched to a special formula. Are you using a prep machine?
I think I'm in my fertile phase (loads of ewcm, pain in hip). My husband isn't coming near meee. We have dtd last week but with protection.
Sorry everyones having problems with feeding. Why not try exclusively pumping? Way easier and much quicker.

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