*July 2018 Mummies*

I'm okay thank you. He is just perfect. Have to stay in another night as my blood pressure and heart rate is high. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia whilst in labour :roll: I knew I had it and nobody ever listened to me!!
So just got a few obs to get back to normal then hopefully can go home.
I've struggled with breast feeding as reggie is so lazy and doesn't wanna latch, but we are getting there! I've gotta remember he's less than 24 hours old so it will take some time. I'm producing a shit load of milk so been hand expressing into a syringe just in case. But the midwife helping me today has been amazing and I'm so pleased x
Shep I was just about to ask you how dd1 was getting on with baby. Sounds very sweet but I can understand why you need a break. I sort of wish I could just breastfeed normally because it's taking so much time and it means I am not really seeing Ivy as much. At least with it being summer holidays here shes playing a lot in the back garden with her friends. Currently doing skin to skin with baby and expressing at same time, not easy lol.Yes checked for tongue tie, no issue. I'm honestly wondering if my stressing and getting upset before has put her off tbh. She's a dream though aside from feeding. Xx
I'm okay thank you. He is just perfect. Have to stay in another night as my blood pressure and heart rate is high. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia whilst in labour :roll: I knew I had it and nobody ever listened to me!!
So just got a few obs to get back to normal then hopefully can go home.
I've struggled with breast feeding as reggie is so lazy and doesn't wanna latch, but we are getting there! I've gotta remember he's less than 24 hours old so it will take some time. I'm producing a shit load of milk so been hand expressing into a syringe just in case. But the midwife helping me today has been amazing and I'm so pleased x

Good luck with the feeding Jem. He had a trying labour so im sure he was super tired. I reckon you'll do fine. It's great you've got so much colostrum, hopefully it comes easy for you once he's more alert xx
Congrats to all the new mamas!!!!

It is my due date today. No sign of baby coming!!
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Aw khtw I hope she makes an appearance soon. Remind me, when is your induction day?

anyone else think their babies might appear soon?

How are you this morning JemRose?
And shanivy? How is the feeding now?

Had a good night here, managed about 6h sleep in total. Had my first morning on my own and getting DD1 ready for nursery. Managed okay but the house is a tip haha husband has a busy day but he's getting fish and chips for his helpers so I'm waiting for some chips then having a nap
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6hrs is not bad!! And well done for the 1st of many successful morning on your own x

Induction is this Saturday 10am x
I have had no sleep in 2days.
Lucas is constipated and just keeps trying to go but can't and screamssssssss. Drs gave us some medicine so hopefully tonight we shall sleep.
Oh no PB that sounds horrible for the both of you, hope he feels better soon xx
Hi just popping in to say congratulations to all the babies born already and good luck to the rest of the July Mummies!

KHTW happy due date! Seems like yesterday we were in WTT section together and now you're so close to meeting your littlest lady. Hope she comes before the induction but if not, I hope it's a quick induction for you. Wishing you all the best<3
Hi just popping in to say congratulations to all the babies born already and good luck to the rest of the July Mummies!

KHTW happy due date! Seems like yesterday we were in WTT section together and now you're so close to meeting your littlest lady. Hope she comes before the induction but if not, I hope it's a quick induction for you. Wishing you all the best<3

Thank you!! Yes it does seem that not that long ago we were all discussing starting ttc! Just over 3 weeks for you?! Best of luck, I hope it is going to be a quick and easy journey xxx
Due date is on Monday but doesn&#8217;t feel like anything is going to happen any time soon!! Having cramping feelings occasionally but nothing to write home about... can&#8217;t help but think this baby is very comfortable...but the heat is starting to get to me now ! Do they offer a sweep to FTMs at the 40 week appointment?
Fela it probably depends on where you live and your MW. I think you have a good chance of getting one week 40 x
Fela in my area I don't think you get a sweep on due date but that could have changed.

Good luck for your induction today khtw

Hope everyone else is well
Morning all.

Can't believe Amelia is a week old today. She's so good compared to what Ivy was like lol. Jaundice is clearing and she's starting to be so much more alert.

Still struggling with the feeding and I really feel she's nipple confused now. Breastfeeding councillor agrees with me but I've no choice but to give her the bottles. She's getting expressed milk and I'm building a decent supply so I'm not stressing too much. She latched on last night (with a lot of help tbh) so we'll see how it goes. I'm enjoying this time so much more though which feels great. So much so I think I want another one lol. Going to try my baby wrap today, she likes to be held all the time so I really need to try her in it...probably not gonna go well lol

Fela if you really want one they may do. Second time mums get offered because your cervix is still a little open so it's generally easier and more likely to be successful. With ivy I wasn't going to be offered until I was 2 weeks over. But ask you never know everywhere seems to be different xx

KHTW good luck today hun xx

Shepherdess how are you getting on you the three of you? I'm dreading OH going back to work. I don't know how I'll get anything at all done lol, especially with the expressing. Xx
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Just had two successful feeds back to back... we may just manage this
Hey shanivy, well done on your back to back feeds. You're doing fantastic to keep going! How's ivy?

It's funny you say Amelia is easier then ivy, I'm finding DD2 is so much more placid. DD1 had a stressful birth so I always figured she had neck pain and probably headaches for a while. DD2 is quite happy lying in her basket looking around, DD1 would never have done that. It's a blessing to as DD1 is being quite demanding today. I've had a few bouts of tears over the last few days as DD1 begs me not to feed the baby and play with her, I feel so so guilty, although dd is pushing buttons deliberately to, I'd sat and played with her farm for 45mins and then had to feed baby and she got in a huff and said she couldn't play by herself and I was a nasty mummy. It broke my heart but then I figured hang on you're usually so good at playing alone youre just pushing your luck. I feel so torn.
I haven't tried my caboo yet, I really want to but it's so bloody hot Im too scared to put her in. I did so well in pregnancy but now I wish the temperature would drop 5 or 10 degrees.

Finally my grazes have finally stopped stinging, thank God (must say I'm disappointed in the spritz for bits", I think maybe one or two more days and my bleeding will be done to. The night sweats are getting to me, it's crazy. I've ordered another gro egg for our room as I've no idea what the temperature is and worry about baby. I'm currently showering twice a day as the sweats are so bad
Thanks I'm not sure exactly where we stand on feeding. She's went on a few times today, some are very short though. She loses her latch at the end and ends up with just the front of the nipple so we have to start again. I'm hoping I can get her doing it though. It's better than where we were yesterday, she's actually going on the breast!

Aw don't let dd1 play you too much. But I know the exact feeling. When I was struggling getting Amelia bfing the other day, I spent the whole day trying. It wasn't until I went into Ivy's bedroom that night that I realised I'd not seen her all day. Got into her bed for a cuddle and it was me in tears. The guilt is unreal!

She's also been playing up the last few days. I've been making sure I do bedtime and storytime now every night since, just me and her. It's so hard finding the balance. I think Ivy being a little older and wanting out in the garden with friends every day helps. She has a bit of independence that helps with the jealousy.. I imagine dd1 being younger is slightly harder on you. You'll get there though. Thank goodness our babies are chilled lol, Amelia is happy enough to come wherever I take her.

At least your bleeding is nearly over, that's quick. My bleeding is nowhere near done I don't think. Midwife said my uterus was a little slow at coming down today. Said It wasn't too worrying but to keep an eye so she's coming out again tomorrow to feel. Think I'm in for a long bleed like last time. With you on the showering too, and my grow egg is constantly red in the weather! Even with the fan and windows open. I'm over the summer already lol xx
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Shan so happy that the feeding is going better, you must be so pleased. Long may it continue x

Shep, good to hear your healing is going well, it so important, hopefully the sweats will go away soon too. I imagine it is easier said than done but DD1 needs to learn to share you. You are not a bad mum for saying no to her x

My induction keeps getting postponed. I now have to call at 8pm to see if they have a bed for me. A bit annoyed but hey ho nothing I can do about it x
Glad you're gettimg there with the feeding Shan.

I've all but stopped bleeding...only had a little on 4 pads since Monday and not had anything since yesterday morning.
When midwife checked my uterus Thursday afternoon, she started feeling above my belly button line as it usually takes a bit longer after c section. She couldn't feel it. Kept moving down and looked a bit worried. It was actually in a normal, non pregnancy position. She couldn't believe it. She put it down to me being so active as I was wheeling Kieran around to the dining room for cups of tea or breakfast and doing zoomies around the corners. I'm not overdoing it re lifting or anything strenuous, but I feel amazing. I'm fitting in clothes that were too tight before I was pregnant, my scar looks amazing, I have no trouble getting up and down, moving etc...I have to remind myself I had major abdominal surgery 10 days ago, lol. That said, the midwife agrees, it's my activity levels that are really helping and I've always been a quick healer. Surprised about the bleeding though so I'm glad it's not just me that's nearly finished already.

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