***July 2016 trimester 2***

Yeah, I agree that smaller meals are the key to avoiding heartburn. But when I give in and eat a huge meal, Gaviscon is the answer. It's as tasty as the name suggests, but it is magic juice for me.
The heartburn sounds horrible 😐 hope it eases for you girls soon. It's one of the few symptoms I haven't had (yet). I find eating small meals a challenge too at the minute.. I don't feel hungry that often but as soon as I see food I can't stop eating! X
Yeah I try the small meal things but it is so bad I get it from drinking anything other than water.. I had orange cordial like a mouthful the other night and the result was what I described. I had a telephone consultation with gp today and been prescribed omeprazile. Has anyone ever used it? X
Hey lovelies how is everyone?

Sorry to hear so many of you are suffering with heartburn ... hope it eases for you soon.

Question ... how many clothes do I need to buy? Like sleep suits and vests etc?
I think I always go way over the top with clothes buying. I have far too many, and will probably get loads as presents once baby arrives. I think it's hard to give a figure really. As a minimum, I would say a couple of multi packs of each, maybe in different sizes.

I had a big baby last time so unlikely this one will be small so I have hardly bought any newborn just going to reuse the stuff I had last time and bought more 'up to 1 month' or 0-3 X
I was prescribed Omprazole about a year ago for indigestion etc but tbh it seemed to make symptoms worse so I stopped taking it after a couple of days. Still had symptoms but they gradually subsided and I was back to normal within a fortnight which happened to be the exact amount of time the tablets are supposed to be taken for.

I have since read negative things about omprazole. (Apologies for it being a DM article!) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...risk-suffering-heart-attack-experts-warn.html
I have definitely bought too many clothes lol!

I bought some newborn vests that are actually the same size as "up to 1 month" or "0-3 months" in other brands. I've ended up with loads (about 14 colourful vests, and 3 plain white lol). At first I was worried they'd be huge, but now I'm worrying if the baby is 'big' it won't fit them very long as others have said they fit from about 7lb to 10lb...
If the baby is big I'll just have to sell some online and buy 0-3m instead lol.

I have 8 sleepsuits in newborn size at the moment, 5 colourful, 3 plain white. (white ones for bedtime and patterned ones for daytime/going out lol).
I don't like outfits right away as I'm not keen on waistbands on newborns, so would stick to vests, babygrows, and soft dungarees etc for the first few weeks at least.
I'm hoping it's quite warm (July) so no need to put the baby in more than a vest most of the time (I do also have socks & slipper socks to keep their feet warm, and they will be in a sling a lot too).
Otherwise I'd buy more babygrows.
Socks!! That's what I need some of thanks . Also got a few little hats and scratch mits. I'm the same with outfits and only bought in bigger sizes. Going to try and keep baby in baby grows for a while. X
ive been given one newborn outfit and have 5 newborn babygrows and 4 up to 1 month Maisie was long so out of newborn in a couple of weeks i think babies lool cute where their ourfits are too big :) i need to dig my moby wrap out as i loved it with maisie and ive also bought an ergo carrier so will mostly use slings for the school run etc luckily hes due right before the schools break up so hopefully wont have to do that too often. i had horrific heart burn last night milk normally helps but i didnt have any in yesterday :(
I've got a couple of outfits just because they're too cute and have some baby grows and short-sleeved vests with poppers between the legs. I got everything in 0-3 months as newborn only fit for a very short amount of time unless you have a really tiny baby. Ella was 7lb3oz and I didn't have any newborn stuff with her either.
I would definitely get some little stretchy cotton hats and a little sunhat too, as well as booties and socks, but would say scratch mits are a waste of time. They don't stay on hands!! I got these sleep suits with them built in from Next last time ... they were good. Or you can just put baby socks over their hands too!!
Thanks ladies :)
It's such a minefield being a first time mum.
I still need to get a couple of hats and socks.

I'm also not buying outfits, just baby gros, sleep suits and vests here xx
I never used hats with Maisie :/ will need a sunhat this time but from what I remember 0-3 was too big for Maisie until she was 8 months !
I have 2 hats that came with the sleepsuits but I don't plan to use them unless I go out and it's freezing (hopefully not being July!!).
I've read you're best not putting hats on babies inside and putting hats on newborns interferes with maternal bonding, so will probably give it a miss.
I've debated getting a sunhat too, but tbh I doubt we'll be out in the sun enough to warrant it, plus I'm not sure it'll stay on (even with the chin ties/straps).
If we get a very hot summer I might buy one, but I'll wait and see.
It's funny how different things are in each country. I remember loads of strangers commenting that I should put a hat on Ella when I was walking around with her in a sheltered pram in the hot heat. They really overdress their babies here in Germany! There are kids that come to her nursery now when it's 5° or below and wear tights and trousers, even though there's central heating and it's actually quite hot there.
Those who had heartburn and indegestion could this be the same issue? I was woken up in the night with the most awful burning pain in the middle of between my belly button and right ribs and it was on and off burning. I rolled to my right side and it eased off after a while but then came back when I went on my left again. It eventually went and havent had it again this morning. I was going to call the midwife but not sure if I should but don't want it to be like a liver or gallbladder problem.
I've not bought any clothes yet. Think I'm just going to get half a dozen vests and sleep suits until little one is here and we know the sex.

OH felt baby kick for the first time this morning. His face was a picture! Such exciting times xxx
Those who had heartburn and indegestion could this be the same issue? I was woken up in the night with the most awful burning pain in the middle of between my belly button and right ribs and it was on and off burning. I rolled to my right side and it eased off after a while but then came back when I went on my left again. It eventually went and havent had it again this morning. I was going to call the midwife but not sure if I should but don't want it to be like a liver or gallbladder problem.

It doesn't sound like heartburn, Redbootz. Heartburn is usually felt further up between your throat and stomach, in the oesophagus. But it could still be a stomach problem. If you aren't sure, it's always good to call your midwife just to check.
We've seriously got hundreds of clothes! Loads of vests and sleepsuits but also some soft dungaree outfits :) Luckily I haven't had any heartburn xx
I was woken up in the night with the most awful burning pain in the middle of between my belly button and right ribs and it was on and off burning.

I have had a similar sounding pain around where my liver/gall bladder is, It seems to be when I'm constipated, like it's pressure from being 'backed up' :(
Could the lower pain be some sort of urine issue?

My heartburn is usually from the top of my boobs to bottom of my neck area xx

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